
This is a title.

@liesfromsatansbuttcheeks / liesfromsatansbuttcheeks.tumblr.com

Female/Lesbian/Keith Stan/Sheith & Allurance Enthusiast (Though I Do Love Many Ships)/Too Old for Anti's Bullshit

At my funeral, I’m gonna hire somebody with a scar to look over my body and audibly whisper “I should’ve been the one to finally take you out.”

Alternatively, they could also whisper “They won’t get away with this. I’m gonna finish what you started, old friend.”

They’ll have instructions to read the room and choose which they deem best fit


cats are so beautiful and loving…. when they paw at you and ask u to pet them.. when they purr and close their eyes in content… a warm loaf … when they knead on you… thinking YOU are the bread… stupid… they are the bread… i love cats… so much….


my body, tearfully: when sleep???

me: my dude we just woke up!! It’s time for wakefulness and doing things and Productivity

my body, weeping: but???? when sleep?????

me: okay, finally now is sleep

my body: no. wrong.


A Christmas Carol is so wild to me because it takes not one, not two, but like four fucking ghosts to convince this dude not to be the biggest douche in the universe. Like, four fucking ghosts came back from the dead, rose from the Goddamn grave to be like, “I came back from the dead because you need to quit your shit.” Fuck. How big of an asshole do you have to be to have four fucking ghosts tell you to stop?


Have you ever met a rich capitalist


Also, one of those ghosts was a rich capitalist douche. He needed to reform Scrooge to work off his own sentence, didn’t he?

Marley’s ghost basically told Scrooge that if he kept being a greedy douchebag he would go to hell and Scrooge still needed convincing and that honestly is 100% believable to me

That an old rich white guy being told “Your going to hell unless you help the poor” would respond by going “I still kind of want to NOT help the poor tho?”

Charlie Dickens knew what was up.

Dickens had to work in a factory hos entire childhood. His father was thrown in a debtor’s prison. Thats why all his stories are about rich fucks getting owned.

The thing I love about A Christmas Carol is that at the time he wrote it, Christmas, as a holiday, was on par with our Arbor Day. And Scrooge held the Majority Opinion. 

 Dickens originally set out to write a Very Serious Pamphlet About the Plight of the Poor in Modern Times, with numbers, and statistics, and gruesome details about the state of debtors prisons. And he realized that it would probably not change a single thing, in the end.

So he changed it to fiction, and made it emotional, and focused on the lives in one specific family.  And he also self-published it, because he realized that a for-profit publishing house wouldn’t want to touch it.  And gave it to friends.

Not only did it help change people’s attitudes toward charity organizations and help reform labor laws, it also (pretty much) revived the whole custom of celebrating Christmas at all.

That, my friends, is the power of a well written ghost story.

I just looked up this to see if this was true and it is!

The pamphlet was going to be called ‘An Appeal to the People of England, on behalf of the Poor Man’s Child’

He decided to write the story because he realised that soap-boxing factory workers and their employers on the importance of educational reform wasn’t going to work on a society-wide scale.

A Christmas Carol is literally a leftist/socialist story about not being a dickwad to your employees because they’re human too, your ‘fellow man’


I’m the kind of person who wastes inventory space in games carrying around useless items that mean something to me or my character



todd howard used to go to my school so today I went to the library and found his yearbook pic


this kid could have ran for presidency if he wanted to but he dedicated his life to making skyrim

This is why every major questline in Skyrim ends up with you as head of an organisation. Todd just thinks its normal to be the leader of 8 things


im going to kick his fucking ass what a dweeb

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