
Lazy ENFP tries to be Productive?

@lazyenfptriestobeproductive / lazyenfptriestobeproductive.tumblr.com

who know how long my motivation will last? certainly not i

hi!!! a very exciting announcement!!!

after losing my sanity a little and rediscovering mbti in quarantine, i have come to the shocking realization that i’m an enfp, not intp!! wild!! guess this should be lazyenfptriestobeproductive now?

anyway, i’m gonna start making memes again/actually be active on this blog :)


Hey I know your an intp, but I just had a question.First of all I love your blog. Second of all did you type yourself with the mbti functions or with tests? I personally started with a mbti test. Then I got the entp.But I love doing social work and philosophy etc, I didn't fit the stereotype. However then I did a lot of tests, I went on reddit, Tumblr and got every type. Now that I have looked in to the functions myself, I eventually got entp as an answer again. Maybe I should accept my fate.


oh wow thanks!!! so glad my weird charts and rambles are enjoyable :)

as for how i typed myself, i started like most people on 16 personalities and got enfp which was just,,..,,.so wrong and completely based on who i thought i wanted to be. when i started getting really into learning about all the types and the functions, i read about intp and felt like that fit so much better. but that’s also a vast oversimplification and i definitely overthought it and went back and forth like 3 gazillion times!!

definitely stereotypes mean nothing, your type has nothing to do with what your passions are, it’s how and why you’re interested in those things. for example, i’m super into neuroscience bc i just enjoy taking apart a complex system and understanding it vs my enfj friend who wants to help and connect with people by studying the brain. same topic, but totally different motivations for pursuing it!

you going between like every possible type definitely screams ne or ti.....so entp may be it. but also mbti is p vague and at the end of the day it’s just a fun way to understand yourself and other people, so you really just have to like,,,.,.feel it out. until we figure out an objective way to test mbti it’s really just a lot of self reflection and deciding what sounds the most accurate to you!

this was super long and rambly but i hope it helps! keep in mind that i have absolutely no authority on anything, ever ;)


499 followers y’all!!! i feel like i should do something for you bastards once we hit 500 please suggest things


How to catch an INTP - by an ISTP who caught one

The box

INTPs love boxes. A very simple trap will work, maybe because INTPs tend to look for complex systems and ideas, and they don’t have Se to recognize the simple, stupid things like an ISTP. So all you really need is a large cardboard box, a stick to prop it up with, and a book as bait (preferably a classic, INTPs like that sort of thing). The brilliance of this plan is that the INTP will catch his/herself. They’ll climb in the box, and even kick the stick out for you because it’s a cozy spot, content to read (You may want to punch a hole in the top to light their book). Tossing extra fuzzy blankets in the box may help, just in case.

The pitfall

Dig a hole. If you have upper-level Se, you probably like to dig holes anyway. Then cover it up; sticks, leaves, and you don’t really have to do a great job of hiding it. This one is trickier, but you can do it. Find out a few things the INTP is passionate about. Usually science (particularly theories), literature, even politics and psychology are a good bet. Then implore them to come outside with you, it’s best if there’s something out-of-the ordinary you can convince them to come see. Next, simply walk along with them, and be sure to keep throwing ideas at them, if you hit a good one they will do most of the talking. This will keep them occupied with the conceptual realm, and they won’t notice the pit you are leading them to. Tadaa! INTP in a hole.

The joker

INTPs seem fascinated with Se, so if you have it, use it. Do something. Climb trees, jump off stuff, make something with your hands, tell lots of terrible puns. Then, while they’re making their observations, suddenly grab their hand and start running.

The con

Appeal to their little feelings. The trick is to look pitiful, but not too desperate. They have to like you first, so you may have to establish some rapport. Then, toss them a line. Show them you are being vulnerable, but not needy. It has to be kind of like a puzzle, where they want to figure out what the issue is and what you’re like, don’t just dump all your feelings out at once. Do let them help, they tend to be very insightful. Then be honest, stay honest, and be friends. They’ll never see it coming.

The adventure

Plan something fun, but invite them last-minute (be sure you know that their schedule is open at that time). They like spontaneous, or in this instance, the appearance thereof. Plan a picnic and a hiking trip. Be sure to collect animal and plant specimens. It may not be the INTPs favorite thing to do, but they will find it fascinating and unique, and may well have a hard time saying “no.” Make sure to wander much farther into the woods than you deem wise, that way they’ll probably have to rely on you to get back, and then you have them.

The secret

The real way you catch an INTP is… you don’t. You may catch their eye or their interest, but if you try to hold on to one, it will either try to escape or wither in your grasp. The only way to catch one is if they choose to stay. All you have to do is keep giving them reason to stay. **Her brief thoughts on how to catch an ISTP**

Probably a simple hole in the ground, well hidden of course, on the way to food. The trick is making the hole big enough so that they can’t easily climb out or make it so that they don’t want to. A pool of Jell-o might work.

(A pool of Jell-O would work)

“You may catch their eye or their interest, but if you try to hold on to one, it will either try to escape or wither in your grasp” true shit


Famous Literature: First lines

ISTP: “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” ~1984 

ISTJ: “We started dying before the snow, and like the snow, we continued to fall.” ~Tracks

ISFP: “If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer… If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire.” ~Where The Sidewalk Ends

ISFJ:A story has no beginning or end; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.” ~The End of the Affair 

INTP: “Quietly, like a shadow, I watch this drama unfold scene by scene. I am the lucid one here, the dangerous one, and nobody suspects.”  ~Love, Anger, Madness: A Haitian Triptych

INTJ: “It winged its way across the blackness of intergalactic space, searching.” ~World Eater

INFP: “He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.” ~Scaramouche

INFJ: “The world is a clock winding down.” ~The Infinite Sea

ESTP “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.”  ~The Go-Between

ESTJ: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” ~A Tale Of Two Cities

ESFP: “First the colors, then the humans. That’s usually how I see things. Or at least, how I try.” ~The Book Thief 

ESFJ: Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant.” ~The Year Of Magical Thinking

ENTP: “It was a pleasure to burn.” ~Fahrenheit 451

ENTJ: “If music be the food of love, play on.” ~Twelfth Night

ENFP: “In case you hadn’t noticed, you have a mental dialogue going on inside your head that never stops. It just keeps going and going.” ~The Untethered Soul

ENFJ:Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board.” ~Their Eyes Were Watching God


Types as Animal Crossing screenshots

I stole these off various sources throughout the internet so I have no idea who to give credit to, haven`t seen one of these before so enjoy!


















cant not reblog


Me at work: wow I can’t wait to go home and take a shower and make some food and wash my clothes and learn advanced biology and apply for NASA and make a breakthrough in modern physics Me: *Gets home and falls asleep on the door handle*

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