


The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

When you’re depressed, every day is a gift. A gift you didn’t really want from someone you don’t really like, and now you have to feel guilty about not getting them anything and pretend to appreciate it to maintain societal norms.


If you’re going to snap and go on a murder spree, can you please take some horrible people with you on the way out instead of random people?


26 Things Adults Do Who Have Experienced Childhood Emotional Abuse

There’s a lot of compelling research being done lately about how the way we grew up affects our behavior as adults. Studies have linked childhood trauma, for example, to increased levels of alcoholism and depression in adults.

Literature and history, these two great branches of human learning, records of human behaviour, human thought, are less and less valued by the young, and by educators, too. Yet from them one may learn how to be a citizen and a human being. We may learn how to look at ourselves and at the society we live in, in that calm, cool, critical and sceptical way which is the only possible stance for a civilized human being, or so have said all the philosophers and the sages.

Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (via quotespile)


The best thing about democracy is that it gives everyone a voice. The worst thing about democracy is that it gives EVERYONE a voice.

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