
@deciphered-narrator / deciphered-narrator.tumblr.com

queer horror and fantasy writer

writeblr re-intro

who? ‣ damien (he/him)

what? ‣ i write horror, fantasy, and sci-fi, but mostly horror. i like writing about body horror, monsters, and queer themes

other fun facts ‣ i'm a musician (piano and flute) and i'm majoring in computer science. i also play a lot of video games and enjoy horror media, which i talk about over on my main blog @dismembered-narrator

tagging i currently don't do taglists because i don't post many excerpts, but feel free to tag me in tag games, and i'll tag you back

main wips


Thinking about characters changing their names.. characters changing their names to run from the past or to reclaim their selfhood or to deny something. Characters who don't remember their names. Characters who can't forget. Etc. And yes of course because they're transgender


crying and sobbing y'all when people said that you only add scenes that advance the plot they didn't JUST mean the overarching plot. they meant the plot of the book... entirely. like a conversation between two friends can advance the plot by characterizing them and grounding them with a meaningful relationship. if your book doesn't have "filler" it's missing emotional beats. which are plot. which are important. fun and whimsy aren't mutually exclusive from what "needs" to happen in your book. the advice isn't bad it's just taken too literally stop come back.

A bittersweet love story. Directed by the voice on the wind he calls god, Linmiru awaits an encounter prophesied to change the world.

Fell A. Marsh (@fellamarsh) is raising funds to publish their upcoming queer fantasy romance novel! Check it out on Kickstarter to download a free four-chapter preview, learn more about the book, and read about the fun exclusive rewards you can get for supporting it 🖤

A bittersweet love story. Directed by the voice on the wind he calls god, Linmiru awaits an encounter prophesied to change the world.

Fell A. Marsh's Taker of the Third Path is a queer fantasy romance novel that explores some heavy themes. You might like it if you enjoy Harrow the Ninth's nonlinear narrative exploring grief, memory, and the experience of being haunted & the trans queer with the gift of prophecy x tragic man who [redacted for spoilers] relationship dynamic and themes of fate in Realm of the Elderlings & world building and vibes too unique for me to think of more comp titles :)

The campaign is currently in the pre-launch phase, so the rewards haven't all been announced yet... but you can sign up to get notified when it launches on the first day of Pride Month.

In the meantime, you can also download a free preview if you sign up for our mailing list or confirm that you're already subscribed!


Hi! writeblr! big ole introduction post ahead!

Some of you may have known me before as Grimm (@/hallowedfury). I had a rough mental stint that resulted in me deleting my blog and all of my posted writing. In hindsight, I regret taking it all down. I’m in a much better place now (thank you sunshine and warm weather), and have decided that sharing my writing is something I want to try again.

I will be using this account to “advertise” and reupload my writing. I have two I will be posting: Cusp of the Mend and Here Comes the Reign. If either of these stories interest you, feel free to follow along as I post them! I will make other posts in the future to figure out tag lists if anyone wishes to be on them!

Intros to my work:

Cusp of the Mend

This story follows a woman named Zandri Ma’ye, born in ~1000 BCE Peru. Born human, the story begins with her transformation into a vampire. Follow along in her first person POV, navigating a life as a creature she hates, and trying to find a way to fix her broken family that has been torn apart by vampirism. She also finds love <3

Here Comes the Reign

Reign is our main character in this one, and her story is told in third person. Born to a cruel human king, Reign becomes steadfast friends with the large beast that's kept in the dungeons. She quickly comes to find that he is no ordinary beast, and she is no ordinary woman. Join Reign as she learns to traverse a new world of dragons and learns about the world she belongs to.


suburbia; or the sad, quiet horror of getting everything you ever wanted

"No Surprises," Radiohead // Safe (1995) // Kingdom Come, J.G. Ballard // Blue Velvet (1986) // "Once in a Lifetime," Talking Heads // Little Shop of Horrors (1986) // Jon Ware on I Am In Eskew // Vivarium (2019) // "His 'n' Hers," Pulp // The Truman Show (1998) // White Noise, Don DeLillo // Supergod, Warren Ellis and Garrie Gastonny // 17776, Jon Bois // photograph of 1970s Las Vegas underground Cold War bunker // Disco Elysium, ZA/UM
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