
Let's be fluffy clouds

@leconcombrerit / leconcombrerit.tumblr.com

I don't know what I'll be obsessed with when you read that, but know that I am obsessed. Right now expect a lot of Life is Strange 2 and Welcome to Night Vale, and a bit of Symphonia. Instagram is howling_orange, NO REPOST FROM TUMBLR THERE it's getting old. Repost with credit are only allowed on Twitter.

Spent the whole bus ride replaying the lines I would totally say when I got roasted during the meeting today when in fact the things I figured I'd get roasted for didn't even get mentioned.

You know that feeling of being relieved yet also slightly disappointed that this whole epic goes to the Overthinking Trashbin. Truly it was my magnus opus.


I'm in such a Toddblack mood but also even more sleep deprived that usual, the only coherent thought I have is "but they love each other and thought it didn't matter compared to their battles and convictions BUT IT DID MAN IT DOES THE ONLY WAY THROUGH IS MUTUAL DESTRUCTION AND WHY IS MY HEAD FULL OF BEES"


I seeing Laws of Attraction and i understand why people say it has ToddBlack vibes because Charn is exactly like Todd.

But Tinn could never be Black, he is too good for it. Black is as unhinged and morally grey as Todd, they are the same, Black just happen to have a moral cause he is pursuing instead of money and power.

That is what makes ToddBlack unique and one of my favorite ships.


"I would die for you" ok but if I disappeared under mysterious circumstances would you spend years giving up your entire higher education abroad just to go back to high school as a made up person and befriend all my bullies in an effort to find out what happened to me, and when that didn't work, concoct the most unhinged revenge plan involving hallucinogens and a homemade slasher movie that I wrote, in the middle of the woods with said bullies so you could manipulate them into a confession while you secretly recorded them and then laugh maniacally in a corner while you watched them all lose their minds and murder each other?


I posted the new chapter for my fic!

Ahahahaha no but really this time I actually finished the thing and posted it.

Before I have time to reread it and get second thoughts about the quality of the prose or realise I've forgotten all about characterization and decide to go for a rewatch and ultimately end up editing every single one of those 20 031 words for the next two years. Again.


People will ask why I don't watch videos anymore and then I'll fall asleep ten minutes in the most interesting well-crafted perfectly catered to my interests thing on YouTube, only to wake up the next morning with five hours of footage played and not even a single memory of the ten minutes I did manage to watch.


adulthood is just a constant struggle of, “man, i want cookies for breakfast, but I also recognize this is a bad nutritional decision.  On the other hand, the only one who can stop me is me.  i know that fucker’s weaknesses.  i could totally take me in a fight.”

frog and toad are my two remaining brain cells struggling to keep my horrible body alive

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