
Brioche Bread

@briochebread / briochebread.tumblr.com

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS rospy message_generation bread std_msgs)

esims for gaza for crybabies

hello! if you are like me and have been seeing the "esims for gaza" posts going around but feeling overwhelmed, let me tell you something: I just donated an esim and it was way easier and less complicated than the posts made it look. in the spirit of my hollow knight boss guides project: here is a guide for crybabies on how i bought an esim for gaza!

You will need:

  • 5 minutes of free time
  • $9-34 USD
  • desktop computer
  • email address (optional: i used a firefox relay mask)
  • credit card


  • go to this website: https://gazaesims.com/esim-purchase-tutorial/
  • follow the steps there

~disclaimer~: this is obviously not the only way to do it, and i am but one crybaby on the internet, not a professional activist! but i did it and you can too.


yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad


I feel like a lot of people just don't know how to do it or are intimidated by the prospect. I was too, actually, and I couldn't find any good guides on how to do it (beyond basic formatting) and most guides boiled down to "just describe what you see and important details!" I really wanted to add alt text bc accessibility is important to me, but I would always get kinda stumped on how to do it.

But then I saw this image, I think in a discord server, and I immediately started doing it. It kinda broke the ice for me


Dungeon Meshi is a manga about food and friendship.

This does not mean it is a cute slice of life. It treats both these things as sometimes bloody to acquire, difficult to do properly, and absolutely vital to survival.


Another aspect of the Gaza Genocide that I want to talk about is the complicity of Internet banking and crowdfunding websites like GoFundMe.

I have seen multiple Gazans raise enough money to leave for Egypt, but the banks and the crowdfunding websites freeze their money or cancel their funds for "suspicious activity" or whatever. Every day that passes in Gaza supplies get more scarce, conditions get more deadly, and the price to cross into Egypt gets more expensive. I've seen people, like ghost-90 here on Tumblr, raise the full amount to get their entire family out of Gaza, but their money gets frozen for so long that the original goal is only a fraction of the price now needed to cross the boarder.

These financial institutions should not be allowed to get away with contributing to the death toll in Gaza. They are intentionally keeping people trapped in a kill zone by withholding money that is rightfully theirs.

I'm so pissed and angry that every avenue for relief for Palestinians is being cut of left and right. It is vile that Gazans are being extorted for 10s of thousands of dollars by the Egyptian gov just to save their family's lives, but even when they play by this corrupt game, the world still finds a way to make them suffer.

My heart is with every Palestinian for the rest of time, from river to sea you will all be free. 🇵🇸❤️


"don't mass reblog/like :/" coward. fool. somebody just went through and liked and reblogged 64 things from my blog in the span of half an hour at most. and i've never felt more alive in my life


This isn't Instagram, my darlings. It's not considered creepy (except by people imported from Instagram and frankly they need to learn the culture HERE before trying to boss anyone around) or weird or particularly distressing. Many of us don't even look at our notifications to realize that you've done it.

And frankly, I put that on my blog to bring me some joy. If it brings you joy too, put it on your blog along with the next fifty posts in the same theme. (If you're reblogging my fics, thank you, I love you 3000.)


i think a lot of people would be happier if they viewed labels like homosexual and transgender as social technologies rather than identities

that is to say, "transgender" is a useful way for me to convey how i move through the world to others rather than some essential qualia. i am of a class of people with an infinite number of relationships with their genders


I do not get this post at all

Like should I treat my queerness, which is something that has shaped my entire life and continues to shape my entire life to this day, not as an important part of me but rather as some sort of happenstance? Is it really that non-important that I can just call it a “social technology” and move on?

well for starters let's look at social technologies: im using this broadly to mean artificial concepts that are not mechanical or electronic that shape the way we live our social lives. there is very little in our lives that are untouched by social technologies because we live in a social world. borders are a social technology. so are laws and signs. no one would say laws aren't important because they are social technologies; why would we say gender and sexuality are unimportant for the same reasons?

so no, i am not telling you that gender is something that should be dismissed as unimportant. what i am saying is that gender is something that we made, not with our hands, but with our words and our minds, and recognizing it as such will help you from falling into the conceit that we somehow have to pattern ourselves on certain conceptions of gender, or that we treat gender as something immutable and inalienable.

turning back to myself, my gender is something that is very personally important to me, that defines how i move through the world in many ways. generally speaking, i use terms like transgender woman or transfem to describe myself, not because they reflect some sort of inner truth about the divine essence i possess, but because it's a useful shorthand for what my relationship with the world is, even though it doesn't really capture all of the facets of my inner experience as someone who is possessed by a host of autogynephilic demons that have social contagion'd me into thinking it's hot when i pretend to be a girl

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