
I’m A Little Princess

@imacuteprincess / imacuteprincess.tumblr.com

Hiii, I’m Carmen 🦋 SFW 🦋 little age 3-5
"Respect the mighty frög god,
God of all frögs far and wide,
Accross the mossy forest,
And down the mountain side.
Respect the mighty frög god,
Bow down before his feet.
Slimy they may be,
But an honor it is to meet."
-Brittany Breanne (me)

God I really wish carrying stuffed animals around with you was socially acceptable

I don’t mean to take over a post, but I actually did a project on this for my sociology of deviance class in college!

I carried a large stuffed rabbit whenever I went in public for about a week to observe the reaction of others. The point of the project was to do something harmless yet unusual to see if the action would be considered deviant, in which case someone had to try to correct or shame the behavior.

Long story short, nobody tried to correct my behavior. I was asked about it casually, had a few lingering stares thrown my way and when I was with my boyfriend, shop employees would direct questions to him instead of me. However, nobody refused to assist me when I was alone in a store, nobody said anything about the rabbit besides “oh, thats a cute bunny!” and I attended college classes without even a teacher questioning it.

In conclusion, it is socially acceptable to carry a stuffed animal, its just not a societal norm. ^^


My friend gave me a stuffed monkey plushy when I was struggling with uni, and I took him everywhere for like four years, usually velcrod to my backpack. No one said a damn thing, except my renaissance professor who saw it one day in the hallway and cracked the fuck up because I had a literal monkey on my back and he just looked at me like, “oh god, me too”. I used to leave him on desks during classes and exams (the monkey, not my prof). It was my reminder that someone cared if I was coping. But more than that it was soothing to have something to fidget with that wasn’t a pen. I used to ping those fucking things across the room I was so agitated. Harder to hurt people with a projectile stuffed monkey.

I got what I thought was a normal screen cleaning kit for my computer while I was in college. Much to my delight, instead of a little washcloth or whatever, the kit came with a tiny stuffed pig. 

So I carried this pig in my backpack all through college, periodically taking it out, spraying my screen, and using the pig to wipe it off. 

Now, I kept the pig in the side pocket of my bag where he was completely visible.

Then one day in screenwriting class I pulled him out to wipe my screen. 

One of the guys sitting next to me looked appalled. “You’re wiping it off with your little stuffed animal??” 

I explained what the pig was. 

Turns out, the guy had noticed it and just thought it was adorable I carried a stuffed animal with me every day. He’d never mentioned it before. 

Honestly, people do not care, and will not say anything. No matter the reason for your little stuffed animal friend. 

And if you’re still really nervous about it keep a stuffed animal keychain on your bag. I have a cute little frog that stays on my backpack so when work gets stressful I can squeeze it.

For my anxious followers.

Confirmed. I take my Venom tsum tsum to uni when I need a little mental boost. The little goo always brings me good luck and overall makes my day just a tiny bit better. I haven’t received a single comment about them so far.

Bring your stuffed buddies to class/work/whatever, guys. People don’t care.


I have a couple of Ikea sharks* and have had cause to periodically carry them around in public - one of which I bought with the last $15 I had at the time, after making a series of big life changes. “This is frivolous and I don’t have to care about that because I’m getting paid shortly—I’m going to do it!”

The reactions I get range from amusement through delight and “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT” but so far, never disapproval.

The moral of the story is Carry Your Emotional Support Plushie With Pride, You Deserve It.

*pictured: not my shark


true story: I once had an appallingly awful day at the hell job and it coincided with my giant squishy Baymax being delivered from China, and no lie I hugged on that Baymax to keep from crying until it was time to leave

I travel with DC (”Don’t Care”) the Emotional Support Honey Badger.  I go through TSA with him attached to my backpack, I hug him when I sleep in transit, I prop him next to me in cafes in cities, towns, and rural areas.  The only time anyone’s ever so much as raised an eyebrow at me was the TSA agent who recognized what he was, and asked it he could get his picture taken with him.

People don’t judge.  Kids think you’re awesome. You get a companion who never judges you.  It’s all win.

I just wanted to add to the stories! My grandma would always give me and my brother money when we went on vacation to buy a souvenir. One time on one of these trips, I bought a little fluffy lemur I named Cream Puff. She plays a magical sound when you press her belly. I usually don’t play it, as it is a little loud.

I decided to take her to a store with me for returning items. It took several hours. People glanced at her, or smiled, but no one said anything.

Moral of the story: TAKE YOUR STUFFIES WITH YOU! People don’t care. If they were smiling because they thought it was stupid, too bad for them. They’re just jealous they don’t have a magical lemur!


~Printable Charts for Littles!~

Hello everybody!

Below are some links to printable chart templates - not specific to Littles, exactly, but as they’re mostly about keeping ourselves safe/healthy/happy - with or without the help of caregivers - I thought they might be useful! 💜

(And, FYI, of course they’re all free to download/print!)


If I find any more, I’ll add them, but for now stay safe and have a magical day! 🦄

- K xx


Here are ADORABLE Pusheen Halloween themed phone wallpapers!!

I absolutely love pusheen as well as Halloween, can it get better??? I think not


Little space cues

🍼Literally "I'm baby" or "I'm soft"

🍼Feet kicks

🍼Walking clumsily (like light stomping)

🍼Making themselves smaller (like curling up, or hugging knees to chest)

🍼Crisscross applesauce

🍼Covering hands with sweater paws

🍼Covering mouth with stuffie, blankie, sleeves, etc.

🍼Pouting/cheek puffing/huffing

🍼Drawing words out longer

🍼Intensive need to touch everything

🍼Oral fixation

🍼Grabby hands

🍼Fussing over nothing

🍼Becoming nonverbal

🍼Speaking just a little too loud

🍼Bursts of energy

🍼Getting clingy

🍼Wanting to show you everything


🍼Flimsy actions (like clumsiness but kind of intentional)

🍼Actual clumsiness

🍼Wide eyes

🍼Puppy eyes

🍼Lots of giggling

🍼Might get a little bratty

🍼Compassion for literally everything

🍼High pitched voice

🍼Very cuddly

🍼Becoming codependent for otherwise simple tasks

🍼Stuffie personification

🍼Stuffie attachment

🍼Baby words

🍼Rhotacism (when R's become W's)

🍼Snacks and only snacks no meals

🍼Sudden sweet tooth

🍼Minor carelessness




🍼Becomes a little messy


🍼Requires a little guidance

🍼Easily frightened

🍼Cries easily

🍼Easily fascinated or distracted

-add more if there's anything I didn't think of


To people that go non-verbal it’s really hard to deal with others sometimes. They get mad at us or just think we are joking or we can always control it. If someone is non-verbal, yelling won’t help, it’ll just make them scared and less encouraged to talk.

Maybe for you talking is not a big deal, but it can truly be overwhelming for a lot of people. Respect it, this is not about you, this is about someone else, being angry about it doesn’t even make sense. Learn how to understand other people’s struggles.


Twilight Sparkle!!

i’ll draw the others too!!


Rainy Day Regression Activities!

It’s raining hard right now where I live, so I thought I’d give you guys a list of things to do on a rainy day!

• Color! Get out your coloring books and some crayons, markers, or colored pencils, and color away! You can even print out coloring pages. If you don’t want to color, you can draw or doodle!

• Watch movies! If your power is still on, you can try watching TV! Put on a good old Disney movie - my personal favorites are Lilo and Stitch, Inside Out, Frozen, Moana, Brave, Finding Nemo, and Tangled!

• Splash in the puddles! If your caregiver/parent(s) let you, you can go outside and play in the rain! Be sure to have a coat on, so you don’t get too cold. Make mud pies, stomp the puddles or dance in the rain - and then, when you come inside, you can take a warm bath to get nice and clean again!

• Make cloud dough! I love making cloud dough. It’s so fun to play with! You’ll only need 2 ingredients - corn starch and conditioner. Put 2/3 of a cup of corn starch in a bowl, and add 1/3 of a cup of conditioner. Mix it up and knead it until it becomes a cool dough! You can even add food coloring and/or essential oils, if you want!

• Play games! Try Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Twister, Heads Up, Guess Who, Headbanz, or another game with your caregiver, sibling(s), parent(s), or whoever else is in the house with you. Keep track of the score, or just play for fun - you choose!

• Bake! With adult supervision, try making cookies, or another yummy recipe. Here is a link to a lot of awesome cupcake recipes that you could try! The best part about this activity is that when you’re done, you get to eat it!

Got any more ideas? Feel free to add them!


Such a good idea 💡😃👆

sending your long distance baby a package full of new stuffies, colour books, crayons, a little baby blanket, pacis, sippies. anything they’d like, and putting a lil note for them to facetime you when they get it so you can see the huge grin on their face aaa

tigger pencil test by andreas deja for “winnie the pooh” (2011)
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