
the dickdeath jamboree

@rabbivole / rabbivole.tumblr.com

hi i'm jason

fundamental problem is this idea of bandcamp as a platform you use, instead of switching from spotify to Owning Music. you can just download music. you can have all ur mp3s and use whatever music app you want. you could be getting your music from bandcamp or itch or soulseek or redacted.ch it doesn't matter. music isn't just some app you use. centering bandcamp as Freeing Music or thinking about things in those terms is a fundamental misunderstanding of the good that bandcamp was doing, and will lead to the exact same problems spotify is causing. by far the biggest problem musicians face is that bandcamp is one of the only remaining fair ways to sell music; we need more places, not one solitary "better" place.


may have found the funniest possible thing ever in this essay on medieval sex laws im reading hold on

From Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe by James A. Brundage


This is how tiktok users decide if you deserve to die or not


unfortunately i will be purchasing and playing stalker 2 on day 1

well. ill be purchasing it. i don't think it will run until several patches later


I can’t explain it but a lot of “Ghibli-inspired” stuff is bad in the same way a lot of Solarpunk is bad

It's the pastoral fantasy of it all, but it's not JUST the pastoral fantasy. It's the absolute resistance to plot that could shatter a completely static tableau of aesthetic

Someone in the replies put it in a really good way. It's an empty shell of an aesthetic vs. engaging hard discussions behind it. It's kind of like that trend where everything was ____punk simply because it had a grungy or alternative look. Punk became an empty word, nothing more than an aesthetic instead of the actual meaning and stance behind what punk actually is.

It's all fun and games until you're expected to stand up for the beliefs behind the look/aesthetic that takes the punk name. There has been a shift to dropping punk and replacing it with core, which has been nice.

I think a lot about how that one Solarpunk cartoon that was going around and touted as the dream ended up being a fucking yogurt commercial. It basically just comes down to that in both cases. When done poorly*, it strips out all context and meaning from the original concept and leaves nothing but marketing copy: frictionless "cozy" vibes and a fleeting sense of nostalgia for the sole purpose of moving Product.

*Well. It's not that poor a job if we're looking at sales, is it.

I've been thinking a lot about solarpunk and material production lately, and how much the smelting and mining of metals and ores would mar the aesthetic but how necessary it would be for all the advanced technology the aesthetic requires and it's been really eye opening to me the way it's an approach that's really city-based and just assumes manufacturing happens somewhere off-screen.

My current fascination with the genre is "okay who built the solar panels and how were the wind turbines built and where did the concrete come from and who mined the lithium for your batteries"


I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.


my dealer: got some straight gas 💯🔥 this strain is called “Moby-Dick,” or, “the whale” 🐋 itll have you zonked out of your gourd

me: whatever I don’t feel anything

five minutes later: vengeance on a dumb brute! That simply smote thee from blindest instinct! Madness! To be engaged with a dumb thing seems blasphemous

my buddy captain Ahab, pacing: Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me!

Late-nineteenth-century watercolor portraits of indigenous North-African men, by Spanish painter Josep Tapiró i Baró (1836-1913).
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