
@infartoomanyfandoms / infartoomanyfandoms.tumblr.com

Hi!! I post: Supergirl, Wynonna Earp, Life is Strange, Horizon Zero Dawn, Fallout 4, and some other Stuff.

🔹 Someone else's fiction cannot cause you physical harm.

🔹If someone else's fiction is causing you emotional or psychological harm, or distress, you can put it down and not read/watch it.

🔹Your emotional well-being is not the responsibility of fiction writers.

🔹Someone else's fiction is not about your personal trauma.

🔹When reading or watching fiction, you always have the power. You can always stop. You are never reading fiction without your own consent.

🔹Fiction writers are not responsible for other people's mental health.

🔹The content of a piece of fiction does not reflect on the morality of its author.

🔹Just because someone writes about bad things happening, doesn't mean they want those things to happen.

🔹Don't like? Don't read.


-a writer's only job is to tell their story. they have no responsibility to you for how it makes you feel. you chose to consume the story. so those are your feelings that you need to take ownership of.

-discomfort is not the same as harm and acclimating yourself via fiction to strongly unpleasant emotions such as sorrow, indignation, and disgust will make you stronger and healthier

-however if you are repeatedly triggering yourself by engaging with media that makes you miserable you should probably recognize that it's up to you to stop hurting yourself


Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.


Marlene Dietrich is detained at a train station in Paris in 1933 for violating the ban on women wearing trousers.


As with all german actors in the 30's, you always gotta check the World War II section of their Wikipedia page. Well im happy to report that Marlene Dietrich was in open opposition to the Nazi regime, and in 1937 donated her entire salary for a film (over 9 million dollars in todays money) to helping Jewish refugees :)


The distraction in question:

Not to be gay, but have you ever lost yourself in deep brown eyes so much that you accidentally leave your dragon egg baby behind?


I wish Americans fucked with more foreign music. You don’t have to know the language to appreciate a good record. Folks in other countries listen to our music and don’t speak a lick of english. Music needs no translator


yall wont trick me into listening to kpop


choose a country, pick a decade, and GO!!

you’ll get an endless streaming of songs (ad free!).

I personally found myself loving 1970s Ghana, Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire! Also 1920s and 1970s Japan for sure! Cambodian music: spectacular. Love Armenia and Mali as well. I’ve been told 70s Germany is weird and 30s Algeria is cool but I haven’t gotten around to those yet. Italy’s 1960s is bomb ofc but I’m biased ;)

This is the best website anyone has ever shared.


when parasite said the rich can afford to be kind, when parasite said global warming is most catastrophic for those least responsible, when parasite said the rich are the ones with access to sunlight, when parasite said the efforts of the working class are invisible to their exploiters, when parasite said water only ever flows from the rich down to the poor and never in reverse, when parasite said the rich are the real parasites for leeching off of their workers’ labour

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