

@femmefangirl / femmefangirl.tumblr.com

i wish you a kinder sea. - emily dickinson

TIL anyone who's going to overwinter in Antarctica has to have had their appendix out. Because removing an appendix that's not causing any trouble just as a precaution is way better than having one that's about to burst when you're on the ass-end of the planet with no way to be rushed to a hospital if shit gets real.

No, by the way, we absolutely did not think of this ahead of time. A dude named Leonid Rogozov got appendicitis in Antarctica. Fortunately, the expedition's doctor diagnosed him quickly and knew how to remove an appendix. Unfortunately, our man Leo was the expedition's doctor.

What did he do? Well, he set up a mirror, gave his belly a shot of novocaine, presumably told a colleague, "hold my vodka," and he removed his own fucking appendix. He survived.


Aye, but let us not forget Jerri Neilson, who, after presenting with breast cancer while on the same research base in 1998, first biopsied her own tumor, then gave herself chemotherapy while continuing her regular duties in terminal condition until she could be safely evacuated.

She had practiced the surgery on raw chicken as directed prior to the actual procedure.

She then went into remission, and lived a rather happy and healthy life until receiving a bone cancer diagnosis seven years later- after which she claimed her life continued to be enjoyable.

Which is to say- Damn, you'd think they'd have some surgeons willing to rotate out by now!


the thing that sucks most about Joanne Rowling being a terf is that she is actively hurting real life trans people every day.

the second worst thing about joanne being a terf is that the Harry Potter intellectual property is So Much Larger than her. look at the credits for just one of the harry potter movies. every single one of those people put YEARS of time and effort and dare i say love into those films. think of all the people involved in theme park design and operation who put together the wizarding world park lands and detailed them so lovingly and fully

and yet even though the intellectual property of harry potter is so much larger than joanne, she's poisoned the whole well

i feel so. so immensely sorry for every person involved in the harry potter ip who isn't jkr. doubly sorry for every trans person involved. it's fucking sad

I want to be very clear, before we have a category 4 piss on the poor moment, that this post is not saying "it's ok to like Harry Potter still because other people were involved in it, and the ip is larger than jkr" NO! you must fully divest yourself from the harry potter intellectual property!

if you go to universal studios, it's fine to ride the rides and appreciate them on a theme park artistry level. jkr had nothing to do with the engineering. and you're already there for other reasons--riding the rides doesn't give any more money to jkr. but do NOT buy any hp branded merch, at the parks or anywhere else! that's where joanne makes her money! hp merch funds anti-trans legislation! almost directly!

"What about buying indie merch? What if I buy from artists on etsy? Nothing goes to JKR then..." I hear you cry. and you have a point. that's harm reduction. buying indie merch is unambiguously better than buying licensed merch.

but you must be aware that it still makes trans people feel unsafe. you become schrodinger's terf. i see people with hogwarts houses in their bios and i feel a chill. i see cars with glasses-and-lightning-scar bumper stickers and i have to wonder if those people literally wants my wife dead or if they're just clueless.

it's just horrifically sad that so many people put so much love and years of work and artistry and blood sweat tears etc into an IP that is now retroactively so emblematic of transphobia


me when I see shipping content implied to be romantic but the aroace gremlin inside me ruins the mood by headcanoning it queerplatonic or platonic 💔💔💔

NOT sorry! ship and let ship applies to queerplatonic ships as well!


As someone who was recently in Fukui, this isn't even scratching the surface of how mad the town is for dinosaurs.

For example, here is the outside of the train station:

If you thought that they were only outside the station, think again!

The last dinosaur has a crab, because the region is known for seafood.

You can even buy coffee emblazoned with dinosaurs!

And that's not even getting into how you get to the nearby Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. Behold, the Dino-Liner:

And if you're like, man I don't know how the museum will top all of these dinosaurs, boy do I have news for you.

And then you get to the cafe:

But, eventually, it was time to head back to the train station...on the dino bus.


I’ve said this before but I think all sci-fi and fantasy adventure needs a little bit of horror as seasoning. It doesn’t need to be full sci-fi horror or fantasy horror but a little bit of scary adds flavor. Build a world and then explore the fucked up implications of that world a little bit


woa... i didnt know he was so old...

  • co-founded vidcon
  • co-founded crash course
  • wrote the fault in our stars and looking for alaska
  • started the world's best coffee company that donates all its profit to charity
  • obsessed with tuberculosis
  • got bullied off of tumblr by 13-year-old anarchomarxists but then triumphantly returned to reclaim his desolated kingdom
  • wrote the 1928 jazz standard "Coquette"

That gazebo is so fucked

Are you sure gazebo is the correct word?





idk why you’re confused, that poor gazebo needs help


This has hit my dash three times… that final reblog made it worthy.

I only liked this for the gif

You cannot call for help, you must face the gazebo alone

Source: forgifs.com

i don't knwo that it like, needs to result in a terminology change, but it's pretty fucked up when you think about how the skimpy, two-piece bathing suit got the name "bikini" because the United States government decided to perform one of the most destructive acts of environmental racism in history there.

the knee jerk framing here is to say "Imagine if we called it a Twinner for the twin towers" but then i realized that americans would buy the fuck out of that shit because we're so fucking burned out that everything tragic is hilarious.

Clothing designer Louis Réard introduced his new, smaller design in July. He named the swimsuit after the Bikini Atoll, where the first public test of a nuclear bomb had taken place four days before.

What the fuck

After the Second World War, the atoll was chosen by the United States as a nuclear weapon testing site. All 167 of the atoll's inhabitants were forcibly relocated in 1946 to Rongerik, a small island east of Bikini Atoll with inadequate resources to support the population. The islanders began experiencing starvation by early 1948, and they were moved again, this time to Kwajalein Atoll. The United States used the islands and lagoon as the site of 23 nuclear tests until 1958.
In 1970, about 200 residents were returned to their home island by the U.S. government. But scientists found dangerously high levels of strontium-90 in well water in May 1978 and the residents' bodies were carrying abnormally high concentrations of caesium-137. They were evacuated again in 1980. The atoll is occasionally visited today by divers and a few scientists, and is occupied by a handful of caretakers.


Love a world where a guy sees the US fucking nuke some islands they stole from the native population (that got colonialized like three times) and says "yeah I want to name my clothes after that" >.>

Yeah the treatment of the Marshall Islanders by the US Gov’t is one of the unsung crimes against humanity of the 20th century.

If you want to get angry again, here’s the wiki article on the biggest nuclear disaster you’ve never heard of.

This post is the gift (?) that keeps ongoing giving bc not a day goes by that I don’t get at least one rb in my notes with someone who’s never heard this before.

It’s almost like the modern social order and sense of what’s “normal” is extremely recent and built on the bones of uncounted people crushed under the boot of empire!

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