
we are golden


he/they || 19 || infp || i've been searching for my place in the universe

was anyone going to tell me that king arthur flour is an 100% employee-owned benefit corporation or were you just going to let me keep using their recipes without buying their flour

Bob's Red Mill is Employee Owed as well!! Upon Bob's death, he gave the Employees ownership. Good man, that Bob.


This post gave me a heart attack and made me google like crazy. Bob’s NOT dead! He still works there in his 90s. He’s a local celeb, and I’ve met him a handful of times at the restaurant where he eats almost every day, wearing that red vest and cap, giving out coupons to kids. It’s 100% employee owned but he didn’t like, leave it to them in his will. He’s always cared about his employees and he set up a Employee Store Ownership Plan in 2010. His story of how and why he founded the company is awesome. NPR did a podcast on him a couple years ago that’s worth a listen! https://www.npr.org/2018/05/17/612108005/bobs-red-mill-bob-moore

I was worried there for a minute. I just saw Bob a few months ago. King Arthur (which just rebranded and is not King Arthur Baking Company) is an amazing company that is not only employee owned and a great source for baking help, but very committed to supporting charities like the ACLU.


The responsible company baking trifecta: Bob's Red Mill King Arthur Baking Penzey's Spices All three companies have responsible politics and an employee-centric business model. Make delicious things and support good companies!


The love I feel for one person never corresponds to the love I feel for another. I looked for similarities, common traits .. But no one fits perfectly. It does not mean that one is better than another, just different; I love my parents in a different way - I love my friends, the animals in my life, the things that surround me .. All in a unique and special way. And it is so beautiful, but there is also a great and painful melancholy in the loss of a love. Let me explain: such a strong and luminous energy always returns within me, and it will be beautiful and wondrous and full of emotion. But it will never, ever be the same.

“With his ear to the bark, he listens to the tree…when he is pressed against the bark of a tree, it feels alive to his own skin to a degree that is more comprehensive than his categorical reasoning […] There is a tree which, when he is as high as he dare climb, he kisses. Always in the same place.”

— John Berger, G: A Novel



here’s a small list of videos you can watch and passively donate to different funds that are a part of the black lives matter movement. if you are interested in donating as well, i’ve linked most of the funds and organizations the youtubers are donating too. please do not skip the ads!!

@ EU anon this helps immensely regardless of if you’re eligible to sign petitions or not

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