
wc mothers deserve better

@splashtailstar / splashtailstar.tumblr.com

spoilers are tagged as ‘wind spoilers’ and ‘asc spoilers’ [Icon: Rusty from the upcoming ‘The Prophecies Begin’ graphic novel from the Warriors series. Rusty, an orange cat with a blue collar, walks forward cautiously. end ID] [Header: The Polish full cover art of ‘Crowfeather's Trial’. Crowfeather walks determinedly into a tunnel filled with white stoats. Breezepelt investigates the tunnel behind him, and the spirit of Ashfoot sits in the entrance of the tunnel. end ID]

also greg is the most bisexual-coded cartoon dad ever

so greg you're telling me your conservative family doesnt approve of your musical awakening coming from a naked gay icon in gnc/drag makeup and they want to send you to the military but you ran away and changed your name and ended up with a musical aesthetic best described as indie glam rock dad with a non-binary space alien gf instead? das crazy, tell me more about how straight you are


apparently rebecca sugar confirmed greg is bi at a livestream today

[ID 1: Four images from Steven Universe. The first shows Greg as a young graduate. He has a shaved head and looks generally upset. The second shows one of Greg's albums: Kerry Moonbeam, a thin androgynous artist with a silver mullet and dramatic makeup. The third shows Greg as a young music artist. He has long hair and his t-shirt's arms have been cut off, and he looks notably happier. The fourth image is two pictures of young Greg with Rose Quartz. In one, he is painting her nails.

ID 2: Tags which read: "#someone greg's age: so did you come out to your son #greg: why would my son ever think i was straight #steven: what's 'straight' #greg: don't worry about it".

ID 3: A person stands at a podium, as if about to give a speech, and smiles. End ID]


Guys. I can feel it already. THIS is the year. This is the year that Jonathan Harker will go on his business trip with no issue. Just a lovely train ride through Europe where he collects paprika recipies for Mina, meets some friendly, living people looking to buy properties in England, and then returns home safely.

Free him from the time loop.


y'all, my friend is going on a work trip next month. A train trip. Through mountains. living my dream this guy is. he has to leave his gf behind, and she loves trains, so he's living her dream as well, but STILL. He said he'll write super often, and I know he bout like 10 notebooks, and I'm excited to read about his adventures.


recently encountered a post where someone said "gender is fluid but sexuality isn't". (they were talking about bi lesbians.)

my first thought was: does that person, like. hear what they're saying? how can you explicitly hold two beliefs that are so logically inconsistent and not see it? how can you simultaneously think gender is this fluid and complex thing, but sexuality, much of which is defined around gender, is simple and stationary and its boundaries need policing?

but like, fuck, why even argue against it, right? there is no internal logic because there is no logical thought behind it. these are not genuine beliefs. this person is repeating what is currently acceptable in their (small) specific social circle. this is the same person who, a few years back, would be excluding nonbinary lesbians, but nonbinary lesbians are cool and normal on queer tumblr now, so they'll exclude bi lesbians instead, and not even pause to reflect on the difference.

oh, and if you read this and thought "these people don't even actually accept nb lesbians either", ding ding ding! because it's not a real, deep belief, that acceptance is extremely shallow and conditional. so as soon as someone is an nb lesbian in a way these people find odd (like being both a man and a lesbian) they will exclude them too and find a way to justify it.

why do we have to endlessly go through this cycle with queer identities. can we not? can we just not. i'm tired.


do you ever hear people talking about something and you’re like. fuck. let me be real for a second. i’m too much of a commie to have this conversation

“of course this is the bare minimum amount of labor someone must perform to be a human being worthy of being alive! what do you think, rimon?” brother if i told you what i think about this your head would fucking explode.

I was talking at work about how fucking boring mens fashion is and how I wish I could wear skirts and dresses and stuff without getting weird looks and people were laughing like i was joking? And then this girl said "you don't want to start wearing skirts, then you have to shave your legs!" and i said well no and she said okay maybe not as a man but I still have to and i said "well... you don't though" and she thought that was a joke?????? I fucking hate gender

it’s okay bro ur out here doing the lords work. telling women that they can be hairy is basically a divine mission

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