
The Beauty Within Tradition


28 . taken . pharmacist . traditional values

So many books to read and instruments to learn and languages to speak and poems to write and strawberries to eat and countries to visit and songs to sing and films to watch and people to kiss and pictures to take and

Oh how much I loved discovering foreign streets with you next to me…
I can’t wait to discover every single place on earth with you by my side and even more rediscover every place I’ve been to before I met you, just to find out again and again what I already knew - everything is more beautiful next to you
I need more wildflowers in my life. I need more sunflowers and laughs, more dinners at dimmed light and more deep breaths at dawn. I need more secret glances. I need the scent of hay as I pass by the fields and I need the sound of crackling fire as the sparks rise into the sky to become indistinguishable from the stars. I need to lay under that sky, running my hands through the grass, finding yours. I need to lose myself in your eyes, finding life and love and grace.
Oh life, please never stop handing me lemons for me to plant their seeds.
There is no place more peaceful to be than under a lemon tree.
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