
Wave Cosplay


Former-ish cosplayer. Current dinosaur enthusiast. 21

Teeth are bullshit. What do you mean you’re decaying. Get a fucking grip. You’re a bone now act like it. You don’t see my finger bones decaying from jerking it too much now do you

If I were tumblr famous this would be a smash hit


I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.

- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.

- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.

- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.

That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️

cats are so very unclear on what is wrong with us but they want to help

Last time I had a really bad migraine my cat curled herself round my head and purred sympathetically, and actually stayed there through two of her normal mealtimes. It wasn't until I was able to stagger to the kitchen and grab a protein bar for myself that she gave a very small, polite miaow to the effect of "while you're up... could you get something for me too?"


one time i told a guy with a huge punisher decal on his car that i loved the punisher but that i'm too scared to have any of his merch because in the current political climate i wouldn't want people to think i support killing police and the man had. no response whatsoever. he was smiling and completely frozen in place. i'd never seen anyone bluescreen that hard

do with this information what you will

prev wondering abt the amount of guts it takes to do this: the trick is to come off as incredibly sincere and kinda airheaded. now, crucially, i'm 4'11 and very cute so certain types of people already expect me to fit a very specific character type, and these techniques might not be as effective for others. but that's why i weaponize them on everyone's behalf

for those who are like me and don't know things

Not only does he kill cops, he specifically hates the kind who idolize him, since they're exactly the sort that cause the kind of corruption he's trying to combat.


had the incredibly unnerving experience of switching off the radio and getting out of the car only to hear the song keep playing before I realised that I wasn't in a movie this was just a petrol station also playing the same station and that is how radio works


every good song should seek to answer a question. for example:

  • what is his backpack for?
  • where does he keep his applesauce?
  • what does ja’am have?
  • what should everybody catch?

This was a ride ⚰️⚰️

I love posts shared from AITA because the whatever impression I get reading the title alone is almost always the exact opposite of the impression I get after reading the story.

“AITA for throwing a child out a window” will always be someone rescuing a kid from a burning building or something and “AITA for cleaning my girlfriend’s apartment” will be about throwing out her grandma’s ashes because she spends too much time thinking about her grandma instead of the OP or some shit.

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