
I’m moving Lagertha over my multi. I need to stop lying to myself about this blog. You can find Lagertha over @jcyfulmess as a primary muse. I’ll get asks and threads over there. I didn’t want to do it but a multi is what I need to be active. The fandom is so tiny but I still want to rp with my fav partners.


I’m moving Lagertha over my multi. I need to stop lying to myself about this blog. You can find Lagertha over @jcyfulmess as a primary muse. I’ll get asks and threads over there. I didn’t want to do it but a multi is what I need to be active. The fandom is so tiny but I still want to rp with my fav partners.

    Björn hated everysingle thing about his UNCLE ROLLO.  He hated what a traitor he was, how hethought he could just do what he wanted and never have a consequence. He hatedthe way he’d made his father feel broken. He wished beyond anything, that hecould do more than put an axe in his head, but strangle him, watching him see,that he was not a man of power, that he was a coward, and that Björn Ironsidewas more of a man than the ever pathetic DUKE ROLLO, ever could be.  He should have drowned him in theMediterranean. Had he said anything wrong about Ragnar, he would have, and hewas not going to let his Mother be pathetic and have them have to be at Rollo’smercy. He refused.
      His mother… hehad not known what was wrong with her, since his father had died. Ragnar hadbeen gone for so many years, but now that he was truly gone, Lagertha was…shedid not seem to be able to be herself and it was hard for him to watch. He wasnot going to let Rollo take advantage of the vulnerability his mother had,either.
        “You think Iam stupid? You think I am incapable of caring for my family that I should turnto accept help from someone who is nothing but a coward, a traitor, and notworth my axe? Why do you doubt me so much? I may not love Torvi anymore, butthat does not mean I will not protect her, my children, her new man, who isalso my brother.”  
         He sighed. “Yes,we would be better with Heahmund. I’d rather go into a land that will want usdead for killing their King, a land that killed our King, that killed my fatherthan so much as allow Rollo to be standing where I spit.”  

         “ Do you hear yourself ? You say you care & then you just want to go to the lands who want us dead ! ”     She was ready to die, always had been more or less. That was the fate you could expect from a shield-maiden at any moment on a battlefield.     “ Hali & Asa... please Björn. ”     

& the way she was sounding she knew it was like she wanted to go with Rollo, but the truth was... she couldn’t think straight. She wanted the best for everyone, & if the best was Rollo... no it couldn’t be Rollo. It was just impossible. The old woman rubbed her own face with a long sigh, then turned around a hand on her hip.      “ What if... what if once in England, Heahmund betrayed us ? What if I could not get him to help us anymore ? ”     As much as the man seemed to be in awe of her, she knew she wasn’t the beautiful woman she used to be either. He was their one single asset, which meant they fell low this time. 

Lagertha while feeling affection for the Bishop, didn’t care much about the man. He was just another who would be served in strategy. They all did the moment she had left Ragnar. 

“ What are you going to do with Rollo ? ”     She still couldn’t believe he was there, waiting for an answer & after so many decades, singing the same old song. 

Sansa nodded as she looked at her, she took the food from her, “I am afraid of my family being dead,” she whispered softly then ate the food, “I want them to be alive and safe, but it doesn’t seem likely - not anymore,” it’d been sometime since she’d seen her family. The thought had crossed her mind more than once that they had long since departed from this world, she only hoped they were with the Gods where they belonged. “What do you fear?” she queried. 

        The young shield-maiden listened to her, she could see the sadness talking through her lips.      “ You see, you are here because of fear, fear of losing them, & that is making you brave. Others would have run away out of cowardice. But not you Sansa. ”     Dirty blonde braids moved around as she tilted her head,      “ You do not know for a fact what happened to them, at least not all of them. There is hope, ”     she leaned in & covered the redhaired’s hand with hers, gave it a gentle & warm squeeze. Pulling back, Lagertha smiled for herself, readjusting the furs on her shoulders, & tossing the branch away.     “ I am afraid... that the Gods do not let me in Valhalla. Odin more specifically. I am afraid to lose my mother, & the rest of my family. My dad is gone to Valhalla already. I am afraid that I will not become a mother. I do not want to get married to someone I despise. You see I am afraid of many things. ”  


you know what’s funny ? The one time Lagertha saved Ragnar’s life. & the many times he did save hers but you never hear him brag about it, while Lags is jus super loud. 

it’s because she’s a very competitive person, she’s a stubborn top.

           Pain was never something Ragnar enjoyed on himself, well if it was an injury.  But, he was a warrior, and he was not one to ever give in, either.  “Yes, I am quite aware.”  If he was honest, he quite enjoyed getting on her nerves. If he got on her nerves, then it meant that he stayed on her mind. She never could forget him, he was certain.  But, he was quite irked that she’d fucked the Christian King.  “And you know that, how?  Did you have sex with Odin after Ecbert and he tell you that I am forced to go to Valhalla?”  Ragnar tended to not think before he spoke, ever.
“No, I do not.  I do not waste time. There are far better things to do than waste time.”  He sighed.  “Lagertha, we don’t just fuck all of our allies.  I am your ally, and you don’t regularly fuck me, now do you”  He smirked at her words.  “You were not much less and you know it. You wanted me and I wanted you. I always want you. I am not a horse…well maybe in some areas.”  He rolled his eyes. “I told you. I did not fuck her.  if you ask me in twenty years, my answer will be the same.” 

        “ Excuse you ? ”     While patching up his wound, she looked back at him with a frown & pressed her fingers in the injury in order to make him pay for his insinuations.      “ I am not an easy woman, ”     words were spelled one after one through gritted teeth. He was jealous, annoyed that she might have a life out & after their marriage, everything in his body language screamed that way. Lagertha was truly sorry for it, but that wouldn’t change the fact she was having an affair with the King.      “ I know it, because I am a believer. ” 

Again, that irony, that sarcasm in his tone about his jealous behavior. If she offered herself to him right now, he wouldn’t think they were wasting time. Nor would Lagertha think. But that wasn’t the point at all right now. Especially when he kept teasing her, & even though nothing would happen, it still brought a smile to her, a chuckle even leaving her lips.     “ You are an idiot. & maybe you were as close as a horse, remember our donkey ? ”      Now she was the one wearing that smirk as she reminded him their farm all over again. That donkey was as stupid as any donkey, but he had the particularly to be castrated.     “ Very well, you did not. ”      Lagertha placed the towels back & looked at the injury with a wince,     “ It still does not look good. You should call a healer or ask Ecbert for one. It does not seem to get healed quick or without help, Ragnar. ” 
Me : makes a comeback
Me the past few days : is sick as fuck

Just so you know it’s nothing to worry about & I’m finally feeling slightly better but that flu killed me. I couldn’t sleep for two days so I’m napping a lot today to get some rest. I may throw a few things later tonight.

He gave her a look, she assured no training was necessary. But he was clumsy at times. But basic things he could do. He however was aware that he’d likely get a comment or two about it. He was bound to. He was weird, and different to them all.
“I think throwing a knife takes some training,” he laughed a bit. “Thank you Lagertha, for trust me with this.” One thing he noticed, was that no slaves had weapons. This was a huge show of trust towards him. He was also harmless so it was also a testament to his skill. It was one of the first possessions he had ever had, even more so it was one of the first possessions that he had been given in Kattegat. “I’ll stick with stabbing as a last resort.” He was certain he could cook or hunt with it, if he knew how to do either of those with more success than he had. He learned quite a bit about cooking while Ragnar and Lagertha had been away though. But he didn’t want to insult her or the gift by insinuating he could use it for that.
          Lagertha was far away from thinking he would use it to cook, it was actually a smart move from Athelstan not to mention it. However the reaction would have been priceless.     “ A weapon does not mean you have to attack, but I want you to have something to protect yourself. ”     & also her family. It was very selfish, but the first thing coming to her mind was her children first, & if Athelstan could defend her family with it, she’d give him a chance.  Of course, there was always that nagging feeling that warned her : what if he turned it against her family ? That inner voice she kept it away. She trusted him well enough to think he was actually part of that family now.  She nodded with weak smile,    “ My pleasure Athelstan. My offer to train you with swords is still standing, for the same reason. Did you fight with Ragnar ? ”    She knew he watched Björn & his father spare at the farm, but she wasn’t sure he even held a sword or a shield until now. 
      Ragnar didn’t know why they were so bad at talking about their feelings. He figured it had something to do with the fact, that they were both two of the most stubborn people in Midgard.  But, it was just..it was easier, when they were not sure the other was listening. But, they could die like this. It was rather fitting that they die together, but for the first time in a long time, he hoped that he died in some sort of blaze of glory with her: he wanted Valhalla. If it existed, he wanted to be there with her.  
     “You can question many things, but never question that.” He shrugged. “What can I say? Ecbert always had his own agenda. He made people think things were what they weren’t. He paid with his life, but much like I wanted to, he went out on his own terms, in that bath of his, well under my sons orders.  Ecbert saved me, and he didn’t hold me prisoner. It’s his sons and his guards that did this.”  
       He shrugged when she said she killed Aslaug. Oh well.  “The crown is heavy, Lagertha.  It is too heavy to bear alone nor share with someone else. Why do you think so many Kings wind up dead? It should stay in our family. Aslaug was never our family. I mean, she gave me my sons but you know what I mean.  Bjorn never would let Ivar kill you. You know it and I know it. He’s always been still attached to your apron.”  He laughed then harder than he had in a long time.  
         “They thought the best ally they could find was Rollo? My traitorous brother, who would betray himself, if it meant he could gain something?  I’m sure that went amazing for them.”  
        He sighed. “I know there is a new King here now, but no one lets me speak to him. I believe it’’s his brother who keeps me locked up here..the King wouldn’t keep either of us up here.  He’s Athelstan’s son.”  He sighed.  “I’m tired of fighting. You’re not leaving now. Granted, you can’t move but hey’s that’s something.”   
         The bonds around her wrists hurt, & she almost felt grateful that they didn’t cuffed her with metal. The leather was already tight enough for her to feel the pulsating veins in her hands. She had come a long way, she wasn’t sure about the future, but she thought she could die soon now that she met him for one last time. Although, she expected to reach Valhalla one way or another, but the hope didn’t seem to satisfy her expectations lately. 

“ King Alfred. It’s King Alfred now. ”     She had met him plenty of times, but guards all dressed in black leather - perhaps from the other son’s court - had thrown her in jail once they found her after the battle.      “ I think they will not kill us. Why are they keeping you alive for so long then ? We are pawns... we can be useful. Did they come to you often ? ”

Lagertha tried her best to release the pain in her arms as she leaned against the mat behind her with a long sigh. She noticed he didn’t comment on Aslaug’s death, for what she knew he heard everything from her speech.    “ You are not mad I killed her ? I am mad myself. This was not me Ragnar. ”     The shield-maiden rewatched the scene in her head, all over again, & her words still hurt. Just lies.     “ She said you were dead... well she lied. But she said she saw you dying with Ivar. & it was like...”     She was currently watching, her eyes lost in the vague,     “ She did not feel anything for you Ragnar. & the next thing I knew I was killing her.  ”    She would leave the topic at that.  

“ Yes they called Rollo. They won though. Ragnar... tell me. Do you think the Gods abandoned us ? It is like we are cursed. Gyda, you, me, Athelstan... I hope Björn will resist.”    A tired smile appeared at the memory of her son,     “ He is my boy, always had been. I think he is the only person I loved more than you. ”     She didn’t feel like she was embarrassing herself.     “ We could have hours & weeks to wait here... what did you for during all this time ? ”

‘     YOU  LOOK  LIKE  YOUR  AGE  FINALLY  CAUGHT  UP  WITH  YOU     ’     ivar  quips,  a  mischievous  glint  in  his  eyes     &     overall  wistfully  unimpressed  as  he  absently  toys  with  the  fur  draped  around  his  shoulders     &     dismisses  her  attempt  to  affirm  the  absence  of  poisonous  intent.  then,  he  reaches  for  the  back  of  the  wooden  chair  to  ease  himself  down,  too.  direct  in  manner,  upon  locking  eyes  with  her,  he  yet  appears  equally  at  ease     &     in  control  as  he  leans  back.     ‘     for  a  time  i  nursed  the  possibility  that  the  gods  may  have  abandoned  me,  after  all—  that  my  ambitions  no  longer  have  their  attention  nor  their  approval.  that  my  promises  do  no  matter.  except  then,  eventually,  i  made  new  friends.  are  they  any  better  or  maybe  for  worse  ?  that,  i  have  yet  to  figure  out.   

         “ May I dare to take it as a compliment ? ”      Head tilted, Lagertha sat across him, a thin smile floating over her lips. She had expected a sarcastic comment & with his remark, she felt half disappointed. For all the past years apart, she had thought of literally everything. The way they’d meet again, the kind of conversation they would have, every ending possible between them. But never ever she’d have imagined that the young man would have sit on a table with her, & didn’t even make a single move to kill her. Sure she didn’t take any risk & didn’t bring any knife outside, besides it could be proven useless as she was convinced Ivar wouldn’t come unarmed. Meanwhile, Lagertha kept a peaceful expression. 

She meant it, he looked quite different indeed. She was rather intrigued on his explanations, which she listened to carefully.     “ New friends, huh ? ”     The spoon brought to her lips, she took a slow sip.     “ Björn told me you went into the wild & deep East. ”     She watched him with attention, still on her guards nonetheless.     “ You think the Gods abandoned you, really? ”     Now that part felt odd, but they also favored her son somehow. The both couldn’t please them. 
@liftedrelics​ asked : ❛❛ The most famous shieldmaiden, queen of Kattegat ... I only wish to see you smile again. ❜❜ - Floki

          Nothing would be able to restore the innocent smile she could wear at times on her lips. Literally nothing. Not even her own son, Björn. The crown, the throne were just tools she didn’t even know how to use. Lagertha, the famous shield-maiden, Queen of Kattegat indeed, but unsatisfied. The title was nothing to her. She wasn’t supposed to rule Kattegat on her own, Ragnar... he was supposed to come back from England, so she would keep the throne for him, not herself. It was never the plan. She wasn’t a ruler, she already knew before in Hedeby. Being Jarl was just enough, & Queen ? The warrior had never sought power, only prospering lands so her people could live well without risking the fear of dying without crops. 

It was their dream. Ragnar & Lagertha’s. Always had been. 

Everything had escalated too quickly, that she had lost control over her fate - perhaps it wasn’t just the fate she had imagined. & now ? She was on a throne she never asked for in the first place, but someone had to save her people. His people. 

As Floki’s fingers brushed her chin, she turned her head slightly, so he wouldn’t see the sadness engulfing her again every time she thought about Ragnar. Friend, ally, King, lover, father... However she looked back at her oldest friend & tried her best to smile, even a weak & forced one as her eyes turned red under the pressure of holding back her own tears. 

“ See, I still can smile Floki. But I lost the reason I used to. ” 

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