angels are watching over you

@seasononesam /

penny | 24 | gif maker follows from coldasyou hope's kind of the whole point
Anonymous asked:

season 8 fanfics are so good, I need more fanfics from this season in my life

season 8 is my "it's never been more over...wait we're so back" season however yes there is some very good fics about it!


I'm far from a hater of later seasons but when it comes to fics I can't read anything that takes place past like season 9 SORRY...idek why 😭 do you guys have a preference or just kind of read everything?

Anonymous asked:

What is an unpopular/controversial Sam opinion that you have? Mine is that I LOVE the Gadreel storyline and for once fully support Dean’s actions on that one

this is such a minor thing but I don't like sam and rowena as a couple ... also idk how unpopular this is but I don't care as much about sam and lucifer's storylines as other sam fans??? I blame apocalypse world being the worst tv plot of all time for this. btw.

Anonymous asked:

i will send you an ask. fav sam look?

carhartt jacket and was too powerful...this was why he had telekinesis once in season 1 and then never again...


teenage sammy is soooo. canonically a mathlete canonically a soccer player canonically a theatre kid canonically did tech (i know the latter two could be the same thing but i do not think they are; ep mentions him being in our house and oklahoma and mentions him having done tech... ur not IN a musical if you did tech for it.... sam was on stage AND at another venture he did tech... my little theatre kid...). How did he have time for this. did he just sign up to every extracurricular he could find. probably as a way of getting out of the motel. Sorry dad i cant come hunt tonight i have theatre rehearsals :) and you just know john HATED it. what do you mean you have theatre rehearsals i dont give a fuck about your theatre rehearsals you blew off a hunt for soccer practice three days ago you are NOT doing that again...... and sam going But the director will kill me if i dont show up an do you really want me to draw attention to myself??? You dont even need me i might as well go..... john is probably two seconds away from making a homophobic remark about sam doing theatre before he reconsiders because maybe sam's actually gay and he doesn't care if sam is gay as long as sam hunts. sam misses the theatre rehearsal. still signs up to do oklahoma in the next town though. this post snowballed

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