
Stargazing but as a profession

@felix-the-snow-cheetah / felix-the-snow-cheetah.tumblr.com

Heyo! I'm Felix; expect art, memes, maybe my commissions, relevant queer shit on occasion. Ask me about my characters! IM's open, I'll try to reply swiftly but no promises. 18+ | Tech hobbyist | Hwat's a gender | Show me your antique technology! Header by nevan-art, and icon by spearxwind~

Regardless of how this ceasefire proposal agreement is going to go, I have to say that it is mind blowing how Israel had spent billions of dollars on weapons and propaganda with the aim of destroying the Palestinian spirit. Yet, looking at my TV screen now and seeing how the people of Gaza are full of hope, dancing and chanting in anticipation of a ceasefire, really shows how Israel continues to fail miserably. This shows us all that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, Israel can do that would actually break the will of Palestinians, ever.


hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???

i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)

oh, Sisyphus! i got you


"Elderly Palestinian couple looking at their former home, now occupied by a couple from Brooklyn. 🇵🇸" [@/RamAbdu on X. April 4th, 2024.]

Hi! I did fact check this. The article is from 2021, and the photo is an Al Jezeera report from 2020.

In the clip, Al Jazeera reporter Najwan Simri asked the current residents of the home, "How do you feel living in a house built on the wreckage of his house?"
The Jewish woman said she was happy to live in the home and that it was "very enjoyable."
The report does not identify the couple behind the gate, making it impossible to verify the claim that they originate from Brooklyn.
While the photo in the social media posts is not related to the recent violence between Hamas and Israel, it is connected to some of the fundamental issues of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is a distance of roughly 625 miles and we are going to assume that the speed does not include the time penalty of Spain having a different Rail Gauge than France.

At 890 miles of rail you can get New York to Chicago which would be the ideal first route, but what can you get with 625 miles that makes more since than Columbus?

Well at that distance you can get Raleigh-DC-Philadelphia-NYC- Boston

With intermediate stops in Richmond, Baltimore, New Haven, and Providence

That is a route that is not only good, but has potential to be one of the most used rail lines in the world if it were at high speeds and a cheap price


to succeed in adult friendship you must remember the key tenets of child friendship:

  • Play Toys
  • Play Pretend
  • Snack Time

successful examples from my travels:

  • my SO and i have a projector. our cool neighbors have a vast dvd collection. fundamentally these are toys. we have those neighbors over for movie nights. Play Toys. more broadly shared hobbies fall into this category but it's extra fun if there's Equipment to admire and share.
  • ttrpgs are obvious but invaluable examples of Play Pretend. HOWEVER your options are not limited to this. i started a local writing group and this is also Play Pretend bc we all talk about our stories together. there are many such creative endeavors in this world.
  • having someone over for a meal is Snack Time. if you make a lil thing of it and eat at the table and make it nice with dessert and a fancy beverage to share it feels very grown up. and you will feel impressed with yourself for it. but it scratches the same itch as trading fruit snacks and suchlike.

of course these can be mixed and matched. most activities are enhanced by Snack Time if your friend targets enjoy breaking bread together.

and one begets the other. if you Play Pretend with someone for long enough they may eventually tell you about Toys they have and if you want to play too they'll probably let you. if they're nice.

life can be lonely when we live in separate boxes and worry about money all the time. this is what makes friendships hard, not growing older. but the antidote to isolation is connection, and the oldest wisdom we ever learn: share your toys. share your games. share your snacks.


I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure green haired protestors got out safe. A Palestinian girl with an ex-southern baptist fiance, who definitely isn't a practicing Muslim, whose parents were raising hell for her. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.


I'm going to be raw for a second. when I was a kid, we had holocaust survivors come to our school a couple of times to talk to us about their experiences, and about the slim, awful, dehumanising, fragile lifelines of kindness and chance that allowed them to survive. I felt the immense breadth and weight of human life enter my consciousness and alter my understanding of choice and consequence. it is a responsibility to hold out my hand.

as long as there is anything I can do, no matter how imperfect the circumstances, to do it is the only important work of humanity. it doesn't matter my financial situation. I have a roof over my head and food to eat, and there are others who will hold their hands out to me when I need them, and I am not under bombardment, and I am not mourning three, four generations of my family. if just one strand of a thousand threads of spidersilk could save the life of a stranger, I have a responsibility to weave.

this is the only thing we are here for. this is the only reason any of us made it to 2024. we are persistence hunters, but we are persistence helpers too. as long as we are alive, we have that responsibility.


i miss when someone would post an image and then another person would reblog from them with seemingly the same image but there was a lucky luciano hidden in there somewhere. and you spent 5 minutes looking for it. do you remember how we used to play


saw a grown woman on tiktok snidely calling gen z the christopher columbus generation bc someone’s fifteen year old son ‘thought he’d discovered weezer’. newsflash every generation finds out about the music of the previous generation at some point it comes free with being fifteen. being annoying about music also comes free with being fifteen. a kid saying yeah i’ve just found this band nirvana have you ever heard of them should be a thing of joy

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