

Brenna | 23 | banjos and boy bands | she/her

some people out there really be typing fanfics longer than war and peace in their free time and then going on about their life like it's no big deal. how fucking incredible. like no offense to tolstoy but that was like. his whole job


ID: A youtube comment with 11 likes by Niceone, it says "I've lived 46 years without knowing this. How nice of life to save some of the best bites for later." End ID.

Normally, people tend to get frustrated, even jokingly, if they miss out on something. This comment was on a song from 1974 and it made me smile quite much. Simply appreciative. Like a dessert after dinner.

Why Star Trek? That's what the woman asked me when she asked about my shirt. and I tried to tell her where I bought it. and she goes “No, no. why… why that? Why is that your thing?” And it hit me in a flash. It really did. If you look at all the other science-fiction writers, they always view the world as getting to this post apocalyptic, horrible, dystopian nightmare. To name a few: Alien, Terminator, Blade Runner, Mad Max, IRobot, Brave New World, Soylent Green, Planet of the Apes, Fahrenheit 451, Westworld, Waterworld, The Matrix, I Am legend. it goes on, and on. Star Trek is the only universe where they said “We fixed it. We solved it. We solved all the problems on the Earth and then we headed for the stars. We said We formed the United Federation of Planets. We are from Earth. She asked me “Why Star Trek?” Cause it’s the only one that has hope. Star Trek has hope.
— Tom Bottelsen

oh my god what the hell? oh my god punch my momma in the throat karate kick my daddy in the chest what the fuck? oh my god its a transformer oh my.. god! tickle my daddy feet burp on my momma neck what the fuck

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