
⑂ S H A D E R A L I E N ⑂

@red-glitter-god / red-glitter-god.tumblr.com

Matt Bellamy is god
My name is Jesper btw

Just gonna leave this here


I love how Mackie just grips his chair so swiftly, like if he knew it was going to happen.


stages of being a muser:

latent muser: heard uprising, supermassive black hole and neutron star collision but doesn't know that those songs are made by muse
general plebs muser: knows the band's name, listens to them but only likes dead inside, mercy and starlight
regular muser: listens to muse regularly, knows the titles of all the albums but sometimes fails to recall them correctly (exmp.: "ohh, wrecked whores and levitations? gotta love it, but i love the showbiscuit one more")
muser: listens to muse every day, loves knights of cydonia, handler, psycho; realised that hysteria is genius, likes unnatural selection and new born
true muser: knows the whole discography by heart, came to the realisation that all muse songs are great without exception
mega muser: listens to muse religiously, loves stockholm syndrome, citizen erased, megalomania, micro cuts and actually understands the lyrics of fury
massive muser: listens to muse religiously, owns hullabaloo, aware of all the b-sides, loves the groove, jimmy kane, shrinking universe and host, thinks that con-sience is a masterpiece
supermassive muser: watched all the live recordings including 120px videos; owns HAARP and Live AT Rome Olympic Stadium, when bored sometimes subconsciously sings the guitar riffs of knights of cydonia
delux muser: watched some videos of george bellamy, thinks that 'gothic plague' and 'rocket baby dolls' wouldn't suited them as a band name anyway
hardcore muser: perfectly aware of the fact that soldier's poem is not on the album named absolution
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