
I Think I Borked A Rib…

@not-like-the-restaurant / not-like-the-restaurant.tumblr.com

Welcome to my garbage fire of a blog. Put your feet up and rest a while. Or take a nap, I don’t mind. But be warned, I WILL wake you up with a sexy saxophone solo.

Do you know who I treat before the end of chapter six? My horse. I take her on quiet long trail rides through peaceful areas, feed her so many treats she gets fat, let her graze in meadows while i sit by a fireplace and appologize to her for what she has gone through and what she will go through, for simply buying her, for not treating her as she deserves.

I appologize for her life not being quiet trails where the most danger she will endure is a snake on the road that she will race away from and back to the warm stable where she will get fed and groomed in shelter from the rain drumming on the roof. Instead of that she has to deal with me, carrying me and down steep hills, almost being blown up by road side robbers, being shot at by O'Driscolls, fleeing from wolves and bears and standing in the rain as I hide in a tent on some god forsaken mountian side. She has hurled my ass from the O'Driscoll cabin back to Clements Point after I got kidnapped, come running with my rifles when Murfree Brood ambushed me while i picked flowers and in so many other ways saved my ass. I do my best to treat her, I feed her every time before i jump off, brush her every time I jump on, try to bring her on quiet rides, but they will never really be quiet because there will always be some danger lurking and what I can give her of affection isn’t enough.

She has stuck with me all the way from start chapter two and gone through everything with me more than once, I wish I could do more for her, she gave me everything and yet I could give her nothing in return.


Every summer I forget how much I fucking love spiders I’ve drunk one every day this week

Drinking spiders??!

You put ice cream in a glass and pour soft drink over it. It creates a thick layer of delicious foam on top of a sweet, creamy drink with ice cream in it.

And yes I did attempt to get a picture by googling “Australia spider” like a fucking moron.

I think that’s called a float in the states. Although we usually plop the icecream into the glass after the soda. Similar effect though.

We wouldn’t be able to call it that because the word is way too easy to confuse with a floater, which is a meat pie floating in a bowl of pea soup. It is every bit as delicious as a spider though. I should get some pies and pea soup.


I would like to announce that this is not a standard Australian food, it’s exclusively a South Australian one and the rest of Australia is just as appalled as the rest of the world.

It’s not our fault that the rest of Australia is incorrect about food.

“average person eats 3 spiders a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in South Australia and BADLY misinterpreted our survey question,,

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