
Sem þan gól Rindi Rani

@loptrcoptr / loptrcoptr.tumblr.com

👋 US. Semi-useless half-academic. Cat lady, horse girl, star wars trash, norse nerd. please feed me bananas foster.

Norse Mythology Valentines, Round 5  ½

(tumblr has censored round 4 [my work here is done]; so here´s some new valentines, and also some former-round-4 faves)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

I’m every one in this

MAN 1 (in a high pitched, whiny voice) Look what you’ve done to my peonies!

WOMAN (angrily) They’re marigolds!

MAN 2 God! I think she’s right! They are marigolds!

MAN 1 I may not know my flowers, but I know a (yells in her direction) bitch when I see one!

It’s back!

I looked this up because I had to know what it’s from. It’s a film called The Gay Deceivers (1969), and it’s about two straight men who, seeking to avoid the draft, claim to be gay, but then have to keep up the pretense when the army places them under surveillance.

The man in the red cardigan in the clip was played by Michael Greer, who was openly gay himself - unusual for the time. He actually worked closely with the director and rewrote much of the film’s dialogue to reduce the homophobia and make it more realistic. As a result it’s quite progressive for its time, having a gay character, played by a gay man, living in a happy same-sex relationship, which is more than a lot of media offers us today.

Plus the clip is delightful.

I just needed this again.



WAIT. is the fire still burning or is that like lense flare or something???

the fire is still burning! it's just also sitting in about an inch and a half of melted ice slush.

I found this setup because I smelled smoke and followed it across the ice because what the hell

Don't sit in that chair. I mean. Come on. That's some peak cryptid energy, right there. DON'T SIT IN THEIR CHAIR.

of course not?? that's not my chair. it would be very rude

I mean...the MORE I look at this, the weirder it is. It's not...facing the ocean. The ocean is not what they want to look at. As if they are a sea cryptid ready to just kind of Take In The Land.

(I suppose it could also be because of them wanting to stay downwind of the fire smoke, but...still? ???? Definitely leaning toward this is a naiad checking out what The Land Folk are up to.)

(that's not the ocean, it's the ice. the white parts look like foam on waves, but they're drifts of snow!)

this setup is sitting on about a foot and a half of lake ice over a couple dozen feet of water. which really puts this whole nonsense into perspective

for everyone in the notes making comments about Fae realms, this is a little out of pocket but not all that weird for Wisconsin. winter just does this to us

Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


Oh my god ❤️

Absolutely love this


Please watch this. 

i was a little apprehensive to watch this because it’s four minutes long and i have a short attention span, but within the first 30 seconds i was hooked.

watch this. please, you won’t regret it.

That last line

That fucking last line hit me.

Stop whatever else you’re doing and watch this. This is an amazing story of the best of humanity amidst the worst mankind is capable of. It’s proof of that one act of kindness can last a lifetime.

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