
The Logs of Basileus Archon I (Locker Room 2)


Start the show before I piss myself!

The History of my Most Glorious of Reigns

So, in lieu of something useful to tell, I shall tell of my glorious reign in the Basileia tis Ellada; or, the Kingdom of Greece.

I started young, at the age of 16 as the Archon of Ithaka.  Yes, my title was Archon Archon.  It was very creative as a name.  Now then, I controlled the islands of the Ionian Sea from Ithaka to Zakynthos.  Or, not much to be honest.  At the time the ‘High King’ of Greece ruled from Mycenae.  His name was Vasil.  When I was 17, I spilled wine on him at a meeting and was declared a rebel against all of Greece.  Fun, right?  Well, I figured I might as well live up to what they were calling me and declared myself Basileus of Greece from my rocky isle.  From there I invaded Achaea before taking down the northern regions like Attika and Thessalia.  Fought some good battles, performed rather exceptionally if I do say so myself.  By the time I was 18 I had consolidated my control over Greece, and Vasil was hanged.  

So things looked pretty good from there.  I claimed Vasil’s scepter which I use to this day.  It has the power to summon Myrmidons, or rather, anyone who wields a musket or cannon down.  Fool treated it as if an ornament in a museum.  I of course claimed it by virtue of its use by my ancestor Odysseus.  You may have heard of him.  He used it to deliver the ultimate beat down to Thersites for questioning Vasil’s ancestor Agamemnon.  Funny how those things work.  Anywho, the Scepter of Agamemnon was stolen from me around the time I turned twenty by the Emperor of Persia.  If it wasn’t for the fact he stole it from me I might admire the strategies he used to drive me out using my own men.  I may not have lost a battle, but I was forced to go to some island that doesn’t exist anymore called Elwood.  With the many heroes that lived there, for some reason, I reclaimed my throne and my scepter.  

It was I who proposed cooperation between the many world powers, and it was I who managed to bring the world closer to unity than any other.  Which didn’t seem to stop the world from falling to Korvin when the other assholes didn’t listen to my basic instructions.  After fleeing for a second time, I ended up having to deal with an entirely different set of assholes, but at least these ones didn’t have the capacity to cause nuclear winter.

Oh shit, that was the world leaders.


My Opinions on Others

So I suppose I must give my opinions on others now.  Seems to be what everyone else is doing, and it isn’t like I have any actual idea on what to do with a goddamn tumblr.

Rosa- Rosa is great.  She’s pretty much the glue that keeps the team together when all else fails.  Sure she has a temper, but whoever said that was a bad thing hasn’t seen her fight.

Lucas- This guy, Lucas.  He means well, I can tell, but overall he needs some improvement in the areas of tactics, strategy, and leadership.  But hey, I’m here to help him.

Aeon- This guy is my roommate.  I don’t know much about him yet, but he seems to play on his 3DS a lot.  I remember the year those came out.  I should see about finding my own.  Oh, and he’s currently wounded after being attacked by some woman, probably a spurned lover.  I can get that.

Roman- So once upon a time I considered him a good guy.  Something happened, and then he blew up.  He was also a cyborg.  Yeah.

Slasher- I dislike him, he dislikes me.  He disapproves of when I blew up the Eiffel Tower, I disapprove of him.  He insults my status as a King in exile, and I tell him not to call me that.  I think if he were to disappear one day I’d notice, so I suppose I’ve grown somewhat fond of those arguments.

Cassie- Seems to make music.  That’s pretty neat actually, I’ll have to check that out some time.

Cail- This prick is an amazing goddamn fighter, no matter my opinions on his personality.  Honestly I wish he was on our side.

Everyone else and everyone I mentioned- Fucking lunatics who argue and cause drama constantly.  And my friends.

That’s about it.  I don’t intend to go through the list of all the people I don’t know.  Feel free to consider my opinions on them the last one.


Greetings, Peasants!

I kid.  I am the Grand Basileus, or King for you uneducated folks, of Greece, Archon I.  I am currently on a ship bound for hell with the current kind of atmosphere we have going on here.  It's a powder keg if I'm being honest.  But hey, when they aren't murdering each other over breakfast, they can be a fun group to hang around.  I'd like to recognize a few of their pages here, or whatever.  @logsfromlr2, @chroniclesoflr2, and @cailcallahan.  I would like to say though, that I am not a narcissist.  I am a King.  It is not my fault if I must... 'educate' you when you forget.

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