
The Dialogue Goddess

@awritingcaitlin / awritingcaitlin.tumblr.com

Writer | Cat Mom | Gamer | 90s kid | queer
Anonymous asked:

Advice for writing smut???

gonna do bullet-points of things i tend to live by when it comes to smut (this is just my opinion):

  • don't switch styles: the way you write the smut has to be consistent with the way you write the rest of the story, so if your story is more comedic or romcom-y in nature, the way you write the smut should have those stylings. i personally find it very jarring when authors decide to break the format for the smut, almost like the story has to stop for the sex intermission; if you're writing a horror story, the smut must be informed and influenced by that genre, and if you are breaking genre for the smut portion, tell us why you're suddenly switching gears (it has to be an aesthetic choice you're making on purpose). likewise, if your style in that story is more lyrical, the smut has to be somewhat lyrical too, or if your story is more cormac mccarthy-esque-cut-and-dry, the smut can't suddenly involve an effluvia of purple, sappy prose. integrating the smut in the story and treating it like any other part of the story is key to me. too often i've seen ppl switch to this anonymous pornified style when they get to the smut
  • which brings me to specificity. i'll talk about het sex, since that's what i tend to write most: not all men are going to be fingering or eating pussy the same way, not all dicks are big and they shouldn't be, not all women immediately get excited by fingering, not everyone moans the same way or makes the same sounds. you're writing about particular characters so it has to be particular to them. i know this is very old advice, but i think it bears repeating
  • there isn't an exact formula or sequence you have to follow, there aren't precise steps, you don't have to go "well, first he has to kiss down her neck, then reach the boob area, then play with the nipples, then put the nipple in his mouth, then slowly go down on her, then prepare her for entering her etc. etc. etc." this can get boring and repetitive and you start thinking of your characters as these mechanical dolls who have to fuck for your audience. and that can be a vibe too, if you do it on purpose. but sometimes you can get stuck in a porn routine (and ofc, having only the guy show initiative can also get boring)
  • in order to break that, insert some character moments. what are the characters thinking during this? sometimes they might be thinking of something completely unrelated on the surface, but which has a thematic relevance that can make the scene hotter. likewise, maybe they're doing smth that seems unsexy on the surface, but which, within the context of the story might be really hot. sex doesn't just involve, well, sex, but so much weirdness and humanity and creativity. two bodies (usually) are trying to do this really awkward thing together and they might have a lot of baggage and history to inform it. there's a lot you can do with that.
  • don't make it glossy and clean, where everyone smells of strawberry shampoo and there is never anything out of sync. the most boring smut tends to be the kind where no one makes any mistakes and everything is super efficient. i imagine it feels like using an industrial pump to milk various farm animals.
  • and you know what? you can make that hot too. you CAN write a kind of robotic efficient smut and make it really interesting based on the context. let's say you're writing a 1984 AU fic where ppl are forced into intimacy only to procreate and their sex drive is diminished. you can play with that premise and lean into the dehumanizing industrialization of sex, but you have to mean it, aka your narratorial voice must be conscious of these factors.

Friday Kiss

The back of the lounge narrowed back to a hallway that had a couple of little storage rooms containing carts for cabin service, a comprehensive first-aid kit, and other emergency supplies. From the smell of things, this room had been used for similar purposes than what Zeh’ave and Killian were going for not all that long ago. Zeh’ave didn’t think too much about it.

“Bit of a tight squeeze,” Killian chuckled.

“I can make myself fit anywhere,” Zeh’ave replied. “But, I can’t put up a ward like your elf woman.”

Killian laughed. “It’s fine, I’ll hear anyone that’s coming.”

They squeezed into the room and Zeh’ave found herself half-sitting half-leaning on one of the service carts. However, given how tall Killian was, that was inconvenient. So she floated back up so that she could kiss him again. Killian deftly latched the door behind them as his mouth and hers collided once more.

It was more forceful this time. There was an urgency, a need. She reached for the buttons on his coat as they kissed.



🌟Fiery temper 🌟Very sentimental 🌟Battlemage 🌟Just a twinge impulsive 🌟Will drink almost anyone under the table 🌟The tall friend 🌟Can and will curse in several different languages 🌟Knows a lot about several old magics 🌟Does everything to protect her friends

(Art, Picrews, and more vibes under the cut!)


Antagonist: Thea

Thea is a half elf with brown hair and hazel eyes. Notably she never wears anything that exposes her midriff or really anything that exposes much of her chest either. This is different than many other Nidtrins who show as much skin as possible.



🟡Quiet and softspoken 🟡Considered the greatest theramancer in many circles 🟡An excellent tactician 🟡Loves his wife very much 🟡Thinking about a dozen things at once 🟡When he speaks, it's poignant 🟡Quietly powerful mage 🟡Plays tabletop strategy games

More vibes and picrews under the cut!



🌠Speaks of an older time as if she is intimately familiar 🌠Hides her scars 🌠Her own mother tried to kill her once 🌠Wants to do what is right for the planet and its inhabitants 🌠Knows magic of old 🌠Is on a first name basis with gods 🌠Considered a wild card

More vibes and picrews under the cut!


Mama Cass (Cassidy Grune)

🍻She's been 82 for at least ten years 🍻Abbess of Seamus Finn 🍻Used to be a privateer 🍻Knows things about things that happened centuries ago that were never recorded 🍻Always knows what drink you want 🍻Takes the laws of hospitality very seriously 🍻Smile lines

Picrews and more vibes under the cut!


[Lily] 15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?


Uhhhhh, I don't have faceclaims for my characters whomp. For an idea though, Lily is basically a blue tiefling with horns curling into her short hair. At least, it's usually short. But she's a shapeshifter so....

Thanks for the ask!


[Em] 7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?


For starters, her name. Originally her name was Tabitha, shortened to Tabs. Then I decided I didn't like that and her name became Em, short for Emmaliene because her mother named her something incredibly pretentious in an attempt to get her daughter to rise above their station (general lower class tending into poverty.)

Personality wise, Em has mostly just grown into her own personality. Though, I did change it so that her deal with a god has already happened and she's just holding up her end of the bargain, rather than her naively walking into it. (Instead, Lelia gets that honor.)

Thanks for the ask!

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