
Captain Fishface

@tamararajaviforpresident-blog / tamararajaviforpresident-blog.tumblr.com

And his army of dancing Chaos-ridden naked mole rats need your help.  i mostly post magisterium stuff, but no sideblogs, we die like (wo)men. includes magisterium, hamilton, vld, pjo. she/her. (sapphicrows with the Queen™)

Follow us on Instagram too: https://www.instagram.com/yup.that.exists

Can we figure out a way to do this to student loan debt.

I would read Ayn Rand to pay down my student loans


Our library ran the expenses and realized we spent about 3,000$ MORE than what we got back in trying to collect late fees. So? We dropped them completely. No late fees. Period.

If you keep a book, it auto renews two times. Then it comes up as overdue. If your overdue items exceed a certain amount, your account freezes. You can’t use any of the local libraries anymore until you return the items or claim them lost and pay for them. If someone else is waiting for the book, you can’t renew. Its that simple.

And guess what. Not only did we save money, but we /got more materials back/. More materials were turned in than declared lost as compared to before. There was no stigma to it. If you had already paid for the item, the money was credited back to you.

Because the people late fees actually affected were children and elderly adults - people unable to regularly get to the library. And the stigma of late items was dropped. Attitude and mindset are important.

we still have no late fees. And we are considered to be one of the top public systems in our state. People from out of state PAY to get library cards for a year because our online Overdrive system is amazing, and we have a ton of partnerships and interlibrary loan systems in place. AND we suffer less losses of both materials and patrons due to our “no late fee” policy.

Serve your public. Don’t belittle them.


You are an anonymous professional assassin with a perfect reputation. You lead an ordinary life outside of your work. You’ve just been hired to kill yourself.

My first thought is that the middle man I use–calls himself ‘Leader’, real name Brett Thompson, 46, balding, lives in PA–has uncovered my identity. Why else would I be staring down at a picture of my own face? I think it’s a warning, that he knows about the Sanchez job, and I nearly reach for my go bag.

Then I see the client’s name.

Vi Larson, the file tells me, male, 32, computer analyst.

I close the manila folder, tossing it away from me. The whiskey sour’s gone warm in my hand, but I drink it down anyway, eyes distant. I don’t need to read any more of the file. I can fill in the gaps well enough.

Funnily enough, this betrayal is just as sharp and unpleasant as the first one, the one that got me into this business in the first place.

“You at least owe me a crime of passion, you bastard,” I mutter into my drink. I close my eyes and sigh, willing away the stinging in my heart. I knew that my relationship was in trouble, but this is just cold

 In a way, I can’t believe it. Is a divorce really that hard?  But, no, I know Vi. He’s methodical, analytical, and competent. If anything, hiring an assassin with a reputation like mine is right in line with his personality. Nothing but the best, even in the murder game.

I should be flattered, really. My rates aren’t cheap. Whatever I did to make him send this in–and he did, there’s his social security, his fingerprint, everything–it must have been killer.

I set my glass down on the counter and tuck the folder under my arm. I need to think and I do my best thinking in the tub. Vi won’t be back from his “business” trip for another three days, during which I’m supposed to kill myself.

As I head up the stairs, I can’t help but laugh. Finally, after three years of marriage, my husband does something interesting. And it breaks my fucking heart.


He wants me to make it painless but horrific. There’s a script in the document, something that’s more common than people think, and it’s hard to read it, even surrounded by bubbles and soothing music.

Your husband sent me. Said he needed to shed some dead weight.” I snort at the pun and close my eyes, resting the file against my face so it doesn’t get wet. Unfortunately, the tears do that anyway.

“Fuck,” I say. “You bastard.”



To prove something to a friend, please







im gonna reblog this everytime i see it ,,



I have never ignored a like button in my entire exsistance on this blue/teal whatever y'all colour it website tungle dot com!

As an ace myself, the amount of likes on this post doesn’t go well with me.

☝️My thoughts exactly. I don’t like it.

guys please

It concerns me that ace people have such a tough time with this.

Aces don’t deserve this shit.

Aces deserve better???? Wow???

Don’t know if I already reblogged but damn if I won’t do it regardless!

Aces deserve safe spaces!


Tumblr, you’re killing art.

This is a horrible website for art. This is a horrible website for artists.

The only art that ever gets attention here is fanart, or artists who already have thousands of followers. 

Nothing new is ever added to the mix, nothing else ever gets out there, because you guys see art, and while you might think it’s cool, you keep on scrolling because it isn’t Undertale or Homestuck or whatever sports anime is popular right now. You only give attention to fanart, and even that is an elitist club where attention is only given to the chosen few fandoms.

Artists who create original work are getting less and less support all the time. I’m feeling it, and I’m seeing my friends get less support too. We’re losing followers. Our note count is going down.

“Do art for yourself!” People say. But that only goes so far. No matter how you slice it, getting ignored and snubbed constantly on pieces you spent precious hours on while you watch the notes on a quick fanart doodle soar into the thousands hurts. We don’t create art to place it in a dark room and never be looked at. No artist ever posts art here thinking “I hope no one looks at this and it gets no notes.”

Encouragement and praise go a long way to help artists with original ideas, but you guys don’t care about original ideas. They’re falling by the wayside. Soon there won’t be any new things to make fanart of. How many movies that have come out in recent years have been sequels or remakes? A lot more than new, original concepts, that’s for sure. When you look around in a few years and find that everything is stale, boring, and overdone, know that you have no one to blame for that but yourself.

Ideas need support. Ideas need to be shared and fostered and encouraged. Otherwise, they die off into nothing. 

Reblog more than just fanart, please.

You know, it’s not even just artist that have thousands of followers. 

I have 5k+ followers as of a couple months ago. My original works hardly get any notice, and a lot of the time my fanart doesn’t get noticed. People are ridiculous when it comes to reblogging people’s art. They’re ashamed of it for some reason. Like, I’ll have art that has 100 notes. two of them are reblogs, and they were MY OWN REBLOGS. TO MY OTHER TWO ART BLOGS.



can’t eat hot sauce: Call

will eat hot sauce with certain things: Aaron

carries diablo sauce from taco bell in pocket for everyday foods: tamara

chugs cholula smoothies for breakfast lunch and dinner: celia


Mundane America. Broken pole with rope and an American Flag. Cincinnati, Ohio.


Wait.  Wait.


I know that telephone pole.

I know that telephone pole intimately because I’m the one who broke it.

Thats the pole next to Sycamore Jr. High, in between the jr high school and Pipkins, where I had my second car accident.  A woman t-boned my car and drove me into that pole in 2008 and it took them years to actually take it down.

That black metal pole you see just beyond the broken phone pole is a “Now Leaving/Welcome To Blue Ash, Ohio” sign, visible at 5520 Cooper Road on google maps.

(the flag is there, btw, because its the starting point for the Blue Ash/Montgomery July 4th parade.)


The internet is so staggeringly immense that I can’t help but be disproportionately delighted when things like this happen.


anyway here are some random embarrassing facts/stories about the paladins:

  • hunk failed the driving test the first time for driving too slowly
  • in every picture of the holts’ trip to disney, pidge is crying because she’s scared of the character mascots
  • shiro once lost his trunks at a water park and had to do the Walk Of Shame with two tubes covering him. they were transparent
  • he wouldn’t call it fear, but keith has an……acute discomfort around the movie happy feet
  • allura was the lead of a play in primary school but she got such bad stage fright on show day she tried to say her line and threw up
  • hunk reluctantly went to a baseball game with friends and got hit in the face with a stray. he was on the sports channel for weeks
  • after hundreds of lessons on diplomacy and grace, allura arrives for her first meeting, trips on a step and falls flat on her face
  • lance is 100% the person to accidentally scream urethra instead of eureka
  • he also peed his pants in his first haunted house :(
  • pidge went to school once not realizing matt had drawn all over her face while she was sleeping. she looked great with a sharpie mustache and big glasses
  • shiro was staying over at a friends house once and tried to tell him about a muheardtual friend procrastinating a huge school project. the mom however only heard little takashi say “she’s getting fuuuuucked tonight”
  • lance once had some…..bowel issues at school and rushed to a stall to fix it. not only did the stall not lock but the intensity at which he slammed the door in a hurry to release himself was enough for the door to open completely, for the whole boys bathroom to see
  • ive made a post about it here, but when allura first got her ears pierced she genuinely thought she’d gone deaf
  • how was keith supposed to know you can’t feed a dog chocolate. How. it wasn’t in the instructions that were left when he was dog sitting
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