

@damndinarzade / damndinarzade.tumblr.com

a wannabe loser, but at least im not a hentai blog 💕 roxie/grace, 21, dyke 👛
“Im so girlcore”
ao3s: dear_dunyazade and belovedhadassah

[ID: tweet from 2023 by sean @ Dilettantery Pod that says "Cave Bear, thirty-thousand years older than Jesus". Attached is a photo of a cave painting of a bear, done in reddish-brown, and faded at the back half. This tweet is quote retweeted by Moon Angel Doremi @ Chazakiel Doremi, who says "You think they painted this from memory or just really, really quickly". End ID]


Beginning to think some of you don’t actually know what a crackship is

A crackship is not looking at two characters who interact a lot and have an established dynamic and going 'haha what if they kissed that'd be so funny'. No no. A crackship is like. 'Main character/shopkeep who only has two lines'. It's 'big bad/that exact same shopkeep'. It's 'Frodo Baggins/Shadow the Hedgehog'. If it does not boggle the mind it's not really a crackship.


Want to do something to help stop the tradwife pipeline btw? Include mothers in your feminism. Hold space for women and others who are experiencing pregnancy or motherhood. Listen to their concerns about and unique perspectives on things like universal childcare, bodily autonomy, healthcare. Hold men who disrespect, sexualize, fetishize, shame or harass pregnant women and mothers accountable. Advocate for the right to nurse in public. Advocate for bodily autonomy within the healthcare field. Listen to women and birthing parents who have birth trauma. Listen to women who have undergone things like “the husband stitch”, or medically unnecessary c-sections, or who were given drugs without consent by doctors and nurses violating their birth plan. Advocate for resources to promote an end to the high rates of maternal mortality in the US. Get to know a woman who has children. Get to know the person she is. Know about her likes and interests and hobbies. Unlearn the stigma in your head which makes you see pregnant women as “ruined” or “tainted” and mothers as devoid of individual personhood.

As a leftist I will always advocate for the needs of mothers and their children. I refuse to let the right attempt to manipulate people by using the “we’re the only ones who care about mothers and children” talking point. I refuse to let my fellow leftists and progressives continue to enjoy complacency in their exclusion of these two marginalized groups.


Just for once I’d like to tell the gate agents and flight attendants that my folding wheelchair is going into the onboard closet and not have them tell me there’s “no room”. Bitch that’s a wheelchair closet, not a “your bags” closet. Move your damn bags where they belong.

Ok, so according to my friendly aviation expert, this is a Big Fucking Deal. In fact, if an airline argues with you about putting your wheelchair in the wheelchair closet or even suggests there may not be room, unless there is already another passenger’s wheelchair in that closet, they have violated federal law.

CFR Title 14, Chapter II, Subchapter D, Part 382, Subpart E, Section 382.67, Subsection (e)

“As a carrier, you must never request or suggest that a passenger not stow his or her wheelchair in the cabin to accommodate other passengers (e.g., informing a passenger that stowing his or her wheelchair in the cabin will require other passengers to be removed from the flight), or for any other non-safety related reason (e.g., that it is easier for the carrier if the wheelchair is stowed in the cargo compartment).”

This is hugely important because it means that if this happens to you, you should report their asses to the DOT. Why? Because these statistics are published every year for every airline, and the airline gets a huge ass fine for every violation. If we want to see change, we need to make airlines literally pay every time they treat us this way.

@annieelainey you should share this with your followers! This is important info!!

To my mutuals on wheels, print out the law before you fly and whip it out at the gate if they don’t accomodate your wheels.

Thanks a lot for posting this, bro! Flying while crippled is already difficult enough without people pulling this kind of shit. Also, make sure that if there is a piece of your wheelchair or something important missing off of it, that you make a big fucking deal out of it! I’ve had pieces fall off of my wheelchair and nearly lost a decoration I had on it that meant a lot to me because people were careless with my chair. Don’t let them mistreat your wheelchair.

Non-wheelchair folks:

Now that you know, speak up.

You never know when you’re going to see someone who needs an ally.

Yes! Let’s share this information and support our friends on wheels.


barnyard the original party animals is the uncontested lord of bad implications in childrens movies

ok so like “the secret life of x” movies tend to not strongly explore the actual reasons why, exactly, their life has to be secret… they don’t really focus on it within the narrative. They do usually have some small justification for why animals or video games or toys or whatever have never just revealed themselves:

  • There’s no stated reason. They just pretend to not be alive. We usually can suspend our suspension of disbelief here because when it’s something like a video game or an emoji because any odd occurrences is perceived as a glitch or something similar but the actual reason why they aren’t too hung up on this kinda shitty lot in life isn’t said
  • They get something out of their current relationship with humans (like in toy story)
  • They have some specific reason to hide that they’re alive, like they die if they’re seen (like in the christmas toy)
  • They perceive themselves as sentient, talking creatures, but humans can’t understand them. They just see a squeaking mouse or an inanimate hot dog or whatever. 

and the last one is what most animal movies do, and it’s like, not devoid of weird implications but you can see where it mostly works.

but barnyard is the outlier here: it goes with tier one: the animals can talk and walk on two legs but just pretend that they can’t for unstated reasons. 

in the history of the barnyard world non human animals, at some point, decided to just pretend to be unable to speak. a “cow” or a “coyote” or a “hen” do not exist as we know it in the barnyard universe. the baa of the sheep is false; the ewe doesn’t understand it either. they only made up that noise to hide the fact that they speak human languages. a dog barking and running on all fours is a facade. animals naturally walk on their hind legs and made up whole postures just to appear non sentient.

and for what? what do they gain from this? they have no rights and no voice by their own choice. at one point a donkey claims the farmer is a good person because he’s vegan and a pig mentions bacon - this is not a fantasy universe devoid of death and misery and meat. do animals, in hushed whispers, remind their children not to sob in their real voice as they’re taken away? do the dogs not beg for kindness when they’re tied up and hit? do cows and chickens not cry for their life in the slaughterhouses? does a rat not scream a human scream when the trap misses their neck and only breaks their spine? Why? what is the point? They loose so much and have everything to gain.

anyways does everyone remember this really awful cat. it only appears in one scene but i can just sense the porn of it that would pop up if i googled it’s name

This post is like being tied to a chair as a a joker-style villain monologues and presses a gun closer and closer to my head as he reaches the climax of his rehearsed piece on the flaws of society and when he finally pulls the trigger it’s a little flag that says “bang!”


government is trying to ban tiktok meanwhile millions of poor and disabled americans are about to completely lose their internet access at the end of april because congress wont renew funding for the affordable connectivity program

hell fucking world

if you want to help us convince congress to do something that actually benefits society, please check out the link below. we only have roughly 45 days of affordable internet service remaining from the time this post has been written


so the house of representatives just passed a bill that will now move to the senate to BAN tik tok completely in the united states and they are expected to argue that “national security risks” outweigh the freedom of speech and first amendment rights. biden has already said that if it gets to him, he will sign it. whether or not you use the app…….this is something to be worried about

before u have the kneejerk reaction of “good I hate tt anyways” or “maybe ppl will go outside” that’s not what this is about! the government wants to remove an entire app with over 170 million american users (who in large have used it as a platform to build community, consume and spread world news, advocate, organize), and try to force people back to us based apps like meta and google. please think about the implications. please think about what else they could potentially do if they get away with this. this could very well set a precedent for free speech & constitutional rights as well know it, and it is imperative we are on the right side of it


Not apocalyptic levels of OhFuck unless you’ve sat through a Cat5, but shit’s been like this for a long time now. We just put up with it for far too fucking long:

Me: I need to go home. There’s a hurricane coming and my basement apartment is on the coast, so I’m worried about my cats. (To myself: And maybe needing to evacuate.)

Boss: Is your house and your cats more important than this job?

Me: YES.

Boss: …oh. Okay. Uh…see you tomorrow…

Different boss, several years later, a conversation that happened multiple times:

Me: Hey, it’s starting to really snow outside, I live on a steep hill, and I only have 2-wheel drive. If I don’t leave now, I can’t get home.

Boss: Is getting home more important than getting your job done tonight?

Me: Considering I value my life more than I value this paperwork being digitized? YES.

Boss: ….

Me: Bye. See you tomorrow.

Boss: Uh, yeah, okay.

Different atttempt:

Boss: Why don’t you just get a hotel after work?

Me: Do I get a raise so I can afford it?

Boss: No.

Me: Bye. See you tomorrow.

Boss: Is getting home

more important than getting

your job done tonight?

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Haikubot aside we should normalize saying those things to bosses absolutely. It’s only going to get worse.

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