


she/her | 21+

The face of a man who's been in and out of Seoul police stations too many times to count in the past 6 years and now has resigned himself to his fate. I bet those forehead lines and crow's feet around Minhyuk's eyes are Bong Soon's work caused by years of worrying for her and getting her out of scrapes.

You have to feel for Minhyuk and his plight, even more so considering he has not one but two mini Bong Soon's lying in the wait to protect others and wreak havoc; and he will have to protect them, just like he does their mother.

The perks of marrying a young billionaire who's whipped for you with a personal army of lawyers at his disposal. Minhyuk probably has an entire team of them called "My Strong Wifey Defence Squad" working round the clock.

Forget the lawyers, Minhyuk is Bong Soon's number one defender, as she protects others, he protects her and stands by her at all costs. At this point, he could probably get a law degree after getting her out of police stations for 6 years.

As if something so mundane as pressing charges could ever rattle Minhyuk, who once almost let himself willingly blow up and die with Bong Soon because he couldn't live without her. This man doesn't even fear bombs or murderous psychopaths.

Bong Soon is so proud of her hubby, it almost looks like she's getting off on him confidently eviscerating the gangsters with his fierce "I don't give a fuck if they press charges, I'm sending my army of lawyers to destroy them, because my wife is innocent as a lily. Thank you, your honour" defence speech.

I dig how the writer managed to squeeze in everything that encapsulates Bong Soon and Minhyuk in those few short minutes, all their iconic quirks, including his specific way of speaking when posing questions, with the -ni prefix at the end.


It's so beautiful to watch how profoundly has Minhyuk affected Bong Soon, who has grown more mature and confident in herself by his side. Gone is the hapless and lost girl from 6 years ago, now she's taking a page out of Minhyuk's book, no longer the victim, taking the charge of the interrogation, because she now knows how to defend herself because Minhyuk taught her.

Moreover, if she had hit him before he took charge of her training he would end up in the hospital with a broken arm. Now, she can lightly hit him and it feels like being hit by anyone else.

Once, her brother fittingly called him their family's saviour because it's so true - he saved her as much as she saved him (whether from the bomb or from his loneliness), he helped her to achieve what she truly wanted do in her life and be herself, her true self, in the society like a normal person without the need to lose or compromise who she really is.


Can we acknowledge that Ricky’s confession to Gina was not to make her stay and give up on the movie? It wasn’t something for him to get something out of it. He said it so he won’t have to regret not telling her before she leaves East High. To let her know she is loved by him. He was ready to watch her go and deal with the idea of their relationship possibly ending. And he didn’t even know Gina moved the movie to SLC when he showed up and confessed. And Gina didn’t make the choice to stay because Ricky told her he loved her but because she built a life there (with Ricky and her friends) that she wants to keep for as long as she can. And what it didn’t accour to him is that Gina wants him in her dreams too. Nini was willing to go as far away as her dream would take her (and that’s not a bad thing). But Gina is just not willing to let Ricky go because he is her person.

And let’s appreciate too that he didn’t just say “I love you”, he also said “I’m in love”. As he is IN love with Gina now (and will be forever).


honestly love the parallel of gina and nini having these massive opportunities and seeing how ricky responded to it but most importantly how they respond to ricky’s support.

with nini she didn’t like how ricky was so clingy to the relationship and didn’t like that he would ever entertain the idea that she would stay for him. even though ricky was very supportive and all he said was that he wished she could be there with him. as much as they loved each other, they just weren’t compatible.

with gina she wants the complete opposite. she wants ricky to be clingy and love her selfishly (within reason of course). funny enough, gina is actually the perfect recipient of the text he sent nini in season 2 because that’s exactly what she wanted to hear from him. they are so incredibly compatible in the way they love each other and they deserve that type of love so much.

and i think for ricky it was a lesson for him to know that he should never stop being himself in his relationships because the right person would love him the exact same way he loves them. with all his clingy and dorky traits.

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