
Brainrot Central


Writer and chronic nerd. mid-30s, bi as heck.

im having a bad brain day and that usually means I'm not as good at masking and I just watched my boss' smile just drop because I clearly wasn't Making The Right Face at her story

I think I wasnt blinking enough but I'm not sure

I wanna go home :(


This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 

If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 


best brownies in the known universe (at least, according to my grandma)

some year and a half ago when i was getting ready to move out i combed through all the family recipes that lay lost to time and one of the ones that i found was my grandmas brownie recipe. idk where she got it from (nor can i ask cause she has dementia) and its a printed out email she sent to my mom in june 2000. but by george these the best brownies i have ever tasted. would she be pleased that i am sharing this recipe with my vast following? absolutely.


5 tablespoons butter (unsalted) 1 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate (or as much as your heart desires) 2/3 cup unsweetened good cocoa powder 1 cup sugar (white) (superfine preferred, normal works fine) 1 cup sifted white flour (can use gluten free) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder as much cinnamon as your heart desires (your heart needs to desire at least some cinnamon. its essential to the recipe) 3 egg whites 1 egg splash of vanilla extract (again, non negotiable step!)

preheat your oven to 325 degrees. grease a square baking pan (9x9 preferably).

in a small saucepan over medium heat melt the butter and baking chocolate. while that is melting, sift together the flour, baking powder and cinnamon into a small bowl. once the butter and chocolate is done melting add the cocoa powder and cook it together for 1 minute. add in the sugar and stir. it will get very thick. this is correct.

set that aside to cool. while thats cooling take a large bowl and put in your egg whites, egg and vanilla. beat it up with preferably a whisk but you can use a fork if youre fresh out of whisks. once the chocolate is cool enough to not scramble your eggs dump it in the eggs and mix it together. add the flour in gradually and keep mixing until its smooth and happy.

spread into your greased baking pan. put it in the oven for EXACLTLY 18 MINUTES. very crucial step. they will come out slightly under done. that is what we want. as they cool they will continue to cook in the pan. we dont want them to get hard and sad. they are not good when they are hard and sad. do not overbake them. you will be sad.

slice them up and as the official last step on the original recipe says: EAT ENJOY AND MAKE MORE! (theyre very good with mint chocolate chip ice cream)



RECIPE IN GRAMS cause it was bugging me, op i hope you dont mind (i did the math but any correction is welcome yall)

70g unsalted butter (there's salted?? the things i learn on here)

28g+ baking chocolate (google tells me this is a chocolate bar that has little to no sugar in it and no its not the same as dark chocolate)

65g unsweetened cocoa powder

200g extrafine white sugar (or granulated sugar if you must. This is *not* powdered sugar btw. powdered sugar has a different cup-to-grams ratio. Id never heard of extrafine sugar before but i went on a google rabbit hole and yeah it exists here too lol)

120g white flour

2,8g baking powder (lets make this 3g yall we're all gonna eyeball it anyway cmon)

Cinnamon (to taste, at least a little bit is needed for real tho)

3 egg whites

1 egg

A splash of vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 160-165°C (325°F is technically 162,7 but ehhh you do you)

Grease a square baking pan (23x23cm or as close as you can get i guess)

Follow OP's instructions

Bake for 18 minutes on the dot


for real tho everyone saying they want to make these as graduation treats/study snacks is warming my heart my grandma is a big fan of academia and worked at a bookstore for several years she would love to know her brownies are making their way around as study motivation


i know a ton of you are jessie fans (why else would you be following me she's all i draw). jessie's voice actress from OS, Rachael Lillis, is currently battling cancer and could use some help 💗 such a talented human being and voice for many iconic characters! im so inspired by her (clearly) and glad i had the privilege of meeting her this year


plant people, I need your help!

I've had my cherry tree for about 6 months now and it's grown a sprout at the bottom. Is this a new tree or just part of the original whole? Do I need to separate them? I've never raised a tree before, I got him from work.


cursed with "do you still like me?" "are you mad at me?" "did i do something wrong?" disorder

"this is actually anxious attachment style" no. it's "do you still like me?" "are you mad at me?" "did i do something wrong?" disorder.


The inherent homoeroticism of killing your enemy and immediately regretting it

It’s about rage, it’s about obsession, it’s about making that two-person war your entire raison d’être. It’s about loving and mistaking it for hatred and loving and loving and loving to the point of destruction. His or yours, it doesn’t matter. And you think seeing him dead at your feet will make you feel better, but all you feel is a whole lot of nothing.


in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that macklemore would happily release a free palestine song that is AS balls-out anticapitalist and antiimperialist as it is, considering in 2011 he won a grammy with a song all about being poor and spending your money wisely while still being cool and looking fresh, bemoaning blind consumption.

it was a small domino to start with, sure, but the trail is there.


and that person just happened to be the person who is currently the most celebrated rapper in the world, Kendrick Lamar! he was apologizing for winning over Good Kid, M.a.a.d. City!

“You got robbed. I wanted you to win. You should have. It’s weird and it sucks that I robbed you.”

funny enough, he did NOT apologize to the other artists, and two of them are Drake and Kanye, which is EXTRA hilarious considering how well that decision also aged.

a lot of people are bringing up a very good point:

Macklemore has been an ally this whole fucking time, making whole songs dedicated to LGBT and BLM stuff. nobody ever talked shit about him for anything other than being uber-corny.

i think now that we're in the post-cringe era there's a lot of people remembering where we left him and thinking "oh fuck im so sorry white boy"


hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???

i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)

oh, Sisyphus! i got you

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