The Envy of the Boyscouts

@disciplinxry /


ARCHIVE NOTICE! Hello, everyone! I know I said I was going to come back on to this blog, but it seemed that there wasn’t much activity flowing on the dash in regard to that! It’s really no one’s fault (most people I knew in the fandom who helped build my character have already left a long time ago), and it probably was a sign that I would just lose my muse in a few days anyway. Regardless, I’m really grateful for the nearing two years that you gave to me on this blog! I had so much fun just shooting the breeze with so many interesting people, and I truly do love Ishimaru with all of my heart; however, when the time comes that one doesn’t gain what they put through, it’s time to pack up and accept fate as it comes--no grudges, anger, or defiance necessary. 

Thank you for everything on this blog and I hope you all will join me on my Toujou blog in the future! You’re free to unfollow or softblock this blog to your liking! Until next time: stay in school for Ishimaru and remember that fornication is not welcome in a school environment! 



⦅ Enoshima  @gyarukill

“Really? Woah Ishimaru! You really are committed to your role as a boring rule stickler huh? Well luckily for me I, in turn, loooove being a rule breaker so make sure you hand that little write-up to me so I can rip it and shove it in the nearest toilet!”

               ❝ MORE LIKE THE UPSTANDING CITIZEN OF THE ACADEMY IN THE FORM OF A DISCIPLINARIAN! Now even if you shove it down the toilet—WHICH CAN CAUSE CLOGGING SO DO NOT DO THAT—I still have a PDA which will send the report directly to the Headmaster to ensure that you stay written into the system! Should you fail to attend the detentions that are mandatory, unlike the classes, you will never graduate from the academy until you serve them!


“I’ll see you in detention, Ishimaru-kun!” (Im sorry if you arent ok with doubles of muses but I love other ishis so-)


⦃ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ʜᴀʟʟ ᴘᴀssᴇs ⦄ ⟶ ᴏᴏᴄ

Thank you for reading my rules! I’m just nervous around doublesbecause I always fear they won’t like my portrayal, so it’s not really bad; it’sjust my anxiety being irrational! Thank you for following and I hope we caninteract when I have muse…whenever…that comes around… lkajdflkas


Yo, so first of all, Happy Birthday dude. I figured maybe this wouldn't be your thing, but I got you this baseball video game. And hey, I know ya might be busy and all, too busy to play it alone maybe? Was thinkin' you and I could play it together sometime though. Figured it'd probably be somethin' we'd both enjoy a little anyway.


     ❝ Though I do notparticipate in the culture of video games, I did imply heavily that I must study them for the sake ofunderstanding my peers for social interaction, so…this is a thoughtful gift! Ofcourse, if I have the time between my: schedule, duties, and studying, then Iwill happily have you teach me how to play it!


⦅ ???   @kigajesuta

[ ☣ ] It seems someone was stealing some students’ bookbags which contains their valuables! The spray-painted wall was his? I thought it was the art class here upon my arrival here but I guess that’s why there’s some staff members trying to clean up the wall. I was told you are the hall monitor here so I was wondering if you knew anyone who would be do something like that?

               ❝ That crime--! I have heard of it and it is unforgivable, cowardly, and immature of someone to create such an incident; I…have not gained any leads in the process, however… Unfortunately, that is not the case; the art class would never defile the walls of the most prestigious academy in Japan just for the sake of artistic creativity—not on my watch! Oowada-Kun has the mindset of one who is completely delinquent and is heavily reprimanded on a daily basis by me and others of authority!


━━━━━━━━━━━━ Out of Order:

I updated my rules; I had forgotten blogs like that existed but I need to make a stand on my own feet about this situation. No need to send a password if you did already but I’d appreciate it if you could give this a read to ensure we are all on the same page about this:

I refuse to interact with any gender/cisswaps. I will immediately softblock and/or block should you follow/continuously refollow.


⦃ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ʜᴀʟʟ ᴘᴀssᴇs ⦄ ⟶ ᴏᴏᴄ

It’s always so hard to keep a blog that you love running when you just don’t have the motivation for it; I sit here, day in and day out, trying to rustle up muse for my talented RP partners in the threads they give or reply to, but nothing feels right when I put fingertips to keyboard. I’m on the verge of archiving but I don’t think I’d be able to with how much I love Ishimaru and this blog altogether; it’s had some of the most amazing memories associated with it in my roleplay time, but…there’s nothing holding the seams together anymore.

I don’t want to clog the dash with negative vibes, but I’m just not sure what will happen to this blog. I need a sign or something—as cliché as that sounds—to give me an answer of what to do.


⦅ Celestia  @princessxroyale

She’ll allow this one hug - just this once.
‘ Yes, yes, it’s indeed me, Kiyotaka-kun. My apologies for the long stay away. ’

               ❝ Had you been away for much longer, I would have called the police to hunt you down!! You were either truant or missing!! Have you been studying!? Where were you?!


⦅ Kuwata  @hazuukashi

Leon’s face immediately began to turn pink. He understood what Ishimaru was getting at by asking for such an activity, but Leon had to admit that he’d never once imagined such a situation. “You’re really serious about this? I mean… Dude… I don’t really know about th-” And then Ishimaru had decided for the both of them.
As Ishimaru walked off, the pink on Leon’s face refused to retreat. What had he gotten himself into? All he wanted was to gauge how strong Ishimaru was in terms of arm strength, and now he was practically being coerced into stripping down in front of someone he didn’t even consider extremely close to. Though of course he wouldn’t actively tell the other off. Begrudgingly, the baseball star followed the other, feet dragging across the ground. There really wasn’t a point in refusing at this point.

               ❝ Of course I’m serious about this task, Kuwata-Kun! If he weren’t serious, then this would have likely already been passed off as a mere joke—as one knows he’s horrible at passing humor (for God’s sake, he thought Rick Rolling was funny). Crimson scanned the halls as heavy boots thudded against the flooring. Even if he were sated in the idea of a long session in an onsen, he refused to drop his duties even for a moment, but…after a few moments of silence, he decided to educate the ignorant baseball player.


               ❝ Do you not know about naked socializing?! It’s common when one wants to learn about another person; it teaches them the values of stripping passed the idea that status defines all bonds! A genius and a hard worker can bond easily if they cast aside the prim and proper clothing of a lazy day or the dirtied fabrics of a harsh day!

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