
@becasbelt /

she/her. 25. fic writer. meme provider. generally confused but excited

held your hand (suppressed a scream)

Summary: Fate had a funny sense of humor.
Or Shin was just legitimately unhinged. Which, again, Sabine wasn’t ruling out just yet.
or, an enemies to lovers soulmate au where Shin and Sabine are incapable of inflicting physical harm on one another, which definitely isn't frustrating for either of them.
Words: 6.6k
Rating: T
Notes: so @somewillwin posted a prompt a little while ago that's basically enemies to lovers soulmates who physically cannot hurt each other, and needless to say my brain worms went WILD.
so here's this

They seriously had to stop meeting like this.

Sabine ducks low to avoid a high swing from Shin’s orange-red blade. The ends of her hair sizzle from the close call, and when Sabine straightens, she sees that the scowl on Shin’s face has deepened in frustration; too many almost hits that resulted in Shin becoming angry and Sabine feeling shaky with adrenaline.

A smirk slips onto Sabine’s face – okay, maybe she was feeling a little cocky, too. But she’d been dancing circles around Shin since the fight started. Who wouldn’t be feeling a little cocky?

Sabine touches the singed hair on top of her head and raises her eyebrows at Shin ever so slightly. The look only serves in enraging her opponent even more and Shin comes at her again in a whirl of orange-red and gray.

It’s not like they meant to meet up like this – or, at least, Sabine didn’t mean to. She had no idea what Shin’s intentions were, though hunting down Sabine every week and trying to kill her wasn’t incredibly out of character for the dark jedi. Sabine would much rather they just stay out of each other’s way, and being two of only a handful of inhabitants on Peridea, she thought they would have an easy time of that.

Apparently, fate had a funny sense of humor.

Or Shin was just legitimately unhinged. Which, again, Sabine wasn’t ruling out just yet.

Read the rest on AO3!


porter who wouldn’t sign gorgugs MCAT making him take on stress tokens so he had to take 4 years of school all in one… porter having an ability to control students with rage tokens…

porter absolutely rot in hell


personally i kinda of enjoy it even though i dont use they/them because it kinda implies someone has looked at me and assumed i'm not cis lol. and at least in my social circle it's more polite to go with they/them if you aren't sure

please reblog for sample size :] its research


Do you guys ever think about the fact that Beardsley was a last minute addition to the cast after Rekha turned it down? They weren’t even supposed to be in this show.

Think about how different this show would be without them, without their constant finale nat 20s. How many years has that decision shaved off of Brennan’s life do you think?

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