
hold me like a grudge

@hotelstares / hotelstares.tumblr.com

Denise. 35. She/Her. Libra. I like pretty things.

it’s so insane we have to just keep showing up for work. no matter what is happening globally, locally, personally, you’re supposed to show up and act like the formatting on a report is actually really important and demands your attention.


That is, when I'm not playing shows, antagonizing fascists, staging unpermitted political actions slash performance-art pieces, or having a laugh at the pub with the mandem. I'm not a role model. I was briefly a runway model. I hate the A.M. I hate the P.M. I hate labels. I'm not a hero because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat.

Anonymous asked:

Do you like Rolemodel's music?

It's alright. I can't say his style is something I gravitate to. But, honestly, the genres I listen to depend on what mood I have that day. I don't listen to just one thing all the time.

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