


If you see some guy named IdlyDog that's also me lol! here literally anything can appear so be warned, it's mostly BNHA but then again i'm interested in a lot of different things!!

i love that half of kiribaku fics are just bakugo being confused as fuck by feelings and 'what? no this isnt a crush, my heart beats a mile a minute when i see shitty hair bc he is my friend! and i respect him!' and the other half is just 'of course bakugo knew that what he was feeling was a crush, he wasnt an idiot'


My mother says that fanfiction doesn’t count as reading because “it isn’t nearly as good as the stuff that’s published. You’re not going to find something online that will win a Booker Prize.” Please reblog if you count fan fiction as reading, or if the fanfiction you’ve read is equally as good as published novels. I want to see the figures.

Hi, I make my living writing stories, and I’m on your side. Your mom is, sadly, wrong. I know a few critically acclaimed, award-winning authors who not only read fanfiction, but also WRITE it (under assumed names) on AO3.

If we expand beyond AO3, Neil Gaiman won an award for a piece of Holmes/Lovecraft fanfiction. Dante’s Inferno is Bible fanfiction. Every alternate history story is history AU fanfiction.

In fact, every franchise tie-in novel or movie made by anyone other than the original creator is technically fanfiction–the only difference is that it’s fanfiction that was commissioned by whomever currently holds the franchise license. Every Sherlock Holmes story or adaptation not written by Doyle is fanfiction. Every Star Wars novel and movie is fanfiction unless it was written personally by George Lucas.

The only reason the Umbrella Academy TV show isn’t fanfiction is that the creators are involved.

Basically, anyone who shits on fanfiction is at odds with a significant chunk of professional writers, and I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that we’re probably more qualified to judge than anyone who hasn’t made this their field.


This is important hello (x)

Reblogging again for the fuckboy who ignored it the first time


*slow clap for australia* shit mates. Wow.


I will probably reblog this once a day

Reblog. Always reblog.


This is what we mean when we talk about gendered socialization. Wonderful to see an entire government standing up and talking about it.


So for years black girls have had to read fanfics where y/n was automatically described as being paled skinned with long flowing hair and blue eyes. We couldn’t relate to it exactly, it excluded us, it ignored us. But we read it cause it was all that was out there. Now when we start writing fanfics for other black girls to feel included and represented, now you all are saying that you ‘‘can’t relate to it” therefore don’t support black writers when we were supporting your work all those years even though you were acting like we don’t exist within these fandoms. 


That’s why my blog is for the culture ALWAYS


It’s incredibly frustrating because I’ll be reading about the characters turning shades of pink and I’m like. I don’t turn pink. Black people don’t blush. If this is suppose to be reader insert why the hell is it saying that? I don’t have blue eyes or flowing hair? The actual heck.

Bruh don’t get me started, we’ve come a long way but why are ppl complaining when we got something to ourselves? Jeez. You have trillions of stuff, let us have our own.

Ways to describe a gender neutral, ethnicity-neutral character:

  • Blush = cheeks/face heating up
  • Describe how skin feels instead of how it looks
  • Hair being soft instead of long/flowing/silky
  • Maybe don’t even describe hair. Running one’s fingers through it doesn’t require a length or texture.
  • Why are we describing an insert’s eye color anyway? “I’ve always loved the color of your eyes.” There you go.
  • It’s so easy to have characters admire someone without relying on their appearance.
  • If you can’t, then maybe you’re not as good a writer as you think you are.

daniel radcliffe calling out j.k. rowling on her bullshit is big dick energy


One thing I have not seen mentioned in light of this statement, perhaps because it's just well known or perhaps because it's been forgotten, is that Radcliffe has dealt with this before. About 10 years ago his friendship with a trans musician named Our Lady J became known to the tabloids. They immediately published sensational articles calling her a transvestite and a drag queen (she was not), and speculating about the nature of their relationship. He responded to insinuating questions by simply being aggressively positive about what a great musician and good friend she was. They did at least one interview together for a queer magazine. This at a time when trans people were even more marginalized than now, and when he as an actor was finishing Harry Potter and under a lot of pressure to ~manage his image~ as he transitioned to an adult career.

TL;DR - Radcliffe has a record of not just saying nice things, but supporting trans people in his life.


Imagine if the garbage celebs who made that “Imagine” song cover had put half as much effort into their singing as these pro stunt artists put into their own quarantine content: a fight scene performed by over a dozen stunt artists, remotely.

i laughed so hard when the guy swung the kid lmfao

I’m still straight up DYING over that ngl


there is honestly nothing more gorgeously tacky than bowling alley carpet

Don’t even talk to me if all of your clothes aren’t made out of bowling alley carpet

Hey look at these carpets

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