

@ufoten / ufoten.tumblr.com

sad boy who draws dogs | #my art = art tag | feel free to send me asks

I know i dont usually do this but..



If you don’t know what this is:

The earn it act basically wants to ban a bunch of topics from the internet. If it’s passed there will be NO PRIVACY AT ALL.

The person who originally created the bill is trying to push it as quickly as possible to prevent media attention. DONT GIVE IT TO THEM. BOOST AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE, IT DOESNT MATTER. DO WHAT YOU CAN BECAUSE I FOR ONE WOULD LIKE TO KEEP MESSAGES PRIVATE.
According to the nextgov article (Pasted from Nextgov.com) (Please note last paragraph is most important therefore it is in bigger letters:
The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies, or EARN IT Act, was reintroduced into the U.S. Senate on Monday, reopening the potential for Congress to impose stricter penalties related to online content featuring child sex abuse material.
A key pillar of the proposed legislation is augmenting the provisions outlined in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects online platforms from being liable for third party content hosted on their domains.
Should the EARN IT Act pass, it would limit the blanket protections established in Section 230 given to web hosts such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, leaving them vulnerable to potential prosecution.
“There are tens of millions of photos and videos circulating throughout the internet, showing the most heinous acts of sexual abuse and torture of children,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, one of the bill’s sponsors. “The EARN IT Act removes Section 230 blanket liability protection from service providers in the area of child sexual abuse material on their sites. The days of children being exploited on the internet and their families being unable to do anything about it are coming to an end.”
In addition to reducing liability protections against host sites, the EARN IT Act would also establish the National Commission on Online Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention, which would advise online service providers on how to prevent online child abuse and exploitation.
Initially introduced in the 2019-2020 Congress by both Graham and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn, the bill brings a slew of bipartisan cosponsors, including Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Maggie Hassan, D-NH; Rob Portman, R-Ohio; and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
Many of these lawmakers view the EARN IT Act as an important restriction on the power and immunity of Big Tech companies.
“There’s no reason Big Tech should be given special immunity from laws against child pornography,” said Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. “This commonsense bill was approved unanimously in committee last Congress. Big Tech needs to be held responsible for their role in distributing child pornography.”
The bill is not without controversy, however. Critics have said that as part of its crackdown on child abuse content, it may incentivize web hosts to relax their end-to-end encryption standards to better access users’ private messages.
“The EARN IT Act also takes aim at end-to-end encryption, which is one of the most important technologies keeping people safe from violence and abuse,” digital rights group Fight for the Future said in a statement on Tuesday. “Strong encrypted messaging also protects our hospitals, schools, airports and water treatment facilities. Disincentivizing popular services from offering strong encryption to users will put lives in danger for absolutely no benefit.”
Back in 2020, when the bill was first introduced, over 20 other nonprofits and advocacy groups cosigned a letter addressed to Graham and Feinstein warning of threats posed to vulnerable demographics should encrypted messages be weakened.

“In addition to censorship concerns, the EARN IT Act also threatens to disincentivize platforms from providing strong encryption, which is an essential service to the LGBTQ community, who rely on encryption to access a support network; seek resources to combat discrimination and abuse; and find doctors and treatment to assist with transition and other health concerns,” the letter reads.


Ok look, I fully understand wanting to ban child porn, it’s bad and it should be stopped, but this bill is threaten queer communites, and knowing the fanbase of tumblr (Very gay) this is really bad for us. If it passes, we could be in serious trouble.


And if you still need more proof, just look up “Earn it Act” online and you should see several news articles regarding it.

boost as much as yall can please /srs


Hello all! A buddy of mine is going to be rehoming their leopard gecko and I really wanted to give her a new home with me. I do have a job but I, unfortunately, have to use it for other bills in life. This, of course, doesn’t stop me from caring for my pets but I need a little boost of money to help get the gecko with me!

As many of you know, I already own two leopard geckos: Dipper and Nova. I’ve always wanted to get more and this is the perfect opportunity to create my wonder trio.

What is the fund covering?

  • 20 Gallon Tank (long)
  • Tank setup (hides, dishes, heating, and decor)
  • Shipping costs
  • Possible vet bills for a first checkup

Who is the fund for?

   A six-year-old leopard gecko who I’ve renamed to be Nebula/Nebby. From what her current owner has told me, she’s a very sweet girl, loves to sit on your shoulder and is overall a queen. She was a pet store adoption, much like my Nova, and I want to give her the same love I’ve given Dipper and Nova.

How can I contribute?

   I will be opening PWYW/bribe commissions, I have multiple adoptable batches open, and I may be creating more! If you would like to donate just a couple of bucks, I have my KOFI open as well (or my direct paypal.me if you prefer). If you leave information (username and character refs) in your KOFI/paypal.me donations, I will try to create sketches as a thank you for your donation.

Thank you for reading and considering! And an extra special thank you if you donate and/or buy a commission/adoptables. Links: KOFI paypal.me commissions adoptables pictures of Nebula If you’re interested in purchasing commissions and don’t have a DeviantArt, feel free to PM me here on Tumblr @ufoprnc , on my Instagram, or on my Twitter


Please check this out! If you’ve been itching to get a commission from me, nows your chance!


hey my botw memes are the bane of my existence cause they have tenfold more notes than my art but dont repost them without my permission please


where to find me

I don’t think I’ll be leaving tumblr as a platform, I like it. Even though it’s going through this horrible purge of content and making many other artists leave, I want to stay and hopefully, they see what they’re doing is taking so many steps backward and harming their userbase.  If you want to follow me elsewhere, I can be found on the following sites: DeviantART Twitter (gonna try to be more active!) Instagram  Each will hopefully be consistently different content to give a variety to my viewers. Thanks for sticking with me!


me, noticing all of my anatomy mistakes after i already post the drawing publicly:


Really low prices make me less likely to commission an artist. Me: I’m not an artist. I do commission artists - I spend around $300-600 a month on digital art commissions. I sometimes find an artist who has really impressive work, or a unique style, or something else that makes me think “I should commission this person.”. Then I look at their prices and they are crazily low. As in less than 20 dollars for a colour full body character. And I don’t commission them. Because I can’t pay prices that low and feel good about myself for doing it. I know it takes hours to draw even one character. Plus the time it takes to study the brief, look at the references, communicate with me, etc etc. No way are they making even minimum wage this way, let alone a living wage. I commission art because it’s fun. It’s my hobby. If I’m knowingly paying someone slave wages to support my hobby, it isn’t fun. To artists who undercharge: Please reconsider. I’ve heard many reasons why you decide to do this (see below). But if you price your work like you don’t respect it, you won’t get clients who will respect you or your work either. You charge peanuts, you get monkeys. To commissioners who push for these prices: Have some respect. Not just for the artists, but for the other commissioners out there. You’re giving us all a bad name. If you can’t afford decent prices, don’t be mean about it. Save up, or find some other hobby. Or hey, learn to draw.

Comments I get whenever I say the above:

  • “No-one will buy commissions from me at decent prices.” - That’s a pity. But you realise by underpricing like this you are making your problem worse, by contributing to the “art should be dirt cheap” mindset that seems to exist in dA and other places? (okay mostly dA, that place is a cesspit) Besides, there are other things you can do than keep lowering prices. There’s tons of advice in dA: ‘Official’ Pricing Your Commissions or Artwork Thread Finding Freelance work: pricing and self doubt! And other places: How to get commissions: A guide Getting the Most Out of Commissions If none of the above helps you… maybe you need to reconsider if you are at the right stage in your development to be offering commissions. Sorry.
  • “I’m only doing this for fun, I don’t care about the money.” - Good for you. But there are others that are trying to make a living doing this. Have some consideration for them, yes?
  • “It’s the clients pushing my prices down.” - Gah. Then your clients are awful people who don’t respect you. It’s a trap though - you charge low prices, you get cheap clients. There’s only one way out of that trap.
  • (Commissioner says) “But I want this drawn and I can’t afford higher prices.” - I want to live in an exact replica of Wayne Manor, but I can’t afford that. So, um, I don’t. Simplify your idea, or don’t commission it until you can afford to do so without ripping off the artist.
  • (Commissioner says) “By paying less per artist I can support more artists.” - No. Just… no. You are not supporting artists, you are exploiting them. Paying less per artists lets you exploit more artists.
  • “Just tip the artist.” - I have done that, but it sends the wrong message. Tipping isn’t the norm in this game, so when I tip artists assume it’s because they did an extra-awesome job, when in fact I’m tipping them because they did their normal-awesome job. Plus if an artist is charging one-third or one-quarter what they should be, do I tip them 300%?

(Image by me. Not an artist, remember? The price list is made up, but based on real lists I’ve seen recently.)

submitted by -badgermushroom


wow this is actually one of the best things to ever come out of artist’s confessions. 


I know there’s a lot of tension after Tumblr’s new policy annouced for December 17th, but reblog this if you aren’t leaving Tumblr so that other blogs can know they aren’t going to be completely alone!

I’m hanging on till the very end

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