
Fandom Calamity

@sushicorps / sushicorps.tumblr.com

Kallie. can't believe I'm back here
When I find my ship in times of trouble,
Fanfic authors come to me,
Speaking words of wisdom: Ao3.
And when some broken-hearted shippers,
Don’t get a canon otp,
There will be an answer: Ao3.
And in my hour of darkness,
The Archive is in front of me,
With the filter set on “Rated E.”
Ao3… Ay oh threeeeee,
Ay oh three… Yeah Ao3,
Why would you pay for porn when fic is free!?

Adding some of my favorite additions to this because omg some of these are seriously pure 24 karat fucking GOLD!


[holds up lighter]




my budget is a fucking mess. i‘ve got the spending habits of a victorian dandy on the salary of a medieval serf. i’m living like post-incarceration oscar wilde with prime 2-day shipping


do the spiderverse kids all have. slightly different meme cultures

miles: look I can fit my whole fist in my mouth

gwen: freaky flexing. but alright


miles, through his fist: I’m sorry what did you just say

ok but remember Peter B’s world is most like ours

 so both Miles and Gwen would have slightly off memes and distress him when he has a hard enough time remembering his own world’s memes


Miles: It’s “strange flex but cool beans.” Peter: Am I tripping on something? Is this a stroke, is this what a stroke feels like?

Miles: *makes a mistake* This is distressing. Siri play Take on Me.

Gwen: you absolute heathen. It’s ‘This is tragic, google play All Star.’

Peter: whAT the fUCK


noir: strange flaunt, but alas


Me in history class: Wow, humanity has been through some fascinating times!  I wonder if I’ll ever live through major historical events!


it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space tr


When I say “writers don’t want your unsolicited criticism” and “leaving unsolicited criticism on fanfiction hurts writers” THIS is what I mean.

This isn’t even all of them, this is just from a FEW posts on the subject. Read through these, and then look me in the eyes and say you’re ~helping writers~ by leaving that criticizing comment on someone’s fic when they didn’t ask you to.

You’re hurting or, at best, annoying us. You’re hurting fandom.

You’re not helping us.

Here is what good criticism looks like:

1) Start with something you loved!

You can even stop here, because positive feedback is still constructive criticism.

2) Ask questions that you wish the Author had asked themself

Was there anything that you wish had been explained or developed more? What direction do you wish the Author had taken? Let the author know if there were any places you got confused.

3) Ask the author if they had any specific concerns, then address them.

Maybe the Author stressed over a certain paragraph being too boring. Either offer suggestions, or put their fears to rest.

4) End with something else you liked!

If you are reviewing a hard copy of someone’s work, put lil hearts by the phrases that made you smile!

-Don’t correct spelling or grammar unless you are not able to understand a sentence/paragraph/the whole story because of it. Grammar and spelling will improve naturally as a reader/writer matures, and that is not your job. You are not the grammar police. Anyone who self-proclaims themselves as one needs to grow uo.

-Don’t say anything about who the author is as a person. Feedback should just be a product of the interaction between reader+work.

My life as a writer began when an English teacher decided to take my sappy teenage work seriously. Writing is a journey of constant improvement. The best feedback you can give is: “I’m proud of you.”

Stop this. Stop it.

You’re obviously jumping into an argument with no idea of the history of it , but this is the exact behavior I’m talking about that’s damaging.

Fandom isn’t a writing class. We are not in English 101 with you. You’re not our teacher, and we’re not students that you need to correct by giving us unsolicited criticism. You’re not even my beta reader. You’re Joe Schmoe on the internet and we don’t want your unsolicited criticism on how to improve.

Listen, I know you mean well, but please take a moment and look at what you just did. You looked at a hundred comments from a hundred people saying “please stop doing this behavior, it’s hurting us” and said “okay, but here’s how to do this behavior anyway.”

No! The point is stop doing it. YOU are the one hurting us.

My life as a writer began when an English teacher decided to take my sappy teenage work seriously. Writing is a journey of constant improvement.

I mean, listen.

I started writing fanfiction at eleven–and you can imagine how terrible that was–which my dad found and read.

Despite the fact that it was terrible, thinly veiled Mary Sue self-insert, my dad took it seriously. He told me that it was amazing and imaginative and he never would’ve thought to do the thing I did in that one story, etc, etc.

It was terrible writing, but he only ever encouraged me to write more. He only ever gave me compliments.

You’re right, writing is a journey of constant improvement, but nowhere is it written that that journey must be made on a road where random passersby throw rotten fruit at you under the guise of helping you.

I am the writer I am today not because my dad criticized my work or because of snotty, holier-than-thou comments on the internet. I’m the writer I am today because I’ve been practicing for over fifteen years.

Year after year, fic after fic, fandom after fandom, I have gotten consistently better at crafting stories and it’s not because of so-called “constructive criticisms” on fanfiction that I’m already done writing.

It’s because I got encouragement when I needed it and silence when I needed that.

I’m not saying that everyone’s story is mine or that people even grow the way I do and I’m not saying that criticism is never warranted.

I’m saying that constructive criticism is a beta’s job and that it useless after the fact, which is when the author gets your comment–after the story is posted, after it is done being written–and that are there enough writers out there that DO learn and grow just by practicing that perhaps you should be mindful of what you comment on a fic.

That is literally the entire argument.

How many screenshots of messages and tags have to be posted before people get that they’re hurting writers instead of helping them?


So I just had a thought

What if supernatural creatures don’t exist anymore? What if they did once, but through the years, they slowly mixed in with humans?

You can see the blood of fairies in the way a ballet dancer hovers in mid air before he or she hits the ground. You can see it in the way that middle school girl never forgets when someone makes her a promise. You can see it in how that one little boy in the kindergarten class seems more comfortable in the forest on that field trip than the others.

You can see the blood of dryads in hikers who never trip over roots. You can see it in that suburban grandmother never lets any of her garden die. You can see it in that one kid who climbs a tree faster than his friends, barely looking at the branches as he goes.

You can see the blood of naiads in the way a professional swimmer seems to command the water to help them. You can see it in how a cross country runner needs a water break more often than his teammates. You can see it in the way that one girl in your class always has a water bottle on her desk.

You can see the blood of mermaids in a surfer who can be tossed around underwater for a long time without drowning. You can see it in a teenage boy who doesn’t have to pretend to be unbothered by the pressure when he races his friends to the bottom of a swimming pool. You can see it in the little girl who wades into every stream she sees on a hike without quite knowing why.

You can see the blood of sirens in people who never have a problem with getting people to date them. You can see it in that soprano who can hit notes most of her fellows can only dream of. You can see it in the camp counselor who all the straight girls have a crush on, who can play guitar and sing better than any of the others.

You can see the blood of shapeshifters in the way an actor adjusts their personality to become their character with scary accuracy. You can see it in the subconscious, barely noticeable changes a tween girl’s eyes make to match her outfit better. You can see it in the way you always lose that one friend in a crowd if you’re not careful, because he’s just too good at blending in.

People who carry the blood of werewolves don’t change with the full moon anymore, but you can still see it in the way your best friend always knows something is wrong, though even they don’t know they’re smelling the changes in your body chemistry. You can see it in the way that one guy always seems to eat more than the reasonable amount of red meat at an all-you-can-eat buffet. You can see it in the way that one werido never has a problem when the teacher turns off the lights before a PowerPoint presentation because her eyes adjust quicker and better than yours.

The blood of supernatural creatures may have mostly faded away. But if you look closely, you can still see it.

I feel a novel series beginning to take hold.


big shout out to the non-mutual followers whove been following me for a long time and like lots of my posts and have been around for months or even years. sorry i never gave u the followback but i see you guys consistently supporting me and enjoying or vibing with my content and i appreciate you, so thanks for stickin around


cats: *big sleep*

cats: *wake up, lil bath, lil food*

cats: oh man … i’m so sleepy *big sleep part 5*

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