
Stuck In Limbo

@furiouslyescaping / furiouslyescaping.tumblr.com

Niko ♀ | ♏︎ | the Balkans | gamer | radical feminist | working in retail hell

“My story has so much gay rep in it!” Awesome. How are you treating your female characters btw

This post blowing up has taught me that a lot of you think that “how are you treating the character” is asking about how they’re treated within the story, not how you, the author, is writing them. I don’t care if your female characters are goddesses or superheroes, do they talk like actual people and not a cardboard cutout with tits stapled on


it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.


Men can nuke humanity to extinction but women who choose not to have children are the ones men fear the most to kill their bloodlines. Men develop weapons that can kill tens of millions of humans at once but it's women who need to be controlled so we don't bring nations to their knees. Humanity can be destroyed by men committing mass murder on an apocalyptic scale or humanity can be destroyed by women refusing to give birth.


Every man with a gun thinks he’s a god.

And yet how many women, who ACTUALLY birth children, have claimed “God” titles for themselves?

God isn’t life to them. God is jealous. God is powerful. God is death.

This is what patriarchal religions did. They slaughtered life and turned it into a machine : breeding and trading women to provide them progeny and build their so-called empires

It’s all fraud. Men are frauds. Male religion is a fraud. Transsexualism “born in the wrong body” is a fraud.


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