

@dubious-signs / dubious-signs.tumblr.com

This is an indie RP blog for a Transformers Aligned-based human OC, Cass. Please read the Rules and About pages.

Nightmares last night, but not too bad. Can't even really remember what happened in them, just the feeling of being scared and upset. Woke up and read for a bit. Fell back asleep pretty quick. Haven't had any real bad ones for a few months now. So, good news overall?? Progress is progress I guess.

His shoulder was damaged, but his reflexes in his good arm remained strong. His hand flew up to catch the water and examine it. Before long it was opened and he poured some of it on his shoulder to clear the blood away. “Banged up and some scrapes.” And a few epic splinters that had since been removed. “Nothing some ice, a band-aid, and a long nap won’t fix.”
“How’d you land yourself out here?”

Cass smirked as he easily caught the bottle. There’s a light tone to her voice as she says, “That’s good to hear. Can’t have you being out of commission for too long.” 

“As for me, I was out here to catch a space bridge home. Know some folks with access to one and they’re real sticklers for making sure it stays out of the public eye in places that aren’t, ah, aware of the multiverse.” So much of that sentence would’ve made no sense to Cass just a short while ago. How times change. “But I'm not in a rush to get back or anything. How’ve you been?"



    change gendered language to your needs.  

“  crying is very punk,  trust me,  i do it all the time   &   i am a punk.  “  do i like him or is he just tall?     not to be dramatic but if i dont get my life together i will die.  ” “  am i dramatic?  yes.  is it justified?  also yes.  ” “  everything that you feel is just a chemical reaction inside your head.  wow.  ” “  theres a special place in hell reserved just for me.  its called the throne.  ” “  lets get high!!   …   grades.  ” “  i think my gps secretly gets mad at me when i deliberately disobey its directions.  ” “  its a bird!  its a plane!  its      me, trying to outrun my feelings.  there i go.  ” “  i am here to say that i am a bisexual who loves mangoes.  ” “  why has no one fallen in love with me yet?  im so bored.  ” “  honestly,  i dont even play an active role in my life.  shit just happens   &   im like    oh,  is this what were doing now?  okay.  ’  ” “  life hack  :  you dont have to be a wolf to yell sad noises at the moon.  ” “  what the fuck do mirrors do when nobody is around?  ” “  it may look like im having deep thoughts,  but really im just thinking about what to eat next.  ” “  do i deserve back pain at this age?  ” “  im a simple person anything happens,  i cry.  ” “  ive mastered the skill of feeling guilty for asking for anything.  ” “  yes,  the rumors are trueim a lovey-dovey dumbass.  ” “  i try not to sound like an asshole,  but its really hard because i am an asshole.  ” “  someone has to date me eventually,  right?  ” “  what circle of dantes inferno did you crawl out of?  ” “  your inability to learn complicated handshakes is tearing this friendship apart.  ” “  theres no way that  EVERYBODY  was kung-fu fighting.  ” “  saying my name is so intimate,  why would you do that to me?  ” “  dont ask me about my sexuality.  youre not gonna get a straight answer.  ” “  i would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining.  ” “  the first step to any murder is to have fun   &   be yourself.  ” “  i think i am subconsciously trying to ruin my own life.  ” “  i may seem like an angry person on the surface,  but deep down inside, i am actually angrier.  ” “  i push everyone awaybut in a way,  i am doing them a favor.  ” “  what do you mean a thesaurus isnt a dinosaur?  ” “  im not even a hot mess.  im more like a lukewarm mess.  ” “  im not interested in being polite or heterosexual.  ” “  can someone please explain to me how im supposed to sleep for eight hours straight when im not even straight?  ” “  youre not allowed to be busy,  youre my only friend.  ” “  becoming older than ten years old was the biggest mistake of my life.  ” “  is it cold in here,  or is that just my heart?  ” “  if i sigh loudly enough,  will all my problems go away?  ” “  hey,  sorry im late.  i didnt want to come.  ”


// me yesterday: I guess I’ll probably get the Soothsayers back up and running this coming week maybe me now: GIVE 👏 ME 👏 THE 👏 GRANDMAS!!!!!!!

“Then our experiences are similar.”
He committed the girl’s face to memory, making note of her connection with Dennis and then asked, “If I may pry: What is your relationship with these mecha that have been so close all this time? You must understand, the humans in my care are here out of necessity given our conflict on this planet.”

“Oh, they’re basically family! My grandma met them first and eventually introduced me and my parents to them, so I call them my grandmas too.” 

The ins and outs of the war and Cybertron’s history are hard to keep all straight, but Cass has a good grasp of the relevant information. “They’re non-combatants. They-- well, they’re pretty old, even by your standards I’ve gathered. They left Cybertron waaaay before the current war. It was back when the Quintessons invaded?” Just saying ‘Quintesson’ makes a shiver run down her spine, memories of her way-too-close encounter with them flooding in. Nope nope nope, block that shit out, not dealing with that right here and now.

  “Deal! It’s got a long way to go but I could use some input once I get the theme really going. Right now we got squares, and plenty of’em.”
  “Most of my clothes are held together by band patches and safety pins, I could probably do with learning how to mend things pretty too.”

“Heck yeah! I sense a crafting day in our future.”

“A good kid indeed,” he agreed with a thoughtful look. Twenty years of knowing other mecha like himself? There’s only a handful of humans he could recall that had even met him in the nearly twenty years he had been on the planet. How fortunate for this little group.
“I should hope that despite whatever reputation precedes me, we may be friendly now and your friend group remains safe. Danger is no stranger to those who associate with my people… As much as I wish it weren’t so.”

Oh my god. Everyone was right, he has such Dad™ energy.

“I won’t lie, there’ve been some bad times. It’s hard. But I don’t think I could give up my friends and family, new or old, in the hopes of avoiding that kind of danger. Still learning how to roll with the punches,” she says with a shrug.

Not wanting to sound too much like a downer, Cass adds, “There have been really good times, too. Moreso than the bad.”

“Here! I’m.. Here.”
Thundercracker poked his helm out from behind the partial wall that masked his sleeping quarters, moved closer, though he still stopped a few yards away, sank down to crouch on his heel thrusters. “Can I help you? You look like a new face.”

She grins when there does, in fact, turn out to be someone home. “Yeah, I’m visiting for a while. Kinda wander through different universes and all that. I’m Cass by the way, nice to meet you!”

  “Oh no, that’s so sweet! Like a little lifelong journey of them growing up. I hope they still have them, that’s a labour of love right there. Ooo that sounds fancy. Most of my needlework on clothes has just been for patching, nothing decorative. You’ll have to show me some of your work when you’re done!”

“I know my mom still has hers; I actually used it on my bed growing up. And repairs can be decorative too! Visible mending was what I started with. I can show you some of my stuff if I get to see that quilt you’re making!”

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