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Aid for German Flood Victims

Parts of Western Germany have been hit with a historical flood that has caused widespread destruction and as of now (Thursday, July 15 2021) has cost 58 lives. (source, source, source)

Here’s a couple links to places where you can donate. These will be in German, so make sure you have a translating tool at hand.

I pulled all of these from official news websites, so they should be legit. I will add to this post if I come across more resources.

The death toll has risen to 81 today (July 16 2021), with 1300 people currently missing. The damages are catastrophic, and the media calls it “the worst flood of post-war Germany”. We’re currently fighting to keep the dams in the area from breaking to prevent even more destruction.


Yo, Western Europe is experiencing some nasty flooding

So, as typical for tumblr there's not really any attention for this, but the last couple of days there's been some very very major flooding in Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

I'm not talking tiny floods, I'm talking a 3-digit death toll, flooded towns, broken dykes, billions of euros in damages, mandatory evacuations. How? Heavy rain. There was about as much rain in a few hours as you'd normally have in like a months. The Ahr, Volme and Meuse/Maas and Geul and Roer rivers, just to name a few have burst their banks and flooded the surrounding areas.

So far Germany had been hit the hardest with landslides, ravaged towns and a 3-digit death toll. Belgium got away better but even there there are videos going around of rivers through towns, people on their roofs, awaiting evac. In the town of Maaseik (Belgium) there's only a flimsy brick wall and bags of sand holding back the water.

In both Belgium and Luxembourg there have been reports of unsafe drinking water.

Honestly, the Netherlands came away pretty lightly, but even then, the situation in the Limburg province has been declared an official disaster site by the government. Yesterday and the day before Valkenburg flooded and was unreachable for a while. A bridge even collapsed! Venlo and Roermond (two major cities) have been partially evacuated and Maastricht (province capitol) barely escaped the rising water, but barely.

Also, there's a hole in the dyke. I repeat, there's a hole in the dyke!

No seriously, I was just checking the news and it turns out that today one of the dykes in the province of Limburg (Meerssen to be exact) has broken. The surrounding towns are being evacuated right now.

This is crazy. This is the Netherlands we're talking about, best flood defenses in the world, for a flood to be able to puncture the dykes is a Major Feat and an indication this is some Heavy Shit.

Tbh, the river dykes haven't been built to the level of resilience of the sea dykes, but still.

Dating: July 16 2021, afternoon local time

Edit: here's a few liveblogs

Edit2: Switzerland is also affected, though I haven't read much about that (yet)


I was stopped by a cop hiding in a dark corner of the predominantly white neighborhood my dad just HAD to live in, bc I did a California roll. I was so confused. Im from Texas idk what that is. He explained and I was confused bc I def stopped and looked around. He proceeded to ask if the BMW I was driving was mine...then let me go. If you black in a "nice" car it's questionable asf. Theyll ask where you work too bc how can you afford "nice things". I hate it here.


About a week ago I posted this.

I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:

and my personal favorite

After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.

About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like

I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like

This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”

But I guess the lesson goes like this:




This needs to be reblogged. I couldn’t scroll past this if I tried, I got a message like that but not for me, it told me to my friend to kill them self, I was livid! I didn’t answer it because a message like that doesn’t deserve an answer but I don’t see what is so funny about telling someone to kill them selves! I really don’t! It’s sick and it’s wrong. This person though, I take my hat off to you. You taught that bully a lesson.


This will always be number one on the list of things that aren’t okay

Ho-ly shit.

I’ll never not reblog this

If you dare scroll without reblogging this you have no soul…….. i mean you do but reblogging this wont ruin your blog……. please just spread the word.

Please people don’t send anon hate your just hurting yourselves…

Don’t tell anyone to kill themselves. EVER.




Bringing this back, definitely for no reason.


Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 If you want more facts, follow Ultrafacts


Reblogging because I care about you guys



Rohypnol has an INCREDIBLY salty taste to it. It’s disgusting. And it also isn’t a drug that acts immediately! The minute you notice the salty taste, you have about 5-10 minutes to get somewhere safe or call an ambulance, and it CAN be fought if you’re aware of it. It will make you woozy, it will make you so dizzy you can’t stand upright, it will certainly make you unable to walk properly, but if you struggle to remain conscious you can get about 20 extra minutes of consciousness from the drug before it will knock you out completely. If you’re in a public place, and the person who drugged you is trying to take you somewhere private, start. a. fight. Insist as LOUDLY and as VIOLENTLY as you can that you refuse to go anywhere with them. Odds are they’re trying to make as little of a scene as possible as they drag you away, and if you’re putting up a fight and very clearly ‘drunk’, eyes will turn on them and they’ll either need to let you go, or cause a serious scene, which they don’t want. Don’t just act like you’re just protesting being taken home, though. Fight like your life depends on it even if they aren’t assaulting you. Cause. A. Scene. That’s the last thing they want. 

Everyone should reblog this!

Very useful.

To that last one that shit is NO JOKE

Boasting the FUCK out of this


I feel like everyone needs to see this. Especially that last one. I don’t care what kind of blog this is, but this is my most popular blog and want as many people to see this as possible. I’ll return to normal updates tomorrow.





This protest was led by Resident Physicians, who were protesting both for themselves as well as other staff. Resident physicians are doctors in training, who have been tirelessly working on the front lines, putting their lives at risk, only to be spurned and disregarded by the administration. Residents already have little power and work 70-80 hours per week under intense conditions; they are bound to comply with whatever the department/admins want or risk being blacklisted from the profession with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. 

Stanford vaccinated only 7 residents in their first phase, despite there being over 1300 of them at the institution. They also failed to vaccinate Peds EM nurses, all the while vaccinating wfh admins. 

This is truly pathetic and reflective of the many problems in American healthcare. 


Stop dating abusive women 2018


Hardly any women are gonna reblog this tbh 🙃

A lot of women behave like this and think this ain’t abuse

But let a nigga slap them, damage their clothes and pour a drink on them, all hell will break loose.



Buddy has the soul of an angel and composure out of this world

Just in case anyone wants the context: He has been making music in Chicago, he recently performed to a large audience and met London on da track, who offered him an opportunity in LA. She didn’t want to leave Chicago because of her business there. He told her that she doesn’t have to go, he just needs to do this for his music. She got upset because he straight up told her that he valued his career over their relationship and she did this. 

Now I’m not a relationship expert, but I will never understand how some of y’all expect people to put you above the shit they have to do. Always put your career, your job, your livelihood first. This was all kinds of fucked up, really fucking abusive and manipulative, he should definitely go to LA with or without her. 

Many women *WILL* reblog this, because part of feminism is acknowledging that women are just as capable of being abusive as men. Acting as though women cannot be abusive is misogyny, and relies on the misogynist tropes that women are frail, and innocent in comparison to men. Any true feminist must acknowledge that neither of these things are necessarily true and that a woman is in fact capable of being abusive whether it’s to another woman, a man, or a nonbinary person. The reason we focus on abuse from men towards women is that it is more prevalent, and institutionally encouraged, justified, and allowed without consequence, while a woman even “talking back” to a man is to be “put in her place.” Don’t bring your weak, fragile “Few women will reblog this” shit up in here. We know what abuse looks like when we see it.

who is she though, is my question.

The only women who won’t reblog this is cishet™ones or terfs cause they don’t think men can be abused.

Stop watching disney and romantic films. They give you a wrong sense of what love.

That’s all i have to say


He’s protesting the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) in Mauna Kea! Say the name of the location and who’s trying to set up the TMT!

Jason Momoa says he can’t start shooting “Aquaman 2”… because he “got run over by a bulldozer” while protesting construction of a giant telescope on land considered sacred to native Hawaiians.

“Sorry Warner Bros we can’t shoot ‘Aquaman 2,'” he wrote in an Instagram post. “Because Jason got run over by a bulldozer trying to stop the desecration of his native land THIS iS NOT HAPPENING. WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU DO THIS ANYMORE. Enough is enough. Go somewhere else.”

In a followup post, Momoa asked fans to support the protest movement, writing, “During this time, we are trying to unite both kānaka and Hawai’i born peoples alike to protect not only the mauna, but also our way of life and greatest natural resources in Hawaii as a whole.”

Momoa has spent several weeks protesting on the highest point on the state of Hawaii, Mauna Kea, in an effort to stop construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), a $1.4 billion scientific project underwritten by a group of universities in California and Canada as well as partners in China, India and Japan.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson also has been protesting the construction of the telescope last month, he made a surprise visit to the dormant volcano.

Here’s a petition ink. 

Also, something people might not be aware of is that the telescope could easily be built on the canary islands. The (obviously racist bullshit) argument for building it on indigenous lands is that the highest point of Hawai’i is the perfect location for astronomy but in reality the telescope is supposed to produce images 12x sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope. It doesn’t even need to be on a gigantic mountain to get quality data, let alone a sacred one that doesn’t belong to us.

actually forgot to mention that there’s already 13 telescopes built on mauna kea and their sacred land has already been thoroughly desecrated by our space programs. Another telescope is just overkill at this point.

Also, the media makes it seem like the protestors won back in 2019 (which is when mamoa got hit by a truck), but in reality construction was halted to speak with protestors and find “common ground”, because they didn’t have safe/secure access to the site and wanted the protestors to fuck off. The conflict is absolutely still going on.


please please please do NOT give up on medicating your adhd because you have a bad experience during your first attempts. finding the right medication/dosage combo takes trial and error, but it can feel like a MIRACLE once you do.

Being medicated isn’t for everyone, but it is a powerful tool in our toolbox. and I am seeing way too many people giving up that option prematurely, because they are unware that:

  • there are different medication options. they do not all have the same side effects, and not all are amphetamines 
  • dosage matters. if you are discontinuing bc of side effects, consider trying a lower dose first
  • a good doctor will be willing to work with you to find a regime that works
  • finding the right meds/dosage combo will take trial and error. and it will be worth it once you do.

Also, once you find something that works, KEEP TAKING IT!!

I know that’s such a “duh” statement but so so many people assume the high they feel for the first few days on a stimulant that works is how it’s always going to be and it’s not. Once your brain gets used to the new “normal” on meds, you lose that high feeling and get to a “hey, I can actually get shit done, lookit that” kind of place.

It amazes me how many people never had anyone explain that to them. I’ve been on some sort of SSRI for the last 20 years so when I started Adderall I knew what to expect. I had so many people (in a group for ADHD) tell me that the “holy shit look at me go!!!” feeling would wear off and it would stop working after a week or two and I had to walk them through just how wrong they were and quite a few had no idea that that feeling isn’t supposed to last long term. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I explained it like this:

Your unmedicated brain is used to operating at a 4 on a good day. It sucks, you’re all over the place, a hot mess. Then you get on a medication that works (antidepressant, stimulant, non-stimulant, whatever) and the first few days are incredible! You can’t believe that this is how it’s supposed to be! Your brain is now holding steady at an 8 or 9 and you are one productive bitch! But then your brain gets used to operating at an 8 or 9 and it becomes your new normal. It’s harder to recognize that the medication is still working because there’s no noticeable high anymore. You get bummed because you assume it’s not working and you either request a med change or a bump in dosage. Then 8 months later you’re frustrated and depressed because you’ve maxed out on the dosage of whatever med it is and you think nothing is going to work but really you’ve unknowingly self sabotaged.

Because the truth is, the first dose worked perfectly, but your squirrelly ADHD brain is so used to searching for the next dopamine hit that you failed to recognize that you were able to get through the tasks you needed to just fine. You weren’t hyperfocused on researching the nuances of plant breeding, you didn’t spend 5 hours in executive dysfunction while staring at your vacuum, you actually remembered to thaw out chicken for dinner. You missed all of that because you were looking for that high feeling that you had at first.

So, how does one figure out if the med is working or not when you can’t tell because your brain is a dopamine fiend? Personally, I make daily “ta-da” lists. Not lists of things I need to do, but lists of things I did. Before meds, I’d have maybe 5 things on a ta-da list. After meds, I’d have 15-20 things on my list! So it does work, even if I don’t feel like I’m on cloud 9 when I take it.

Tl:dr Your brain is a fucking liar and your medication is likely working even if you don’t feel like it is anymore.

^^^^^^ i’ve had this experience too. not realizing that the meds are working once ‘working’ becomes your new normal is, unfortunately, a reason many of us start skipping medication. hint: the results are not good!!!


One of my least favorite mental illness things is "hungry but dont feel like eating" and its companions "hungry but all the food in the house is Illegal," "hungry but can't make anything," and "hungry, want to eat, but why bother"

Also the adhd friend “hungry but unaware of hunger because current activity is too captivating”

"Hungry but I'll get to it later"

“Definite not hungry, nope, but upon forcing oneself to eat something, discovering that the food vanished in 30 seconds and the pervasive feelings of ickiness all vanished, what the fuck"


Hungry but only for one specific food. I do not know what that food is but i do know i don't have it in the house


ok, that last one? That happens to me ALL THE TIME. I call in "food ennui".


Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you

Where are those woke white people at!?


The amount of notes this doesn’t have bothers me…


Tumblr has 30-50 million active users. Why does this not even have 1 million notes?


Chiune Sugihara. This man saved 6000 Jews. He was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania. When the Nazis began rounding up Jews, Sugihara risked his life to start issuing unlawful travel visas to Jews. He hand-wrote them 18 hrs a day. The day his consulate closed and he had to evacuate, witnesses claim he was STILL writing visas and throwing from the train as he pulled away. He saved 6000 lives. The world didn’t know what he’d done until Israel honored him in 1985, the year before he died.

Why can’t we have a movie about him?

He was often called “Sempo”, an alternative reading of the characters of his first name, as that was easier for Westerners to pronounce.

His wife, Yukiko, was also a part of this; she is often credited with suggesting the plan. The Sugihara family was held in a Soviet POW camp for 18 months until the end of the war; within a year of returning home, Sugihara was asked to resign - officially due to downsizing, but most likely because the government disagreed with his actions.

He didn’t simply grant visas - he granted visas against direct orders, after attempting three times to receive permission from the Japanese Foreign Ministry and being turned down each time. He did not “misread” orders; he was in direct violation of them, with the encouragement and support of his wife.

He was honoured as Righteous Among the Nations in 1985, a year before he died in Kamakura; he and his descendants have also been granted permanent Israeli citizenship. He was also posthumously awarded the Life Saving Cross of Lithuania (1993); Commander’s Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (1996); and the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta (2007). Though not canonized, some Eastern Orthodox Christians recognize him as a saint.

Sugihara was born in Gifu on the first day of 1900, January 1. He achieved top marks in his schooling; his father wanted him to become a physician, but Sugihara wished to pursue learning English. He deliberately failed the exam by writing only his name and then entered Waseda, where he majored in English. He joined the Foreign Ministry after graduation and worked in the Manchurian Foreign Office in Harbin (where he learned Russian and German; he also converted to the Eastern Orthodox Church during this time). He resigned his post in protest over how the Japanese government treated the local Chinese citizens. He eventually married Yukiko Kikuchi, who would suggest and encourage his acts in Lithuania; they had four sons together. Chiune Sugihara passed away July 31, 1986, at the age of 86. Until her own passing in 2008, Yukiko continued as an ambassador of his legacy.

It is estimated that the Sugiharas saved between 6,000-10,000 Lithuanian and Polish Jewish people.

It’s a tragedy that the Sugiharas aren’t household names. They are among the greatest heroes of WWII. Is it because they were from an Axis Power? Is it because they aren’t European? I don’t know. But I’ve decided to always reblog them when they come across my dash. If I had the money, I would finance a movie about them.

He told an interviewer:

You want to know about my motivation, don’t you? Well. It is the kind of sentiments anyone would have when he actually sees refugees face to face, begging with tears in their eyes. He just cannot help but sympathize with them. Among the refugees were the elderly and women. They were so desperate that they went so far as to kiss my shoes, Yes, I actually witnessed such scenes with my own eyes. Also, I felt at that time, that the Japanese government did not have any uniform opinion in Tokyo. Some Japanese military leaders were just scared because of the pressure from the Nazis; while other officials in the Home Ministry were simply ambivalent.

People in Tokyo were not united. I felt it silly to deal with them. So, I made up my mind not to wait for their reply. I knew that somebody would surely complain about me in the future. But, I myself thought this would be the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong in saving many people’s lives….The spirit of humanity, philanthropy…neighborly friendship…with this spirit, I ventured to do what I did, confronting this most difficult situation—and because of this reason, I went ahead with redoubled courage.

He died in nearly complete obscurity in Japan. His neighbors were shocked when people from all over, including Israeli diplomatic personnel, showed up at quiet little Mr. Sugihara’s funeral.


I will forever reblog this, I wish more people would know about them!


I liked this before when it had way less information. Thank you, history-sharers.


Tucked away in a corner in L.A.’s Little Tokyo is a life-sized statue of Chiune, seated on a bench and smiling gently as he holds out a visa. 

The stone next to him bears a quote from the Talmud; “He who saves one life, saves the entire world.”  

I had no idea it existed until a few weeks ago, but it’s since become one of my favorite pieces of public art. 

Chiune Sugihara.  Original antifa.


PBS made a documentary about Chiune Sugihara in 2005. If you’re interested in him, it’s definitely worth checking out. (The PBS link above even has some interactive information to go along with the film.) Ask your local library if they have a copy/can order you one from another library. You won’t be disappointed!


i am going to find this and take him a present

always reblog mr sugihara


It’s been 10 years???? Omfggggg


Your regular reminder that flint still doesn’t have clean water, but nestle does and makes residents pay for it…

Because Nestle is the devil

In case you weren’t aware, Nestle bought the rights to use the source of clean water that the city of Flint had been using, to make a bottling plant. That was the start of all of this

Nestle are literally murderers, not that that’s anything new


This. Is. Abusive.

Men need friends. Men need acquaintances. Men need peers. Men need people to cheer them on and notice their accomplishments and tell them that their hair looks good. Men need inside jokes with their coworkers and friends they can turn to after a hard day. Men need rich social lives and platonic hugs and emotional support from people they aren’t dating.

Men need to be treated like human beings who are capable of honoring their commitments, and not like misbehaving dogs who can’t control themselves unless they are carefully supervised.

As a culture, we’re pretty good about recognizing how important it is for women to have an emotional support network outside of their partner, but we’ve almost gone out of our way to deny that same social support to men. It’s socially acceptable for straight men who maintain close platonic friendships with women to be constantly accused of “cheating”, and yet straight men who form intimate and emotional bonds with other men are still accused of being “gay”. We’ve created a culture where many straight men rely only on their female partner for emotional support, leaving them nowhere to turn if their female partner becomes abusive, controlling or cruel.

A man who isolates his female partner and controls her social media is quickly marked as an abuser. A woman who does the same to her male partner is shrugged off as “just jealous” or even cheered on for “protecting her relationship”. And it’s wrong.

If the thought of your straight male partner having female friends makes you overwhelmed with jealousy, you aren’t ready for a relationship. If you can’t handle the thought of not having access to your boyfriend’s phone, passwords and social media accounts, you are not ready for a boyfriend. If the idea of other women following your boyfriend on social media or complimenting his appearance fills you with rage, you are not ready to date someone seriously. Loving someone means placing trust in them, and wanting to see them happy and supported in all areas of their life.

Love is not control.


I’m gonna go off on this scene for a hot second, because this doesn’t get nearly as much attention as the talk with his mom and honestly this one hit me harder. So I’m gonna talk about why this scene is so fucking important to me.

The first line. Right out of the gate. “How long have you known?” Not, “how long have you been…you know…”, “how long have you known.” This is coming from a character we have seen (unintentionally, but still) commit homophobic microaggressions on screen at least twice now with many more implied, that difference is important.

Then when Simon answers, his response emphasizes the time they spent together when he didn’t know (Four years eating dinner together). I was sure, I was so sure his next line was going to be “why didn’t you tell me”. Because that’s how it goes right? The onus is always on the queer person, it’s always down to us. But that’s not what he says. He says “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have missed it.”

I don’t think I can put into words what hearing an apology in that moment did to me. I really can’t, I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing for a second. And then he says “All those stupid jokes…”

He is taking responsibility for his actions. He is acknowledging that he was wrong and he is apologizing for the hurt he, however unknowingly, caused his son. This is so rare. Because the key here is, not only is this a father-son relationship, which is always more difficult because men in our society have been conditioned to never be “touchy-feely”, it’s also a parent-child relationship. 

Simon is still a teenager. His father has spent 17 years being the one responsible for Simon’s care; at this point the parent is the one in the equation where the majority of power still sits. For a parent to acknowledge to a child who is still not fully an adult that they were wrong, especially when it’s a father when men are conditioned to never give ground or “show weakness” over things like this, just. It doesn’t happen.

And even when Simon gives him an out he refuses to take it. Then he makes sure Simon knows that he is loved unconditionally, and reinforces it with physical affection. And it’s not a Manly Shoulder Pat either, this is a proper full-body hug followed by a kiss on the cheek.

And after a moment of awkwardness, he actively reaches out and shows interest in engaging in the queer aspect of Simon’s life by offering to sign up to Grindr together. He’s gotten it wrong (in the most adorably dad way possible), but the point is he made the effort. He didn’t just leave it at letting Simon know he loves him, he recognized that this is an on-going presence in his child’s life and he commits to continuously being involved with and acknowledging this aspect of his son.

I am someone who has Simon’s life. I am from an upper-middle class white family with two liberal straight parents who were high school sweethearts, and I have one younger sibling. My first car was even a used Subaru station wagon, I could not make this up. This is the moment I wish I could have with my parents. 

They knew/suspected I was queer for years before I finally came out to them, but they didn’t know what to do with asexuality. They were fully prepared for me to be a lesbian and I still managed to blindside them. It was completely unexpected and they hadn’t heard of it so they didn’t know what to do about it. And we are the pinnacle of a WASP stereotype, so all of us suck at talking about our feelings. So while my parents never rejected me, they never tried to “fix” me, and they don’t really drop hints about me “settling down one day”, they also never talk about it with me. I assume because they don’t know how to and they don’t want to misstep.

We will have entire conversations about queer issues with no acknowledgement whatsoever that I am part of the group that issue pertains to. They have never tried to talk to me about what asexuality is, asked me to explain it, or asked about how to be involved in that aspect of my life. Which is unusual for them, both have always taken an active interest in both of their children’s activities. And there’s only so many times I can be the one to talk about the elephant in the room because it’s fucking exhausting

So yeah. This scene, this moment, hit me like a semi truck. Because god do I want that in my life.


I’m crying

I really loved this scene because it wasn’t his dad saying “how long have you been lying to me” but instead “how long have I been hurting you.”

Too often queer people are treated as if we lied or tricked people while we were in the closet, so this scene meant so much to me.

I was tearing up watching this scene (I am tearing up now) and so many queer kids/young adults who had gone to see it in groups (no parents) were CRYING.

And I garuntee you its because they never had this moment with their family.

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