
Hi~ Don't poke The Shay~

@shayhammowolf / shayhammowolf.tumblr.com

Time for a change of pace. Music maker incoming. (He/she/they). If you fatshame, are trans/ace/bi/pan/queer-phobic, I WILL EMERGE FROM THE HEAVENS AND SMITE YOU MYSELF. Follow me on Twitter @shayhammowolf!


Here is my submission for @zakeno’s Mental Health Zine to help fight stigma in the professional field. My contribution is about my experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is sadly highly stigmatized and misunderstood, even within the mental health field (despite there being tons of concrete research to support it). Coming out about having DID is a thing that makes me very nervous, admittedly, but I want people to know that Dissociative Identity Disorder is very real and we deserve to be acknowledged and not feel like our existence has to be hidden or shameful.

I’m posting this comic in full is because DID deserves so much more recognition than it gets, but please go check out the kickstarter for the full zine and consider supporting it:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1056477701/the-animated-brain-mental-health-in-the-animation

Since I was limited to 5 pages for this specific project, this is only the very bare bones introduction to DID, and there is easily a million more things that can be talked about in how it presents and affects people individually, but hopefully this is a comprehensive introduction based on my personal experiences.

Even though this is only 5 pages, it was one of the most difficult projects we have done and took a few months because trying to get everyone as an alter to contribute when they were fronting to show our range in skills was a waiting game. Sadly, we were running out of time so sort of just had to have whoever was out at the end finish it (which was mostly Devyn).

Like briefly talked about in the comic, DID forms in response to repeated childhood trauma (generally by ages 6-9) when failing to integrate a singular sense of self is needed for survival. This failure to integrate experiences, memories, etc. leads to these self states being able to function independently from each other and control the body at different times with varying levels of amnesia between switches. As time goes on, the more each part experiences different aspects of day to day life, the more and more differentiated and developed they can become from each other. Even though alters can be highly distinct and can function as if they were individual people (and boy can it feel that way on top of a lot of us preferring to be acknowledged as separate from each other in our body), the reason it’s called Dissociative Identity Disorder and no longer goes by its outdated name, Multiple Personality Disorder, is because alters aren’t actual separate fully-fledged personalities, but instead a single individual’s life and experiences split up from each other in a bunch of dissociated self states.

If anyone is interested in knowing more about DID, I always recommend this website as a great source: http://did-research.org/

I’ll also throw in the Myths and Misconceptions page: http://did-research.org/did/myths.html

Spoilers: No people with DID don’t have secret killer alters and are no more dangerous than literally any other person. DID is a defense mechanism/way you develop to navigate your environment, and for us specifically, we continued to be victims of abuse and mistreatment even until recently due to our amnesia and lack of awareness hiding the knowledge when people were harming us.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month, everyone! 


if you don’t vote Hot Dog you might as well

If you click hotdogs, I'm killing you with hammers

"nooo I need all of the worst meat possible ground up and salted nooo"


Goodbye onion rings!

mozz sticks

Onion rings fucking suck and I get a strange masochistic craving for hotdogs sometimes

Mozarella is the worst cheese

I fucking hate onion rings

Wings have bones. Just eat a nugget with wing sauce. No one can stop you.

Anonymous asked:

How does it feel being one of the most iconic people in the Internet

You're gassing me up but that's not true. I am not even top 2000 most iconic people. okay maybe top 8


you motherfuckers misread everything as autistic

I prefer Studio releases to acoustics


penis serious penis delirious

go into the woods call that penis mysterious

penis various penis hilarious

dawn of the age of the penis aquarius

penis ponticulous penis meticulous

wearing my clown shoes im penis ridiculous

world heritage post


If the right way is too hard, fuck it. Do it the wrong way.

Folding clothes keeps you from getting the laundry done? Stop folding clothes. Put a basket in your room and throw your unfolded clean stuff into it right out of the dryer, it's fine.

Rinsing dishes off keeps you from loading the dishwasher? Load them dirty and run it twice.

Chopping onions keeps you from making yourself dinner? Buy the freezer bags of chopped onions.

You forget to take your meds and don't want to get out of bed to get them? Start putting them next to the bed.

Can't keep up with the dishes? Get paper plates. Worried about environment impact? Order biodegradable ones online if your local store doesn't have one.

Make the task easier. Put things where you use them instead of where they "go." Eliminate the steps that keep you from finishing the task. Eliminate the task that is stressing you out.

Do it the "wrong" way. It's literally fine.


Ah yes, the celebrities of Tumblr:

 • Vaguely Eldritch Pink Goop

 • The Dream Person (that has a tiny pan and a huge dog)

 • Knockoff Kid’s Toy That Threatens Everyone

 • Jeff Who Is Funny No Matter What He Says

 • Firefox


 • A Famous And Respected Author For Some Fucking Reason

 • The Young Version Of The Mentor Of A Movie Adaptation Of A Doctor Seuss Book

 • A depressed skeleton from a very meta indie RPG 


The Once-Ler

Idk who the last one is but this is the Tumblr starter pack

the last one is Sans Undertale….. we are forgetting our roots as a culture and a website u.u

An ice bug cc.)__)_\


I don’t think I fit being a Tumblr celebrity.

My honest reaction at snow not thinking they’re good enough

Did we forget @i-am-a-fish on purpose or was this an accident


If “grooming an underage person” becomes the new go-to accusation that gets trotted out any and every time an adult makes any mention of sexual topics in the presence of a person under the age of 18, I wonder if it will eventually become functionally impossible for any adult in a position of authority to act as an educational reference for sexual health matters.

I was going back through my tumblr archives and found this post from five years ago and now I need a drink. 

where’s that dodgeball when you need it


happy Thursday the 20th

I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?

next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th

August 2015

October 2016

April 2017

July 2017

September 2018

December 2018

June 2019

February 2020

August 2020

You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years



Additional days you can reblog this:

May 2021 January 2022 October 2022 April 2023 July 2023

Wow Ive seen that whole list go buy. Ive been on the hell site too long…


like this post to run over elon musk with a 1993 renault twingo

reblog to put it in reverse and run him over again



hey @staff what the fresh fuck is this

wow i sure wonder 🤔🤔 what the new layouts supposed to look like 🤔🤔🤔🤔 its a mystery

Don’t forget y’all that there’s a much better way for us to let Tumblr know what we think about specific changes, rather than @ ing staff or wip, and it’s sending in a support ticket and choosing feedback!

Tumblr reverted some of the asinine app decisions they made after a concerted feedback effort! So make sure to use this form! It’s what it’s for, but it’s not well advertised!


Which of these would you rather see on your dash?

Hey @staff. This is a perfect example of why collapsed reblogs is such a bad idea. Seeing the full thread, you go like this: 😮 ooh, that's cool 😀 "they're free," hehe! 🤣 "16 cents," perfection!!

I have achieved joy, I feel positive feelings toward Tumblr, I want to engage, I want to stay, my eyeballs land on more ads, you make more money, everyone wins! 🎉

Seeing the collapsed thread, you go like this:

😮 ooh, that's cool 😐 "16 cents"? yes, that's literally what the pic shows, not sure why you felt the need to say that

There is no motivation for me to uncollapse the reblog chain—it looks like a boring conversation about the denominations of coins. And even if I do uncollapse it, you've ruined the joke by showing me the punchline before the setup. I am sad, Tumblr is boring, I go elsewhere to entertain myself, I see less ads, you make less money, everyone loses. 😥

Reblog chains are the best thing about Tumblr. They are your unique super power. They are the thing that makes people screenshot Tumblr and share it around. Why on earth would you kneecap them??

I don't know exactly how you plan to implement this. Give people the option to keep them collapsed if there truly are people who are annoyed by how long they can get (you already have a version of this feature), but don't collapse them for everyone or new users by default. Please. It will make Tumblr so much more boring.

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