
Almonds And A Bouncer


Just a poly bearded daddy and Marine with an interest in fitness, backpacking and paleo.

New blog!

Hi, I’m Ky. You most likely have known me as (I am my own goal) and I’ve been around tumblr for a while. I needed to create a new blog and need help re-finding my followers/people I follow. I’ll be slowly working on my new blog after work/finding everyone.

Please reblog this to hopefully find those who kept up with my old blog

Thanks 😊😊


Great hike last weekend planned on going further but found this awesome site so decided why not stay here for the night.


So here’s the thing maybe I’m just an introvert at heart maybe I just have been in worse situations. But 2020 was NOT a shitty year for me. Was it hard because of restrictions yes. Did it have its challenges yes. But really my 2020 was a better year than my 2019.

In 2020 I found out the relationships I wanted to keep and the ones I didn’t care if I lost.

In 2020 I found out, the people that didn’t care if I lost their relationship.

In 2020 I found out that me and my wife can stand being around one another almost the whole time.

In 2020 I found out some new things about my wants and needs.

In 2020 I took a risk that I never would have had the balls for which made me better as a person.

In 2020 I took a risk at my job but came out ahead by speaking my truth.

Don’t focus on what you have lost, focus on what you have gained. If you want to share please do. I want to see #+2020 on my dash.


Not-tober fest. The party that never happened.

So Sami and I do an octoberfest every year. Our state still has many things closed and restrictions on events so it was of course cancelled but that didn’t stop the locals from serving us and showing us a good time.

Still a ton of fun even without live music festival tents and lederhosens. We did see a few dirty dirndls though😎.


So saw somebody on here saying to watch Utopia was kinda like whatever it’s Tumblr. My wife said we can watch Archer for the umptenth time or I pick so we watched the one episode of the Boys we haven’t seen yet and I turned on Utopia so I didn’t have to watch Archer.

My wife has now gone to sleep and I’m binging Utopia.

It’s really that good, kinda like Outbreak meets Hannah with less character development.


Daddy daughter date hiking to a lake. Chloe other then throwing herself on the ground intermittently because we were walking for a long time did well. All of a sudden her energy came back when I said she could play in the lake.

She slept with me in the hammock overnight quite peacefully.

Also Kaylee is getting quite solid as a trail dog. Did bark at passers by at camp but other then that much better then times previous.


Kaylees third hike. She’s getting much better at it still nervous about passing people but it’s coming. A year or so more and she’ll be a trail pro.


Kaylees second hike. I’m happy to say that she took it like a champ, I’m sad to report that I overworked her a bit unintentionally. Will definitely be doing things differently next time but proud of my puppets.


Against the advisements of others Sami and I decided to take a road trip helping a couple of friends move to Arizona, then took a couple of side quests on the way back. If you want to see arches or the Grand Canyon without throngs of people now is the time. Most kept social distance (something I was worried about) and it looks as if most are staying away.


Memorial Day.

So my church sent out an email this week asking veterans to respond so they could be recognized in Sunday services. While I understand and appreciate the thought, as a veteran I feel that Memorial Day is not for me.

In my mind it’s to remember those who lost their lives due to service of our great nation.

This is something that hits home for me. Jed was a great guy, the kind of guy that would take the shirt off his back to help a brother, a stand up man.

On February 11, 2014 he lost his battle with depression and joined the 22 veterans that day to take their lives.

I’d rather you remember him, not me.


In all honesty I’m ready to fffing go hiking. We are under stay at home but in reality I can go without contact with other humans. May just go and deal with the consequences after the fact.


Hey there tumblr land.

So my former employer set up a dinner meeting with me....not completely unusual because he’s a buddy of mine but he started talking about a merger and the benefits and all that crap.

I just sent him the ideal check/ benes that would make me consider a move. Do you think that’s wrong?


On vacation, it’s a bit surreal I used to live here in a past life but never took advantage of going to the beach people watching any of it. 10 years later I’m with my new wife and family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Guess I was just missing the great company.


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