
@jadedamber / jadedamber.tumblr.com

Designer Fangirl Russian Single Parent Boss-Lady

doctors: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE we have found a treatment for diabetes it’s called insulin! people won’t die from this illness anymore if we just give them insulin isn’t this great news?

united states of america: how about we make it so poor people have either limited to zero access to this insulin?

doctors: but don’t we have enough resources to provide for everyone in need of such a medication?

the united states of america: yes!

doctors: isn’t that genocide

united states of america: YES

united states of america fist pumping and chanting ‘U’ ‘S’ ‘A’:

capitalism is genocide

i usually don’t add to posts i reblog but as a type 1 diabetic this makes me so fucking angry.

i have an insulin pump. each time i change the port (basically what connects it to my body, similar to an iv) i use about a third of a bottle refilling the cartridge. i change it every three days, so one single, 10ml bottle of insulin lasts me around nine days.

i had to look this up because my parents don’t like to tell me how much my supplies cost. (for reasons like this. i feel guilty for my t1d. i shouldn’t have to feel guilty about an autoimmune disorder i was born with.)

you know how much it is for that one, single 10ml bottle of insulin, for those without any insurance?


for nine days.

$328 for a nine days supply of the medicine that i literally need to survive. the medicine that once i become an adult and have to take care of myself, i will have to pay for. the medicine that unless, by some miracle, they find a cure, i will need to take for the rest of my life. $328 for nine days of my life.

Near and dear to my non functional pancreas 

Fam, I am also type 1 diabetic. I also use a pump. I am preparing to go do fieldwork in Europe for nine months and insulin is perishable. I use a brand that’s available in Europe. The same vial that costs $300+ in the US without insurance costs €22 ($25.60) in one country and $10-15 in the other. Not with insurance! Cash. Roll up to the pharmacy and explain that you have diabetes cash price.

It doesn’t have to be like this. The US needs to start negotiating better pharmaceutical prices like every other country. Get some socialism up in this bitch.


>_> Pretty much.

You want to get really annoyed? It used to be a fraction of the cost even in the US. I work in the veterinary field, so nearly all my clients pay for their pet’s medication out of pocket. Maybe 10-15 years ago, you could get a bottle of Humulin N for about $12. Now that amount of Humilin N costs more like $300.

Tip: Ask your MD if you can replace your current insulin with a Novolin insulin would work for you. A 10 ml bottle costs more like $25. DON’T CHANGE INSULINS WITHOUT CHECKING WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN.

This country is gross.


I see your “romantic relationships shouldn’t be more important than platonic relationships” and raise you “romantic relationships shouldn’t be rooted in anything but strong, healthy, and mutually rewarding friendships anyways”

i haven’t stopped seeing notes for this since I posted it and I just wanna reiterate: it’s really important that you don’t get romantically involved with people you can’t be friends with. Separating a romantic relationship from a platonic context is unhealthy. Your romantic partner/s should always be your friend/s.

me, using a ouija board: A… L… I… V… E…
friend: alive? ALIVE?? is it saying it’s alive????
me: idk i’ll keep going
me: S.. T.. A.. Y.. I.. N… A.. L.. I.. V.. E..
me: shit this is a Bee Gee board

me, running screaming from the room: AH… AH… AH… AH


Three days? Easy peasy.

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) dir. Peyton Reed

Can we just agree that Scott Lang is one of the most well adjusted, emotionally healthy characters in the MCU? 

  • Has a great relationship with his daughter
  • Has a consistent, steady friendship with 3 people, who also get along with one another
  • Has a good relationship with his ex-wife AND her new husband
  • Even his parole officer would consider socializing with him
  • Provides girlfriend with emotional support
  • Genuinely cares about other people

When faced with absurd Bad Stuff happening, his first thought is “why don’t we call the Avengers?”


Loves Steve Rogers


Oh no what a fucking tragedy

Why don’t you Google average wait times to receive a medical procedure. There are Canadians that come to the U.S. to get medical care rather than wait over a month to get it done in Canada.

I had cancer and im canadian dumbass i know full well what the wait times are like and its only long if its shit that can wait. Im sorry but im ok with waiting with a non life threatening injury if no one gets turned away from healthcare because they’re poor. The only canadians that go to the united states are rich enough that they are willing to spend the money to save a few hours waiting

Except people with life threatening injuries have to wait as well. My father had to go to the ER because the screws in his knee busted making his stitches rip open and my parents waited for hours before finally leaving when they noticed an elderly woman with a head injury and broken leg waiting at least four hours BEFORE my parents arrived.

Brian Sinclair’s death was completely preventable, yet he waited 34 HOURS in the ER for treatment that would have taken 30 minutes to an hour at most.

There are pros and cons to Canada’s healthcare, and if people want to spend extra money for arguably better treatment and shorter wait lines, I’m personally going to support them any way I can.

Yeah, that happens in the US too though. Literally every single day. Go into any ER in the country at like 9:30 pm and you will see dozens of people with painful injuries waiting hours to see a doctor. People die in the US waiting to see a doctor. The only difference is that it costs them hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so.

I had to wait six months to see an endocrinologist in the US and when I wanted to switch doctors I had to wait another six months to see somebody else, who are these people in the US who don’t have wait times?

You know what the Canadian system has that the US system doesn’t? Actual in-depth documentation of actual wait times. Here are the 50/90 numbers for my tiny-ass chronically underfunded province. Here they are for a populous and well-funded one. You’ll notice that the general trends of those numbers are either flat or downward - which is not the case in the US, from what I can find. You’ll also notice that the 30-day benchmark cited in that paper is… not very far at all from most of Ontario’s 90s.

(Brian Sinclair’s death, by the way? It’s a terrible tragedy… but the problem there was not that health care resources are spread too thin. It was racism. They saw a native man and assumed he was homeless and drunk, not in distress. As the study I cited above shows, racism is also a factor in US health care.)

So basically, you’re paying a lot more, at both the end-user and governmental levels… but you’re not actually getting a lot more.

Finally: You know what else Canada has that the US doesn’t? Wait time guarantees that require offering a faster alternative if they’re blown.

All those stories of Canadians coming to the US? Yeah, they’re basically made up. Even the highly shady right-wing think tank that Fuckface von Clownstick got the story from, trying to make the best possible case for privatization, only found that 1% of Canadian patients received health care abroad. One. percent. And that’s not “went to the US for health care,” that’s “received health care literally anywhere else for any reason, including just happening to be in another country when we got sick or injured.”

The actual numbers? Well, this study is old, but… out of a pool of 18 000 respondents, they found twenty who went to the US specifically for care.

Twenty. 0.11%.

They found that this data was consistent with Canadian payment records and US border region hospital data, so… yeah. It basically doesn’t happen. And when it does? Frequently that’s because there is an issue with the normal procedures in Canada… so the provincial government covers the cost of getting the patient to the US and treating them there.

I’ll take that over “you must be this rich to live” any day of the week.


It was also found Canadians who are treated in the States are far morely to be there because they became sick or injured while on vacation or are snow birds rather than they purposefully crossed the border.

‘Cause let me tell ya, as someone with a few chronic issues, if my choice is a 20 minute trip to the local hospital in bad traffic, where I’ll at least get coping treatment while I wait or an hour trip, plus border wait, to the States? Yeah, I’ll go local every time. The whole not having to shell out money thing is nice.

I also live near the second busiest hospital in BC. (Possibly Western Canada) Longest I have EVER waited is two hours.. and that was for a shot of toradol for pain treatment.

Another thing the liars above leave out is the huge number of working people in the US who just… don’t go to the doctor when they get injured. Because they know they can’t afford either the cost or the time away from work to get treatment and let it do its work. The US is filled with manual laborers -from roofers to bartenders to painters to stockers- with chronic pain conditions, un- or poorly healed injuries. How do they live with it? Every advil/tylenol/aspirin commericial tells you how. The importance of pain-meds to Pharma profits and easy availability of blackmarket opiates suggests an alternate answer.

The US is 300million people largely self-medicating their pain-management because they don’t want to lose their jobs, can’t afford to see a doctor for it, and don’t trust doctors because of previous bad past experiences caused by the private healthcare system. These people are, effectively, stuck in life-long wait-times, yet conservative defenders of our broken system always seem to forget to mention them when the subject of public healthcare arises.


When I am king, the first law I will pass will be to make gag reels mandatory for every movie.



and just for that, documentaries will have gag reels, too


Jazmine Headley took her baby boy to a public benefits office in Brooklyn on a recent Friday to find out why the city had abruptly stopped paying for him to go to day care while she worked cleaning offices.

Nearly four hours later Ms. Headley, 23, left the Boerum Hill facility in handcuffs, after police officers and security guards pried her son from her arms in a chaotic arrest that began when she got into a dispute over whether she was allowed to sit on the floor.

The incident, caught on cellphone videos and shared widely online, has propelled her into the center of a public reckoning over how the city treats people seeking public assistance…



My name is Greta Thunberg. I am 15 years old, and I’m from Sweden. I speak on behalf of Climate Justice Now!
Many people say that Sweden is just a small country, and it doesn’t matter what we do. But I’ve learned that you are never too small to make a difference. And if a few children can get headlines all over the world just by not going to school, then imagine what we could all do together if we really wanted to.
But to do that, we have to speak clearly, no matter how uncomfortable that may be. You only speak of green eternal economic growth because you are too scared of being unpopular. You only talk about moving forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess, even when the only sensible thing to do is pull the emergency brake. You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children.
But I don’t care about being popular. I care about climate justice and the living planet. Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money. Our biosphere is being sacrificed so that rich people in countries like mine can live in luxury. It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.
The year 2078, I will celebrate my 75th birthday. If I have children, maybe they will spend that day with me. Maybe they will ask me about you. Maybe they will ask why you didn’t do anything while there still was time to act. You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.
Until you start focusing on what needs to be done, rather than what is politically possible, there is no hope. We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis. We need to keep the fossil fuels in the ground, and we need to focus on equity. And if solutions within the system are so impossible to find, then maybe we should change the system itself.
We have not come here to beg world leaders to care. You have ignored us in the past, and you will ignore us again. We have run out of excuses, and we are running out of time. We have come here to let you know that change is coming, whether you like it or not. The real power belongs to the people. Thank you.

It's presumptuous, but I'm distressed on Khal Drogo's behalf, as there seems to be no Dothraki word for beer; can you help?


Would they have beer…? Don’t you need grain for that? Dothraki don’t do a ton of harvesting. Hmm… I need a historian to jump in here.


I’m not a historian, but I know that nomad people tend to get buzzed with fermented animal milk. I imagine in Dothraki case it would be something like Kazakh’s kumis (кумыс). Usually it’s got a pretty mild alcohol content, but I just checked and apparently there’s a stronger, over 40 degrees version called asau kumis (wild kumis).


FMAB does breasts right.

Their boobs move. Like…realistically move. As in, the way actual breasts would motion if a woman made that movement without an over the top exaggeration and the camera is framed in a way so that it’s clearly not supposed to be sexual the way most anime would stage it. The scenes in question are meant to be taken seriously so the animators and direction is take things seriously. Either it’s just a character walking down a hall or clapping her hands. 

If this were any other action/adventure anime, the camera angle would’ve been something like this for Winry’s introduction:

This is weird, but what I find so sexy about Riza is, well… How she isn’t sexualized. Like, she isn’t a pure sex object in nonstop sexy outfits. She’s a beautiful military woman, and she dresses appropriately for the role. Along with that she’s NEVER used as the ‘sexy distraction’ trope that women often are used for. She has a good role, she’s a fighter, but also has a kind heart for her friends.

That and more are reasons Riza is my favorite female anime character, and FMAB is my favorite anime.

Well said my friend.

I think there was only one instance of jiggle physics and that was with lust but that was when they were trying to make a joke about havoc having a thing for boobs and the joke was more about havoc than lust having big breasts.

“You fell into my booby trap” (proceeds to paralyze Havoc afterwards)

What I also love is that their boobs are in equal proportion to every other body part. Like, yeah, a character might have bigger boobs, but she also had a big waist/hips/legs/etc to go with it, so the largeness doesn’t feel fake. Plus, they never draw attention to the sexual stuff, and the only exception was the joke with Havoc. And it was posed in a way that made it feel like less of a raunchy boob joke and more of a joke on Havoc and how his attraction to boobs is what led him to be deceived, which doesn’t leave female viewers uncomfortable, or feeling like their body is constantly the butt of a joke, like some other animes do

That’s a good point that I didn’t realize. All of characters in the show have equally proportioned bodies. 

Ed’s muscles get larger as he gets older but never reaches John Cena level of jacked since he’s still under 6 feet tall. He’s always presented as ripped and not ‘bulky’ like Sig or Alex. 

Riza is about the same height as adult Ed, but they have different body styles thus the word for her would be toned. She’s still lean but her muscles and body shape are the same aren’t ‘compact’. 

Fmab follows the basic body designs for males and female characters and doesn’t exaggerate a specific feature to the point where it’s comedic. It makes it’s bed, and lies in it.  

Every time I see a girl in just about any other action/adventure (shonen) anime I just think:

“is your back okay? You need a doctor? Hey Thomas! Call Lucy a chiropractor!”

or better yet:

“Good Lord! Get this man a sandwich!”

The only real exception to the whole body proportion thing is ALEX LOUIS ARMSTRONG

But his ridiculously bulky muscles are used largely as a comedic element, in which the overly toned nature of his body is commented on as the “freak of nature” kind of idea and definitely not presented as if that’s some kind of expectation for anyone else in the show. 

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