
poetry of me and you

@poetryofyouth / poetryofyouth.tumblr.com

Kat, dandelion enthusiast

While I may have technically stabbed the deceased, your honor, he was over 65 years old and also diabetic, so who's to say that the act of stabbing, which has a mortality rate of a mere 4%, caused or even aided his death? Calling me a murderer is ridiculous, and if anything, we should stab more people, to build up an immunity to stab wounds


Finish your coffee in 30 minutes or less for the best gum and dental health. Download our app to keep your account secure with multi-factor authentication. Only eat between 6 and 8. You’re eligible for a 0.25% interest rate reduction when you enroll in autopay. Rinse with cold water to prevent breakage. Please reply “yes” to confirm your appointment. Remember to get your hair cut and your oil changed and your teeth cleaned and your tires rotated and your vaccinations updated and your emissions tested. Verify your recovery email. Click here to review and confirm your updated credit card usage. Blue light can disrupt your circadian rhythm, put away your phone for two hours before bed. Allergen alert: high pollen count today. Try these shoes that are just like walking with bare feet. You could have saved $13.57 this year by signing up for a monthly membership. Daily meditation will calm your mind and improve your productivity. Gut health is linked to mental health, eat 30 different kinds of vegetables each week to heal your leaky gut and improve your productivity. Low tire pressure front passenger tire. Would you like to extend your parking reservation? It’s almost tax time, log in now to review last year’s filing. Leave a review for your recent purchase. Cut out gluten and dairy to improve your skin. You’re due for your yearly physical. Click here to update your insurance information. Your login code is 49273. It is valid for 15 minutes. Was this you? Your account has been logged into. These are the 3 sexiest perfumes for women, voted by men. Watch your food labels for transfats and sodium. Don’t count calories. Count macros. Weigh yourself daily. If you love high heels but hate the pain, these weight shifting insoles are for you. You have 6934 points, do you want to redeem them for $2.50? Meal prep to save money. Try this no-makeup-makeup look to be effortlessly beautiful. High heart rate alert! High heart rate alert! How did we do? Let us know how we can improve your experience.


>password sharing is estimated to cost them several billion dollars



Password sharing actually doesnt cost them anything, every time u share a password they dont have to pay u for that. Its free. They just use that language bc they say that not having everyone buy into their service is a loss of a customer they /never even had/ and are pretending they would have made money from those non customers


They aren't losing money, they're just mad they aren't making more money. Absolutely share passwords with friends and people you trust.

dude they are making money via password sharing, so many people would not use netflix at all if they didn't share an account


what does it say about us as a culture that most of our microwaves have a dedicated popcorn button

i dont know but whatever it says, its magnified by literally every bag of popcorn saying “don’t use the popcorn button”


Funnily enough, there’s an answer for that.

In brief, the “popcorn” button was initially introduced by fancy high-end microwaves that used an integrated humidity sensor to tell when your popcorn was done; microwaveable popcorn vents steam as it cooks, so by monitoring the amount of steam in the cooking chamber, you can get pretty close to perfectly popped popcorn every time (though it’s generally only pretty close, since different brands of microwaveable popcorn have different moisture content).

As the feature became popular, manufacturers of cheap microwaves started adding a button labelled “popcorn” as well, in order to imply that they offer this feature. These “popcorn” buttons simply run the microwave for a fixed amount of time that the manufacturer figures is close enough to the printed cooking time of most commercial brands.

In practice, of course, the fixed-time “popcorn” button usually just sets your popcorn on fire. To make matters worse, owing to America’s permissive advertising laws, microwave manufacturers are allowed to make all sorts of misleading-but-technically-true statements in their packaging and instruction manuals, rendering it nearly impossible to tell whether a given model of microwave has a real humidity-sensing “popcorn” button or a fake fixed-time “popcorn” button before buying it.

In summary: the “popcorn” button that your microwave popcorn instructs you not to use exists because American microwave manufacturers are using a misleadingly labelled button in order to imply that their product has a feature that it does not in fact have, in a way that can potentially trick people into burning their houses down, for advertising purposes. This is perfectly legal.

So: what does that say about our culture?

Information that helps give context to our college roommate blowing up the dorm microwave twice via the popcorn button.


i called her and i think she understands but now i am crying at the bimhaltestelle


and like, setting boundaries to avoid hurting people doesn't work if the other person just simply doesn't understand.

I said to my mom, i have to walk away or we will start fighting (in public) and she still started getting angry and telling me to pull myself together. i mean she is right that I SHOULD be able to do just pull myself together. I was literally just exhausted from walking around all day and then having to queue up for ice cream.. i said then i'd rather not have ice cream after already queueing for a bit and my parents thought that i was being stupid since i already started queueing.

but my adhd brain is deathly allergic to waiting for anything, queueing especially. and when I'm already tired, my feet already hurt, i'm hot, generally exhausted from work, can't stop thinking about all the shit i didn't do yet for work and how horrible it will be tomorrow and that i will probably as soon as i get home will have to work untill at least midnight on my sunday night... my adhd brain will go into meltdown i am sorry

i tried to communicate that but i was already a minute of queueing away from crying so :// didn't do great

but i just wish my mom would get that o TRIED to deal with myself in the least terrible way possible


this guy suuuucksss he can't catch anythingggg


prev tags


They only showed two hunts, and said one in three is successful. So he's probably on par. That said, 1 in 3 is pretty good numbers for a lot of predators. Hunting is really hard it turns out.

Leave him alooooone his legs are too short and his paws are cold😭


excellent faces on this guy


I'm not like Mad at anyone who does this and I'm obviously not in charge of how anyone else tags shit on their own blogs, whatever, but it's always bummed me out when my sex Ed posts get reblogged and tagged with 18+, minors dni, etc. personally I actually very much want teenagers to learn about their bodies and safer sex but I guess I'm just the guy who wrote the thing.

by and large I am not an angry man but once I watched a fellow sex educator present to a room full of college students and, upon being gently challenged by one of the students who objected to them describing sex as something that happens between adults, said with very palpable disdain "I don't want to talk about kids fucking." and I was so angry about it that I made myself nauseous.

not just teens, either. every couple years I give up my Sundays for a few months to teach sex ed to 4th-6th graders, unpaid. and I don't do it because it's always fun or easy or great for my health, I do it because those are human people with changing bodies and feelings who deserve to have someone who gives a shit take the time to talk honestly with them so that they might make less painful mistakes later.

ah, this has gotten notes. now we begin a game of Is Someone Going To Call Me A Pedophile For This.


i am curious how i will be feeling in a month or two, i don't think the general situation at my job will get better in that time, possibly worse tho. but i am starting to feel quite off. i had severe stomach pain at random times for like three weeks in march, that was before everything even started to get THIS bad. but idk where it came from, the stomach pains then just stopped before i even went to a doctor.

but the more worrying thing now is that... i think i am occasionally hallucinating my phone ringing? like just now when i was in the shower i heard it ringing but it didn't. and sometimes i hear it ringing, the ringtone super super stresses me out, it's like a reverse pavlovian response. and i doubt it's a phone ringing from the neighboring flat because it sounds close, not like through walls. and i hardly ever even hear anything from my neighbors.

is that concerning? i mean i went to a psychiatrist in the first time in years again this week, but for other reasons, i didn't want to mention it, i don't want to take antipsychotics (again) but i have never before had like, heard anything that isn't there.

I have tried googling a bit but i don't think i have found anything like my experience. most of all it's super weird. AND ANNOYING. I don't need to hear my phone ringing when i'm in the shower it stresses me out so much. especially when it is not even actually ringing


companies are delusional if they think consumers don't notice shrinkflation. less food in the package, less medicine in the jar, less whatever in the wherever, it doesn't matter where and it's almost always noticeable. like i just finished one box of medicine and we opened another allegedly identical one that we just bought and lo and behold, the four middle medicine segments were gone from the package. they took out four pills from the same sized box and sold it at the same price without any indication on the box other than the small number in the corner. ridiculous


I bought a carton of my favorite tomato soup last week and noticed that the nutrition facts looked weird. So I compared the new one to the mostly empty carton already in my fridge.

The serving size was the same, but the calories per serving had gone down by like 15. Odd. The ingredients list previously listed tomato as the first ingredient, and then water. Now water is first. They’re watering down the fucking soup and charging the same for it. I’m so fucking done.

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