Secondary Character


Hi! I'm S, I'm 24. I'm here mainly for books and movies. I like writing sometimes.

A Heart made of Grass | Kerejean | M | 9k words

The point was: Kevin could see himself growing to like Jean, because Jeremy did too. He trusted Jeremy on this. He could see himself growing to love Jean in the same way he had loved Thea and now loved Jeremy.

Kevin had always been greedy after all. And he had two empty hands.


Green love | Kerejean | T | 6.7 words

Kevin Day is an history teacher with the strictest work ethic and the biggest crush on his perfect colleague, Jeremy Knox.

He just wants to have a good year and spend his lunch breaks in Jeremy's company, but a mysterious stranger keeps stealing his parking spot stressing him out just in time for the beginning of the school year.

The worst thing? The stranger's motorbike is the ugliest thing Kevin has ever seen.


Kinda crazy how after Neil and Andrew kiss for the first time Neil literally thinks to himself that he doesn’t “look at Matt or Nicky differently” which implies that he 1. Thought kissing Andrew once had the potential to immediately turn him gay 2. That how he looked at Kevin wouldn’t be a good marker of this

Like it was literally just one sentence that I honestly don’t think I even caught my first read or two, but makes me pretty sure that Neil had the exact train of thought of “huh I guess I liked kissing Andrew. Does that make me gay? Lemme check” *looks at Nicky* “…hmm no” *looks at Matt* “….still no… ok so I’m definitely not gay for those two…”



if i die and leave and get martyred in this war, i will not forgive the Arab leaders who failed us. we lived through difficult days without food or water, and my hair is turning white even though i'm so young. may god never forgive you or give you relief. i swear i will tell the creator about you.

forgive me, mom. i love you so much. please don't be sad when i die.

my message to the people of egypt, yemen, jordan, algeria, libya, lebanon, tunisia, sudan, somalia, malaysia - please don't leave Gaza alone. please, please promise me to take care of her. i love you all, please don't leave us.

if anyone finds my message, please spread it.

the martyr, godwilling, Mohammad Abdulqader Husseini



[image id: tweet by Dr Mustafa Elmari (gaza_psych) that says, "Children in Gaza are writing their wills. Eleven-year-old Mohammed writes, "Forgive me, mom, please don't be sad if I die." Attached is an image of the letter written in arabic on a lined paper that seems to be torn from a school notebook.]

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