
another ASOIAF blog


your life has become exactly what mine has and you know it. meta and imagery focusing on: jon snow, daenerys targaryen, houses stark and targaryen, r+l=j, the night's watch, wildlings, lannisters, tyrells and any other game of thrones/a song of ice and fire characters/subjects that suit my fancy likes and follows come from "unicornskulls". i'm more likely to follow back dedicated game of thrones/asoiaf/jonerys blogs, but i may follow mixed content blogs now and then if they're putting out good meta or original content!
DNI if I have blocked you on Discord.
"Found any followers here yet?" He tries to keep his tone light, though he knows that he is a taciturn man, that people think he's too serious. And she is right to worry about the Bureau. Their reputation is whispered, but it's said that sometimes, adepts disappear entirely, locked into one of their black cells until who knows when.
She hesitates, then half-smiles. The glow of the electric bulbs lighting the place reflects in her pupils, making them look alight. "Jon Snow. I thought Jon Snow might join me."
He cannot say anything to her now, but to give her a surprised look, then incline his head to her.
"I can't read all of it alone." She could. People do. He is not sure why she is saying this, and for a moment, he's skeptical: maybe she's just trying to do away with a rival by drawing him into the fold. He helps her study Forge lore and never touches the Mansus himself, never passes the true doors.
The trouble is that there doesn't seem to be a fold yet, as it were. She wants to create one. She wants him to be a disciple, but nearly an equal. This could be more trouble in the future.
He is already thinking in terms of a future. That's trouble too.

Illustrations by Darryl Elliott of Daenerys Targaryen for The Iron Throne Saga by George R. R. Martin

Here are the covers of those issues. The "Blood of the Dragon" stuff is probably the earliest art of Daenerys; possibly of any ASOIAF character. It predates the publication of AGOT. ("Path of the Dragon" does not.) Dany on that first cover vibes "35 years old" in the same way that Jon does on the first US paperback cover of AGOT. The "Path of the Dragon" cover looks remarkably like something from the show but pre-dates it by more than a decade. I don't know who did the art.


my favourite genre of bad hotd post is people sanctimoniously aggressively pointing out when characters say something that contradicts their actions as if hypocrisy is just new to them. uhm alicent said the greens believe in ‘honour and decency’ …. but the greens MURDER people ?? in that episode that line was used to cut to the greenie figurehead jacking off out of a window

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