
Computer Science Study Blog


28 year old software developer from Austria

do you know when you read a really good book and you can't read anything else for months because nothing is as good as that one?

i've read two books like that this year and it's ruining my reading schedule. damn you good books.

Same. It is really hard to read a new book after a really good book.


i'm dead convinced that the single most important skill for a software engineer at a big company is knowing how to search the codebase for examples of other people doing something similar to what you're trying to do


I’ve worked way too long on this, but it’s finished! The Modern Male Witch: Home Office!

It’s always 11:59 in the home office of the tech witch. That magical moment just before midnight when anything can happen. There’s a soft buzzing sound in the air and an occasional flickering of lights. The protective sigils on the walls help the many different energy flows to get accustomed to each other. There’s a weird kind of silent peace in the chaos.

This is the fourth piece in my Modern Male Witch Project.

Available as print on Redbubble and Society6.

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