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Just me

fuck google docs so fucking much

i've just lost hundreds of docs and pdfs and i'm beyond pissed right now

they're all permanently gone

actually they're not holy shit

okay so, gonna tell ya'll something awesome rn

google drive is a mess sometimes with its storage things and if you're unlucky it might delete some of your files and you won't realise until it's well past the point where they won't be in 'trash' anymore and you're fucked

all is not lost however!

if you're on drive via browser, hit the little ? in a circle next to the settings cog and select "help"

search for "file recovery"

it'll show you the ways to try and recover your files on pc, android, and mac etc

these don't matter

you need to scroll down to the bottom and just hit the "contact us"

you'll be logged out automatically

log back in

click the little box to give google permission to attempt to restore your files for that account

click "submit"

give them some time to work but it's an automatic process

i've got most of my files back in less than 10 minutes

all is not lost! rejoice!

I'm gonna reblog this again bc wow but was it helpful to learn!


cinematographers need to stop being so afraid of lighting. like i get it your movie is grim and serious, but i promise it would be even more grim and serious if i could actually see what was happening


How to write a kiss

Rebloggable version, as requested by davrosbro. :)
Oooh!  Yes!  I love kisses.  Kisses are where it all starts ;).
Okay, first, remember that a kiss is much, much more than just lips.  It is lips, but also tongues, teeth, eyes, faces, hands, noses, bodies, heartbeats,  breath, voice- and most importantly, a kiss is emotions.  A kiss without emotion is just wet mushy lips stuck together.  Ew.  Gross.  The most important part of a kiss isn’t the how, but the who- because of the emotions between the two people.
Okay so:
lips- Lips can slide, glide over each other smoothly, or they can be chapped and rough and dry and get stuck on each other.  They can match, top-to-top and bottom-to-bottom, or they can overlap, with one person’s top or bottom lip captured between the other person’s lips (yummy).  If there is lipstick or chapstick there is lipstick or chapstick flavor, otherwise, lips don’t have a taste (can you taste yours?).  Lips also can smack- the sound of two of them coming together or pulling apart, because they’re wet and warm and soft.
tongue- Tongues are always wet, and always warm.  They’re very versatile.  They can trace over lips, teeth, or another tongue.  They can be smooth and graceful or teasing and flicking.  When tongues are involved, there is drool.  It’s only sexy when you like the person you’re kissing, or else it’s kinda gross. :P
teeth- teeth can clack together awkwardly, or teeth can bite down sensually.  A person biting their own lip is cute, a person biting another’s lips is sexy.  A person biting gently is sensual, a person biting roughly is sexual.
eyes- Eyes can be wide open with surprise, half-lidded with desire, fully closed with pleasure.  Eyes can gaze lovingly, lustfully, wistfully, hungrily, seductively- it all depends upon the emotions of your characters.  Have them do whatever you like, but don’t leave them out- give them at least a mention!
faces- Faces are what the lips are attached to.  Noses bump, cheeks flush, ears turn red, foreheads either wrinkle or relax.  Kisses can leave lips, quite easily, and become kisses on chins, cheeks, noses, foreheads, ears, necks, throats.  Kisses on noses or foreheads are cute and adorable, kisses on cheeks are sweet, kisses on chins, ears, and throats are very sexual.  And a kiss on the lips can be all of those! <3
hands- Hands are super-important.  In order to describe a kiss, usually you want to also describe the hands.  Where are they?  Does one character have their hand behind the other’s head or back, holding them close?  Are they on someone’s shoulders pulling them near, or pushing them away?  Fingers brushing someone’s cheek or palms grabbing someone’s ass convey two very different kinds of situations, even if the kiss itself is exactly the same.
noses- Noses are annoying.  They easily get in the way, especially for first kisses!  People have to tilt their head to one side or the other, and if they don’t, noses bump.  I’d only mention noses if a kiss is supposed to be awkward or uncertain or nervous.
bodies- bodies are either close together, or far away.  Someone can be surrounded comfortingly by someone’s arms, or terrifyingly trapped by them.  Bodies are warm or hot, they are calm or nervous, relaxed or tense.  Body language says a lot.  Is your character pulling away, or moving closer?
heartbeat- Hearts can beat fast or slow, and that’s about all they can do- but there are lots of reasons why they do!  A heart can beat fast with fear or excitement or nervousness; a heart can pound with lust or race with terror or sing with joy.  Hearts can glow, cower, or shatter.  When you really want to drive the emotions of a character home, mention the heart.
breath- To me, the most consuming part of a kiss is the breath.  The air that someone else has just breathed going deep into your lungs is very intimate.  Lips and tongues don’t have a taste, but breath does.  Each person’s breath tastes different, smells different, and surrounds a person differently than anyone else’s breath.  Breath can be warm and sweet, breath can be hot and sexy, breath can be hot and frightening.  It is something that is very present and should not be left out.  A lot of writers leave breath out.  And it’s so important; it’s the most intimate part of a kiss.  Someone else is breathing into your lungs, and it’s either heaven or it’s hell.
voice- Voice conveys much, even without words.  A voice can groan, whimper, gasp, moan, catch, whine, scream, sigh.  Voice can convey emotion powerfully, and while some kisses are silent, usually they’re not.
emotion-  Emotion is the most important- and the thing you try not to say.  You want to describe it, through all of the things above, so that it’s perfectly clear what your characters are feeling, without you ever using the “feelings words”.  If they’re in love, their bodies will lean close, their eyes will smile, their voices will giggle softly.  If they’re nervous, their palms will sweat, their noses will bump, their voices will shudder.  If they’re afraid, their muscles will be tense, their faces will grimace, their lips will not open.  Emotion is the color that you keep inside your mind as you write; it’s the base line that drives the description behind everything else you say.
Wow, that was a lot!  Gosh I hope it wasn’t too much!  Keep in mind not every kiss has all these things- this is just a list of things to consider when writing a kiss, and based on how long of a kiss you want to make.  Keep in mind that typing “they kissed for a long time”…that’s six words, it takes half a second to read, so that’s a short kiss!  If you want a long kiss, you need long sentences that make the reader linger.
So maybe to start off, pick three things on the list to describe in your first kiss.  Don’t try to do it all- that would be too much for even the most epic kiss.  Just pick what’s most important to this particular scene, to these particular characters, and describe those parts along with the lips, and you’ve got yourself an awesome, emotional kiss. <3

I committed the mistake of not rebloging this when it was first in my dash and I have found it again!


Saving this on my page


Reblog if you're not homophobic

Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 


Tumblr Code.

If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “I like your shoelaces”
that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything
I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person
must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!
Remember the answer is: I stole them from the president.
always reblog tumblr identification

This is an absolute tumblr relic. I feel like an archaeologist right now. This is incredible that this is on my dash.


this is from an era long passed

It has 3 million notes

Oh my god

This is so old

How did I find it

Oh 2013….


Finally, it is my time to witness this icon as well

Always reblogging

An ancient boi

This is a relic

This gives me a strange feeling i cant describe, I cant believe i got to witness this on my dash

Always reblog this relic…

Holy wow, this is a relic😂😂


Must reblog, must relive!


I feel like I’ve been given a glimpse into the Olden Days

I’d like to point out that I’ve found this twice now

cannot believe this ancient relic just appeared on my dash

holy fuck

i whisper-screamed omgggg

Everyone will knows the code tho even tho is so old that’s te amazing part

Are we still doing it though? Because I will

I can’t believe I’ve found this. I’ve only seen this in screenshots.

be still my beating heart



donald trump just got shadow banned on twitter for glorifying violence so i cant post the tweet but he basically sent out a kill order on minneapolis protestors

if you’re in minneapolis and are planning to protest, please be safe.

saw this also on twitter but somebody said if you are protesting to remove any personal info, tagged photos, people you know in your life who are vulnerable from your social media for safety. and for people on social media to not share photos of unmasked protestors 


the government is looking through social media to find and arrest people. keep your face covered. don’t share photos of protestors. remove personal information from your social media. please please please be safe.


George Floyd was intentionally murdered by four police officers in Minneapolis ...while Amy Cooper a gentrifier in NYC deliberately called the cops on a Black Man that asked her to put her dog on a leash. She falsified a threat hoping that he would be killed by police in the same manner.


& White Women do not have to be carrying out acts of violence to be complicit.




Outer Banks really gave us everything huh

A mystery
Unraveling Racism (Kooks vs Pogues plus historical racism against blacks w the Denmark Tanny plotline)
Abusive Parents (and impact on kids)
Murderrrr (and impact on people)
Drugs and substance abuse (and impact of kids)
Topper// John B: what a toxic vs what a good relationship looks like
A 👏boy 👏willing 👏to 👏respect👏 the👏 girl’s 👏”no,” 👏 told her they’d wait, made sure she was okay with it before continuing even tho she initiated it, 👏CONSENT👏🙌
A👏 boy 👏willing 👏to 👏talk👏 about 👏his 👏feelings 👏 (positive masculinity if i ever saw it, y’all, i love John B)
And thru it all, a buncha hot teens who shitpost on insta and are all so sweet
The mystery!! Did i mention that!
And action! And thriller!
And a message to EAT 👏THE 👏RICH 👏 (lookin’ at u Ward)
For real tho it did show negative effects of wealth and greed ok im terrible at articulating this

And just. Obx. What a show.


Ana also Kiara talking about environment, I mean!

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