
Quality Lemonade

@skywanderingsquirtle / skywanderingsquirtle.tumblr.com

I'm trash tbh have fun.
This may not be a klance blog now, but it will always be canon king in my heart.
I would kill a man to see Be More Chill live with the original cast.
She/her or they/them
Anon tag: skyanon Personal tag: skypersonal

knuckle tattoos that say ESCAPED BIOHAZARD

That's way too many letters do you have radiation poisoning or something



the most annoying people are the ones who just reply "no 💖" to recovery/self-improvement posts



ill never forgive you guys for reblogging the version without the wet box addition now there's edgelords in my notes and nobody gets to hear about the wet box


i love when something created with no money gets popular and famous and a bunch of follow-ups are made with a huge budget but they still have to refer back to the terrible, no-money visuals from the original thing. like og dr who was like “ok whats a monster umm ok we’ll put a plunger and a whisk on it” and they had to keep doing that same shit for all the 300 years that shows been on. the saw bathroom is 30 ft across and has multiple sinks and multiple toilets but no stalls and a BATHTUB. what public bathroom looks like that?? none of them. nobody questioned it at any point and guess what they had to recreate that dumbass fucking set like 3 times. star trek has all the money they could ever want but vulcans are still always gonna be just regular guys with elf ears and eyeshadow. it’s the best. every franchise needs this to be kept humble


did i tell y’all that one time when my friends and i were making a joke mockumentary about a fake cryptid, my sibling and i got into a really bad hospitalizing car crash and instead of delaying it we just decided to film in the hospital and also convinced my mom and dad to play roles in it as well?

hey just wanted to say thanks for this incredibly chilling remark i’m so scared now


Dear hearing aid providers: stop only advertising your hearing aids for old people - from a deaf 19 year old who’s used hearing aids since she was 7

Note: you don’t have to use hearing aids, or have any form of hearing loss to be able to reblog this


Deaf people using hearing aids should be as normalized as people with vision loss wearing glasses.


The idea that hearing aids are only for eldery also fuels the reasoning that health insurance companies consider them a luxury.

I have hearing aids for both ears. You can’t see them but you’ll know I need them when I’m around family that mutters often facing away from me.

Chronologically I am not that old.

They aren’t a luxury. They are a necessity.


Aliens are the least of our worries right now but listen to me. Aliens don’t want to hurt us but the government is gonna convince us they do and incite worldwide panic and start a real space war to avoid advancing technology for the general population because efficient non oil based energy that the aliens have will crush the capitalist industries that need it to thrive welcome to my ted talk

this post so confidently and sincerely made it’s point that i had to stop myself checking the news to find out if first contact had happened this morning

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