

@juliannetoinette / juliannetoinette.tumblr.com

• Author & Gamer & Freelance Creative • She/Her • 8w7 • Multifandom: too many to count • Silmarilz1701 on Ao3+ •


To summarize my message in my reblog of a post earlier where I tagged my old tag list:

I will not be using any of the tag lists that I was pulling from a year+ ago. I'm not writing for the same fandoms at the moment (except, very occasionally, Tolkien), and don't want to flood people who asked specifically to be tagged since I was writing BoB content now that I'm more in other spheres.

If you would still like to be tagged in all writing content I put up, please notify me some way. Discord or Tumblr works. I'll make a note.

If you specifically ONLY want to be notified when Under the Banner resumes updates in the next year or so, please also let me know. I'll make a separate list.

Thanks guys!


you know what gets me about lord of the rings? evil is defeated by people who choose to fight against it without possessing absolute, or even very much, conviction that they can actually win. all the converging story threads that lead to the happy ending are carried out by people who are far, far more convinced that they will fail than that they will succeed, who had only the frailest, most foolish hope, who had blind faith and frequently wavering hearts not peace or ease or certainty.

middle earth isn’t saved because no one faltered or came close to despairing or who sank to their knees in weary defeat. it’s not saved by pride or conviction or even strength. it’s saved because enough people do what they have to do even if they have to do it in the darkness. in the dust. with the ashes of hopelessness and bitterness in their mouths. because enough people took another step. Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Theoden, Boromir, Faramir, Merry, Pippin. And many don’t. For every hero there is someone who gives into the “reasonableness” of despair—Saruman, Denethor, Grima, even Gollum—but enough. Enough people said “it doesn’t matter if we lose, I will keep fighting” and then they do.

And that GETS me. It is the most hopeful thing about the lord of the rings to me. There is so much that sums up its spirit, so many beautiful quotes and moments, but to me it’s never been the most famous of the quotes about hope and love that hit me hardest but a line from the films. Before the battle for minas tirith, one of the soldiers says “we cannot defeat the armies of Mordor” and Theoden answers “no. but we will meet them in battle nonetheless.”

And I—That is the spirit that leads to the conquering of evil when it comes down to it, when we’re talking about the part played by humanity alone in the fight against evil. Not the conviction you’re going to win, not farsightedness into a perfect future, not perfect inner peace or certainty. But acceptance of the real possibility of defeat, of that defeat being more the reality, the future, of your life than the victory, and then doing the damn thing anyway because goodness is worth fighting for even if you lose.

You have unlocked a LINGUISTIC SUBTEXT of LOTR which is very dear to my heart, Estel vs. Amdír. Lemme explain.

Estel is the alias Elrond gave to Aragorn in the books when he was a child to protect him until he came of age. It’s Sindarin Elvish for hope. But it’s a specific kind of hope. I don’t have my linguistic notes handy, so I can’t remember where Tolkien wrote out the full definition in his own notes, but it’s basically:

estel, n. hope, faith, trust, belief.

But there’s another Elvish word for hope.

amdir, n. hope, expectation, extrapolation. from prefix am to, toward + verb tiro look. Same root as in palantir, far-seer.

amdir is rational hope: you look at present circumstances, and look ahead to see what’s coming. It means calculating likely possibilities, outcomes. What’s the best you can expect to happen?

estel is irrational hope. You know there’s just no way to win. Amdir says you’re screwed, and you say, “I know, but I’ll keep going anyway.”

estel is a FOOL’s HOPE.

Ring any bells? Because you’re absolutely right. There are a lot of people who fail in LOTR because they only had amdir. Saruman was entrapped because he saw no hope of victory, so he threw in his lot with Sauron.

Boromir had been fighting a losing battle of defense against the forces of Mordor and knew there was no chance of defeating the overwhelming forces of Sauron save by some extraordinary means. He saw in the Ring a hope of saving his city by using it as a weapon. He knew “one does not simply walk into Mordor”… it’s too well-defended. Deep down, he wanted to try the amdir option, not the estel option.

And then there’s Denethor. Denethor, most of all, is the epitome of amdir. In the books he is a proud man, but rational. He’s the Steward of Gondor, and he takes the job damn seriously. His people are the bulwark defending Middle-Earth from being crushed by Mordor, which is visible from his window. He’s done a good job of marshalling forces and stockpiling resources for this battle — in the books, he does light the beacons to summon Théoden – and he actually has a palantir he uses to spy on Sauron.

His mind is strong enough to resist Sauron controlling him. So instead, Sauron controls the palantir, making sure it only shows off the greatness of Mordor’s armies, allies and weapons, and every last loss and setback of Denethor’s side. He knew very well Théoden had been held up at Helm’s Deep and would arrive too late. He knew Aragorn was coming to claim the throne, which didn’t thrill him: he thought Aragorn was just Gandalf’s puppet. And when he finds out Faramir had done what Gandalf wanted and sent the Ring into Mordor with a hobbit instead of bringing it to him flr safekeeping, he rails at Gandalf for risking everything on a “fool’s hope.”

The final straw is that, after Faramir is injured, Denethor looks into the palantir one more time to see if there’s any hope left… and he sees the fleet of black ships coming up the river. He thinks it’s more armies from Mordor. In fact, it’s Aragorn bringing a spare army to save the day. But Denethor thinks to himself, “checkmate. We’re toast.” And he decides to kill himself and his dying son rather than let them be seized as trophies by Sauron (or in his case, as a prisoner.)

Denethor gives into despair, but he is not a total madman in the books. He just has a meltdown because he only has amdir, not estel, and only a fool’s hope could win against impossible odds.

Also? Samwise is basically old English for “half wit.” He’s a wise Fool. Théoden and Aragorn do what they can to help, and in the and Aragorn leads his armies to the gates of Mordor to divert Sauron’s attention from Frodo and Sam as much as he can. But it’s Sam’s dogged determination to keep going even if it’s hopeless (amdir-less) that saves them all.

Note that I think Tolkien may have come up with the Elvish word amdir and written out its definition after LOTR was published. But the concept was obviously burbling around in his subconscious already. The more you look, the more you’ll see how the different flavors of hope show up in his writing

So yeah, @itspileofgoodthings , I’m tempted to say you’ve hit on the hidden meaning of LOTR. But like all the great stories, LOTR is a tapestry with multiple threads of meaning. Suffice it to say you’ve hit on a golden thread.


listen. fingolfin and denethor aren't so different. both succumb to despair in the face of what seems to them to be the imminent destruction of their peoples. both choose to die on their own terms rather than have death (or worse) come to them. yes, fingolfin goes out in style, but he is the high king of the high elves – and anyway, what does it really achieve? yes, denethor's death on paper seems cowardly, but he is a steward of a crumbling kingdom who has been striving mentally against sauron – what more can anyone expect?


Pride and Steel

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/niXCgpA

by silmarilz1701

In a matter of moments, the Haladin lost everything. Haleth had lost everything: her father, Haldad, and her twin brother, Haldar. But she doesn’t need hope to continue the fight against the orcs. She needs only steel and pride.

Words: 611, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 1 of Tolkien One-shots

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/niXCgpA

Anonymous asked:

Hey! Is 'War, Wisdom, and Wildflowers' complete?

Hey there! It's complete in the sense that I don't have any immediate plans to add to it. However it's a non-linear one shot collection, so who knows. If something strikes my fancy and won't get out of my head, I may add to it someday in the future.


Send me Emojis

🌹  I have a romantic crush on you

⭐️ I have a platonic crush on you

🌈  I’m gay for you

🤗  given the chance I would gladly hug you

💛 You are my best friend

💙 You are my closest friend

💚 You’re cute

🦄  you’re adorable

🎨  you’re artistically talented

💕  we have a lot in common

😑  you’re annoying

✖️  you’re mean

☄️ I wish we could talk

👽 you’re out of this world

🤙 you’re pretty cool

🔥 you’re hot

💋 I wanna make out with you

😊 Your blog makes me smile

😘 I’d date you

💍 I want to marry you

💓 I can’t stop thinking about you

💘 I love you so much 

🐶🐱 let’s get a dog/cat

👾 nerd

👻 I admire you from afar you probably don’t know I exist

🗑 You’re content is trash and i love you

😍 I aspire to be like you one day

🍀 I’m lucky to have met you

🤐 We don’t talk as much as we used to

🛫 You live far away and it sucks because I want to meet you

😩 I’m too shy to talk to you but I really love your blog

😇 You’re a sweet cinnamon bun

💎 Your blog is pretty

🐒 You’re funny

🎄 Wish to hang out over the holidays

⚔ I trust that you would have my back

👍 you are fun to be around

Walk With the Shadows

Status: Complete | Final Word Count: 120,803

Sometimes Demigods choose the wrong side.
At the end of the Second Titan War, death redeems Luke Castellan and Ethan Nakamura. But what happens to the living? After all, the Olympians have been called many things, but forgiving is not one of them. So three reject children from Cabin 11, Alex son of Hermes, Kitty daughter of Tyche, and Ophelia daughter of Hecate, set out on a quest to save them all. And maybe take a vacation in Disney World.
Set between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero
Thank you so much to @luluxa for the fabulous character art commissions!

Excerpt, Chapter Twenty-One

When the first Laistrygonian had turned towards them at the bus stop, Alex briefly thought he was some disgruntled Philadelphian tired of hearing New Yorkers infiltrating their city. But then he'd seen the teeth, and the truly disgusting haircut, and known they were screwed. Especially when the Laistrygonian whistled and five more eight foot ogre-like monsters stood up out of the crowd.

So he'd grabbed Ophelia and Kitty and just started running. As Alex dodged yet another tree root, he cursed the city of brotherly love. It seemed as though they hadn't stopped running since.

They kept I-95 in sight. Alex had guided him best he could through forests and fields and little rural towns too small for monsters to care about. 48 hours ago, they'd left Camp Half-Blood to zero fanfare and much lamenting.

48 hours later, Alex sprinted through a forest just north of Baltimore, hellhounds nipping at his heels. He could hear Ophelia and Kitty up ahead. He made them go first. Ophelia couldn't do much but swing her dagger during the day, and Kitty, while handy with a sword when necessary, had never been the best at melee combat. So Alex let the dogs breathe down his neck. It wasn't the first time hellhounds had tried to kill him. And he guessed it wouldn't be the last.

Early morning light and the blood of Hermes guided his footing. He clasped Vindication in his hand, still in bracelet form. Howling and pounding paws sounded behind him. He'd hoped the trees would slow the dogs down. But it didn't seem to do much.

Alex stumbled. He cursed as he fell to the ground, throwing his hands out to slow his fall. His face met leaf litter and stones. It took a moment for the air to refill his lungs. Baying of hounds and gnashing teeth grew closer and closer. Alex felt himself shaking. He had more to live for now than he ever had in the Battle of Manhattan. But his muscles wouldn't respond. Not quickly.

He rolled onto his back. A black hound's fanged face blocked out the trees and sky above. Where its tar-like drool fell, his skin sizzled and burned. Alex screamed in anger. Channeling every drop of fury in his body, he summoned Vindication as a sword. The shining celestial bronze blade sliced straight up through the hellhound baring down on top of him.

Alex scrambled up. Anger and adrenaline fueled every movement. He had a job to do. He had children to save. He had to make Luke proud, do what he had been unable to achieve.

Three more massive shadow hounds charged through the trees. He reached behind his head for an arrow. He grabbed empty air.

It is with such a sigh of relief that I can say this fic is DONE. I've had so much fun writing it over the last six months. I'll definitely miss the characters. Who knows. Maybe I'll write another one.

Goal 600

20th all time. People doubted him sayin he was washed up, can't do it. It's impossible.

Goal 700

Overshadowed by the leafs losin to their own zamboni driver (which tbh is still fuckin funny)

Goal 800

oh oh fuck he can LITERALLY do it he can fuckin DO IT

There's no doubt this time or anyone to overshadow him. No-one's doubtin him now. It's just a matter of When.

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