
Passionate and a Little Dumb(tm)

@ceciliayousetmefree / ceciliayousetmefree.tumblr.com

Lizzie, she/her, trans, 25, massachusetts. just reblogs things at this point

oh u can have this post i don’t want it


Gee, thanks mista! Oi Avent had a post to me own since and mum n pop died of influenza! I'll be certain to cherish it as if it were me little brutha who died from influenza also


Woss-all this then? You cheeky li’uhl buggah, wheh’d you get that post? Didn’t I tell you wha’ ‘appens to li’uhl boys that steal posts, hm? If your dear old mum knew she’d catch influenza with shame.


Oh no, Officer! I know ‘im, and ‘e’s a good lad; ‘e ‘elped me find daddy when I was lost in th market! I’m sure my father would be happy to let me pay for th’ post! Father is just around the corner getting influenza

'Ere offisah, dahn't truss that littuw giwl, orrite? She's the one wot stole foive bob from me larse week she did, when i was recovering in St. Urchin's 'Ome For Those With Influenza. And I sorer shewwin 'er ankles to some poor gent dahn the pub yesserday arfernoon while 'er ol' dad stole the poor bugger's influenza roight aht the man's pokkit. She's a baddun orrite. Fling 'er dahn the nick.

if i knew they were gonna make my post british i never would’ve gave it away

“Martin Luther King Jr. made the forbidden connections between Capitalism, Imperialism, Racism, and the Vietnam War. As a result, after he was assassinated even his memory became toxic, a threat to public order. Foundations and corporations worked hard to remodel his legacy to fit a market-friendly format. The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, with an operational grant of $2 million, was set up by, among others, the Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Mobil, Western Electric, Proctor and Gamble, US Steel, and Monsanto. The center maintains the King Library and Archives of the Civil Rights Movement. Among the many programs the King Center runs have been projects that “work closely with the United States Department of Defense, the Armed Forces Chaplains Board and others.” It cosponsored the Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture Series called “The Free Enterprise System: An Agent for Nonviolent Social Change.”

— Capitalism: A Ghost Story by Arundhati Roy (via rikodeine)


love cosmic horror because like. ‘you have knowledge inside you that you cannot bear to face, because you know if you truly comprehend it, you will no longer be the person you once were. you will not be able to go back. the new world you will see will be beautiful, but few else will see it that way’ is just like. yeah bro im trans too


im going to start a thread of pokemon drawn to the sizes of the things theyre based on

here, i’ll start 

also this thread is open to anyone

A very small boi enters


!!!!! This is Zangoose she’s pointy and I love her


I chose the littlest ones cause the BIG ones were always tadpoles and the little ones were always poliwogs.


A pocket sized boy


The smallest friends you could imagine

Can I join?



I love these so much

Pokemon Heritage Post


Folks: Back in June the Biden administration also made it possible to claim LOAN CANCELLATION for over a hundred predatory for-profit colleges. Thousands are illegible for total relief-- return of money paid, and credit score readjustment. Now that other student relief action is in the news a LOT of people are just learning about Borrowers Defense.


ohhhh my heart is so full right now. ive watched the art institute eat naive young artists alive for decades now. i hope they all burn down. i hope the upper management all die broke and ashamed, like so many hundreds of their graduates have.


This is, obviously, amazing, but CRUCIALLY, if your school is listed here, you have to apply for the cancellation. This is NOT automatic. This is a payout from a settlement based on a government suit against the conglomerate running these schools. I urge everyone who has outstanding student loans to go to this website and APPLY FOR A SETTLEMENT. YOU HAVE TO APPLY.

ASAP there is a deadline.




they’ve been working on a fucking prank on me since april i’m so goddamn indignant


tell them what the prank was, clare

so for fucking months now we’ve been saying we were going to watch Blade, because i’d never seen it, but somebody was always too tired or too busy, but tonight we decided fuck it, tomorrow’s ciaran’s friday, let’s watch Blade

the first 40 minutes or so pass with many a delighted exclamation. stan lee was credited & i’m told blade was a marvel property, which is news to me. i’m thoroughly enjoying myself. the cop familiar gets the shit beat out of him & tells blade to check the fridge. the wind roars as the scene transition fades to black.

in fades a helicopter. a man with long dark hair on crutches emerges from it. i do not immediately recognize the man, but from the crutches & the hair i immediately go “morbius??”

they assure me he isn’t morbius. i accept that they don’t want to admit he’s morbius for some reason (maybe they just don’t want me to think blade is in the mcu?) as the entirety of michael morbius’s backstory plays out on screen.

i repeatedly ask “okay but this is literally morbius right” and “why are you doing this” as it becomes increasingly clear that we are now, somehow, watching Morbius (2022). everyone continues to insist it’s Blade (1999) until finally i ask “how long were you planning this” and logan says “you wanna know how long” and gives me a screenshot

fucking months of me genuinely wanting to watch the movie Blade (1999) with my friends and they goddamn Blorbius me. I got Blorbiused.

Morbius: Not Even Once.

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