
@reysistantis / reysistantis.tumblr.com

Discourse side blog. She/her. Big anti-anti meanie, inclusionist, anti-rad fem/terf. You are not a bad person for shipping something, things people like in fiction are separate from what they would condone irl. Harassing people over fiction does hurt. Do not send hate to anyone I interact with.

What she says: I hate antis

What she really means: I don’t mind people disliking a ship for their own reason but the anti-shipping movement is driven by hate and bandwagon bullying to police what people are “allowed” to enjoy. They use fundamentally abusive and manipulative tactics on real people in the name of protecting survivors from speculative things in fiction. Antis want to act morally superior over ship wars and claim that to ship something problematic you must be a survivor. By doing this antis force survivors who may be uncomfortable with coming out with their status to out themselves and then hold them to impossible standards. Except when it does come to survivors who ship anti-deemed problematic things we are attacked, harassed, and then pushed under the bus anyway. Antis trivialize terms such as abuse, rape, and pedophilia by using them so often and out of place against a group made up of many survivors and minors– the people they claim to be protecting. They have bullied and suicide baited artists and other content creators they dislike in the name of “policing the bad ships uwu.” All antis are at fault for this, even if an anti claims not to send hate themselves they are still influencing this bad behavior because they are part of this hate group. The entire anti-shipper movement is a toxic cesspool that makes me feel sick.

“let people do what they want! Let people ship kids with their parents/ adults, rape victims/ abuse victims with their abusers/rapists! Let people sexualize the fuck outta kids!! Who the fuck cares if it’s damaging at all?! As long as they’re happy that’s all that matters!!! :D :D :D”

Fuck you and fuck whomever fucking thinks any of that is okay. Also a lot of antis are fucking abuse survivors themselves. Using other survivors as a fucking shield makes you pieces of shit.

I mean I didn’t say any of that anywhere, this reply is super aggressive and exactly what I mean with the post lol

I’m a survivor too and I don’t appreciate you also using me as a shield to justify harassing people. I don’t support sexualizing minors or shipping kids with their parents??? That’s gross and a red herring. My point is that I prioritize real people over fictional characters, it’s good to be critical of the media you consume, but anti culture is like a mob that only makes things worse.

I’m not using you as a shield. I’m literally pointing out that antis are survivors as well. 

This post literally reads like you’re cool with people who do that. Then go all ‘it fiction! It never affects reality or anything!! :D :D :D’.

I’m aware of that

My post doesn’t say anything about fiction affecting reality, it’s literally talking about the behavior of antis which does affect reality. Don’t lump me in with other things you’ve seen, lol. It’s a complicated topic, not a black or white viewpoint where everyone thinks the same.


I’m not dead or anything, I just haven’t had a huge desire to use this site for awhile now, and I probably will continue that

I hope you are all well tho!


How is making anti shipping pride flags disrespectful”

You’re taking symbols which exist to promote tolerance, acceptance, and peace and using them to promote your nasty ass movement of cyber bulling minors on the internet over fictional content. It really shouldn’t be difficult to comprehend why that’s disrespectful and is mocking the LGBTQ+ community. Alongside the fact it’s inferring you can simply make a pride flag for whatever random thing you want which is incredibly belittling towards legitimate pride flags which were made for genuine reasons.

Helen is bi
Voyd and Evelyn are lesbians
And Edna is ace lesbian

Helen is Straight.

Voyd and Evelyn are straight.

And Edna is straight.

Stop grasping with your petty little hands just to make characters LGBT just to suit your fuckin ego, thanks.


Helen Parr is bi

Voyd, Evelyn, and Edna are Lesbians

Try learning the definitions of “fiction” and “headcanons” asshole. That way you won’t get so butthurt, when people interpret characters in a way you don’t like. ESPECIALLY if they’re just trying to have fun.

Headcanons are theories you believe to be canon. Theories are informative guesses on a subject. Theories can be deconfirmed. Pixar said there were no LGBT characters. That deconfirms OP’s post. The word you were looking for was “AU” An Alternate Universe completely irrelevant from canon where they are LGBT.

But noticed no where in post I said “ It’s canon, it’s fact etc” if you honestly read my post that way it’s on you because if I didn’t  say those extra words my post clearly just my headcanon 

But canon or not why do you care so much @raptors-n-foxes my post no hurting nobody???

Also you’re still bisexual even if you are dating the opposite sex. 

I…never said that’s how bisexual worked. I should know, i’m fuckin bi.

But Helen Parr isn’t. As Pixar said, there are NO LGBT CHARACTERS in Incredibles 2. Does that make them homophobic? Fuck no!

It makes them writers, nothing else or more. 

Again point to me where I mention Pixar or characters being canon LGBT. Where did I say “ make it canon you cowards”???

 I say Helen is bi does my words mean law,no. Does my words all of sudden means it’s canon, NO. I personally see these characters having this sexuality, THAT’S IT. You decided hop on MY personal headcanon post

If I wanted to say Wiston Devor is asexual, i’m going to headcanon him that because I’m ace myself. Also people giving characters certain sexuality is nothing new in fandom and won’t die no time soon. Now go away please

Headcanons are for theories.

AU’s are for personal editions on characters

“Headcanons are for theories.AU’s are for personal editions on characters“

Says who??? It’s fiction it don’t matter. Why Helen being bi or Voyd being a lesbian got do with theories???

You wild and I’m done you bye bye 


lmao I love how @raptors-n-foxes ignored you asking for any evidence, like Pixar would ever say that

Helen being bi is great

the other girls being gay is great 👏 it’s not hurting anyone to let others have fun

Anonymous asked:

i’m so tired of non-survivors making dumbass posts about how antis should stop getting mad over “weird kinks”. incest is not a weird kink. pedophilia is not a weird kink. csa/cocsa is not a weird kink. these are things that ruin lives. things that have ruined MY life. y’all want to sit here and draw brothers fucking and write about kids being in relationships with adults and call it “romantic”.

I’m not sure if you’re blaming me for this, or if you’re just ranting considering I am a survivor. Regardless, people making art or whatever depicting these things are not causing it to happen or condoning it in real life. I don’t enjoy looking at the things you mentioned at all, they make me super uncomfortable, but they’re pretty easy to avoid and I don’t like repeating this dumb argument that violent video games = violence.

I’ve also never defended stuff like pedophilia or csa so idk why you’re blaming me there.

Anonymous asked:

did you like solo?

Yea? I think so. I didn't really have any expectations for it, so I was pleasantly surprised for the most part.


Things antis have said and done always seems to have some mirroring to the things the shitty things (fake fan) star wars fanboys(tm) do. You don’t have to like everything you come across in a fandom by any means but both groups always have to go the extra step to show how negative they are and make other people feel that way.


Don’t trick yourselves into thinking that antis and finn stans had anything to do with what happened to kmt. Yall know good damn and well that it was white racist grown ass men who harassed her, not ppl here on tumblr. If you’re claiming that antis and finn stans had anything to do with this, then you are purposely ignoring the issue at hand and you really don’t care about kmt.


Lmfao a lot antis and Finn stans have been saying shitty things about Rose and Kelly from the damn start, but ok! Work. Kelly has/had a tumblr, so she probably saw some of it, so don’t say it wasn’t people on tumblr. It was. It is. Great job deflecting the issue. Amazing work. It wasn’t just ‘racist grown ass men’ who harassed her.


Surprisingly, being jerks about characters to real people does have consequences. Obviously antis weren't the only reason for her feeling harassed but antis did help create a very toxic environment on this website for rose that could have lead to harassment. You definitely didn’t have nothing to do with it.


Wow, I haven't seen you in forever. How are you?!!


I’m doing good, I’ve been kind of taking a break from tumblr (and its very nice), I have been doing a lot better mentally and working more on personal projects haha!

Thank you for asking


Daily reminder

If you gonna accuse someone of very serious issue racism/pedophilla/etc

Have proof to back up your claim.

And I mean YOU show proof, don’t go “ this blog said this” No. You show me the damn proof yourself. If you can’t do that you making yourself look like fool.

I know tumblr place to believe something no questions asks, but that just won’t cut it


this is like reason 3914914 call-out culture is terrible. People will go on witchhunts and bully others over lies?


Yo maybe fuck off? I’ve been ria-ria for over two fucking years. There’s a hoard of people who can confirm I have NEVER been Racheymaybe. These screenshots are from a groupchat that I am, shocker!!  STILL in with the same people who kicked out nips and rachel: @reysistantis @dvrksister @njadakapanther @skip-is-tired @ghosttprincess (<–that’s the person who racheymaybe attacked btw and she fucking knows it wasn’t me!!) 

Check post limit about the age of this blog if that screenshot isn’t enough. The only other title this blog has been under is “reyloqualitytrash” in 2016 for about 2 or 3 weeks. 

Stop spreading goddamn lies because you can’t carry a stupid fucking argument. I’ve been asking every one to figure out when I said slurs because I can’t remember it (aka you gaslit me). No one has any memory of me doing these things that anyone other than antis. Real fucking fascinating.

I blocked you (and then unblocked you because you’re such a shit) like you asked. But seriously next time maybe use more than hearsay to throw out shit like this when ur argument is falling apart–kind of makes you look like a dick!  

Lastly asshat: Rachel’s selfie is IN THAT 2nd LINK where she’s being called out and and all it takes is a short search through my blog to find my fucking selfies where you’ll find I look nothing like her. 


I can confirm these two people are not the same, rey-is-ace has, like they said had this account for a long ass time and I’ve seen their selfies. Not the same person and its really weird for people to even try to say this? like whats the point.

(also I could be wrong here but I dont think the person they’re claming you are used slurs either-- there was a lot of posts with them but I dont think that ever happened. people definitely would have those receipts.)


antis literally gave themselves that name but go off I guess

yall whites need to stop ruining “go off” like every other piece of aave you put ur nasty fingers on

Shouldn’t you be busy yelling at people who’s parents have an age gap? Or did you get bored of doing that and decided to go back to being a regular embarrassment


First the word fam now this antis are wild

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