
•Scarlett Tonicwater•


Child of Jasper & Amethyst
Dancer & Witch in training
Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn Rising
Witch Tip #7

You ever feel like you wanna do something witchy but you can’t find anything specific to do? Ever have the urge to dable in the magicks but lack the motivation to do so? Trust me, I’ve been there soooo many times. It’s almost like you want to feel magickal without doing that much magick. And, honey, I GET IT. I haven’t done a spell or ritual in almost a year. In this day and age, I just can’t seem to gather enough energy to do so. Well, I found a neat and handy way to remedy that problem.

Whenever you feel the urge to be witchy but honestly don’t wanna expend that much energy... watch a witchy, fantasy, sci-fy, superhero, or supernatural TV show (Movies work too but I’ve found TV shows work better because of how lengthy they are). Seeing all the magick, heroism and mysticism before your very eyes will suck you into the TV Show’s storyline (if it’s a good TV show at least). You’ll almost feel as if you’re experiencing all the adventures the main characters go through. You’ll feel witchy, brave, and magickal without ever leaving your bed or couch.

Now, 9/10 times, you’ll enjoy what you’re watching so much that it’ll make you want to binge the entire show. In doing so, you’ll be constantly getting that warm witchy-esque feeling in your heart. Eventually, the warm feeling will transform into a sense of motivation. Almost out of nowhere, you’ll start thinking about spells & rituals. You’ll start feeling all that energy you’ve always had within you & it’ll send you head-first right into your craft. And, trust me, soon enough you’ll feel like a boss ass witch who’s got all this magick.

FYI: I’ve been re-watching the OG Charmed (if you couldn’t tell from all the gifs I’ve been reblogging) and it’s really motivated and inspired me to work on my craft. I’m so ready to go and kick some demon-ass. Lmfaoooo. I’m about to look through some of my spell books and update my grimoire. I haven’t done it in so long, I feel so proud of me-self and my witchy vibes. If y’all haven’t seen the OG Chamed - THEN PLEASE GO WATCH!!! You won’t regret, I swear. This is my third time re-watching and I love them all so hecking much.

Magick is hard. I’ve learned the hard way that in order to do any type of magick, you need to be confident in what you’re doing and feel centered and at peace. And, sometimes, that’s just a hard thing to feel. Life is like hella crazy & weird and sometimes it’s hard to separate the negative thoughts from my body. But, I’m trying harder everyday and little by little… I think I’m getting better at this magick thing.
Sometimes I just don’t get Tommy Evans. We’ve been friends since Kindergarten and I’ve liked him since then. I mean, he comes and goes a lot because of his dad’s demanding job & now because he’s working at the same company. But, every time I see him, it’s like no time has passed. He’ll let me lay on his lap & he’ll stroke my hair but the moment we lock eyes, he breaks the moment and asks me to sit up because his legs are getting stiff. He’s so confusing, really. I wish there was a spell to get inside his big head and figure out what he’s thinking.
Who is Scarlett? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hello All! I know I only have a couple followers here but I just wanted to clarify who I am & who Scarlett is.

  • So, Scarlett TonicWater/Rodriguez is a fictional character that I created.
  • She’s the main lead in my original sitcom “Stuck in the Broom Closet”.
  • The reason I gave her a tumblr is merely because it helps me stay inspired and write more of SITBC. I currently have my pilot and 7 pages of episode 2 done; I’m aiming to have five complete episodes by July.
  • I, however, am a real-life witch. So, Scarlett and I are pretty much the same person; she’s just a little cooler.
  • I also made this account so I could feel more of the confidence she carries herself with because one day I hope to portray her whenever my show gets picked up and aired. So, I guess you could say this whole account is my own law of attraction spell. Neat-o!
  • If you wanna follow the real me. I’m @eclectic-snowwitch ! I post witchy memes, spells, tips, journal entries & more 💕
  • That’s all folks!

'out there doing it'

aries: spreading joy, exuding energy, running their mouth with ideas and inspiration for fun things to do
taurus: such an enamoring personality, hitting us with excellent personal taste, offering a chill presence
gemini: making the room laugh, offering new perspectives and witty jokes, taking us to random places
cancer: adorably smiling, inducing love in everyone around them, spreading good vibes
leo: glowing, shining, making the world a happier place, making sure everyone feels good
virgo: effortlessly taking care of people's problems, coming up with solutions, healing our spirits
libra: stunning everyone, chatting in the most delightful manner, giving off pleasant vibes
scorpio: lounging, intimidating weak men on purpose, getting people into you with a simple gaze
sagittarius: pulling off jokes no one else can, wisecracking, spitting the truth with a cute smile
capricorn: slipping in hilariously dark jokes, working hard, rising above, teaching us to become greater
aquarius: charming the crowds, impressing us with their originality, standing up for the real issues
pisces: exuding creativity and mysticism, caring for everyone, making bold leaps in the name of love and art

things your sign doesn't get enough credit for

Aries: putting 100% into the people they care about
Taurus: being focused and super hard-working
Gemini: twisting situations in favor of their loved ones
Cancer: being really strong under pressure
Leo: always making sure everyone around them is happy
Virgo: their motherly nature and healing abilities
Libra: the amount of emotional labor they do for others
Scorpio: how much they bury within to keep the peace
Sagittarius: their unhesitant generosity
Capricorn: their wicked sense of humor
Aquarius: their kindness, humanity and love for people
Pisces: their high intelligence and mental dexterity

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my- 

Aries: ability to make last-minute plans when a sudden urge to go out pops up, and my lack of patience for people who can’t decide where to go

Taurus: secret sensitivity under a tough layer of unflappability, and inability to focus on anything else when i’m in a bad mood 

Gemini: habit of distracting myself with random things that catch my eye, but demanding your attention nonetheless

Cancer: unexpected lashing out when i’m tired or stressed, then 1 hour later, my constant apologies to know if we’re still okay 

Leo: need for our relationship to be a whirlwind romance full of sweeping moments, love confessions and emotional rollercoasters

Virgo: need to be alone after minor work failures and also an intense desire for you to distract me from the pressing daily issues that haunt me

Libra: ability to spend a discretionary fund on vanity products and clothing within 30 minutes as a distraction from personal, deep-rooted issues

Scorpio: “you’ll never see me cry” mentality coupled with an expectation that you, too, would kill for our love, like I would

Sagittarius: reluctance to rely on you for anything and extreme discomfort when talking about deeper emotions

Capricorn: carefully planned schedule and working routine that i will not abandon for an hour of spontaneous romance 

Aquarius: extremely friendly approach to romance because of my fear of opening up on a deeper level

Pisces: need to fully experience every human emotion ever and fluctuating emotional states depending on who’s around me 


How do you make decisions?

Based on emotions: Cancer, Pisces, Aries
Based on facts: Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn
Based on experience: Leo, Scorpio, Virgo
"Do I really have to decide?": Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Never have I ever

♈ Aries: Backed down from a challenge
♉ Taurus: Lost the string of thought in an argument
♊ Gemini: Stopped myself from engaging in a debate
♋ Cancer: Ignored my gut feelings
♌ Leo: Given less than 100% of me
♍ Virgo: Left a task unfinished
♎ Libra: Said no to a loved one
♏ Scorpio: Not learned from my mistakes
♐ Sagittarius: Said no to unexpected plans/invitations
♑ Capricorn: Fallen for mind games
♒ Aquarius: Not had an opinion about something
♓ Pisces: Put pride over love
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