
legendarium off the leash

@welcometolotr / welcometolotr.tumblr.com

lord of the rings, silmarillion, hobbit, and children of hurin art from canon and headcanon. my art is tagged #welcometolotr
when galadriel feels lonely, or unsure, or just needs the certainty of a mother’s love - she sometimes thinks she can feel eärwen hovering just behind her, wise words floating in the air. 
when she falls pregnant with celebrían, it is once again her mother she thinks of, and the words come to her as if through a veil of ocean mist:
some things must be left up to fate, darling - as much as it would comfort you to control them all.

My favorite theory I think is the one where Gil-Galad is actually Elured. Bc canon doriath makes me hella mad and sad. also yes, the firefly motif is just gonna be everywhere. because I said so.


Bilbo barely passed Old Took's record lifespan after having a supernaturally-life-extending ring for 60 years. which begs a question. what the hell did Old Took do

I have a theory that somewhere back up the line gandalf fucked a took. This sounds like complete crack but hear me out. The tooks are rumored to have “fairy blood” which in LOTR terms means either elves or maia. There is an ancestor who’s unusually tall and many of them are noted to live unusually long lives unless they meet with illness or injury, same as the numenorians did. They don’t hve extra pointy ears and elves don’t have a special interest in the line. But who DOES have a special interest in looking after tooks (and bilbo who is a took on his mother’s side/his adopted son frodo)? Gandalf. That dude is ALWAYS fussing over some silly little guy. He regularly brought the old took birthday presents.

Back in the day some bold hobbitess decided to climb that old man and ever since then gandalf has been looking after his line of tiny crazy bastards and no one will convince me otherwise.


2023 in Tolkien art: 16 pieces

~all images are captioned with the characters~

Whoops, I really didn't draw much last year (and none after August, oops)! My dissertation proposal was approved that month so I suppose I must have dived into research. I feel like I'm finally starting to hit a stride I really like in depicting characters & line weights, but only partially - so I'll be about 30% satisfied with a piece but 100% satisfied with a particular figure. 😅 I did try to challenge myself with more creative poses & multiple-figure pieces this year, and definitely have seen some improvement!

Previous years in art:

2023: 16 pieces

"I will see thee again one day."

Day 5 (Fall of Gondolin | The Balrog | Battle) for @glorfindelweek!

so does anybody remember when i drew a fluffy glorfindel and ecthelion piece and said i had an angstier sequel. and then i never finished it. here it is three and a half years later


One of my favorite Elrond headcanons is the idea that he starts out looking very much human and elvish. He has ears too pointed to be a man's, but not nearly long enough to be an elf's, his father's (grandfather's, really) blue eyes and brown hair that shines like an elf's, but gets tangled far too often.

Sure, some weird things happen around Elrond as a child– the birds that seems to follow him, the way some injuries mysteriously resolve in his prescense, the unusual flowers that bloom outside his windows– but really, it's easy to see those as distant remnants of an ainuric power that Elrond clearly didn't inherit. When he comes to Gil-Galad's camp, it's much easier for them to see Tuor or Beren in him than it is to think he's descended from Melian.

But then time passes. The changes are slow enough– happening over decades or centuries– that no one really notices at first. Elrond's hair darkens until it is as black as the night sky– as black as Luthien's was. His eyes leach color until they are gray– not Noldor gray, mind, but a strange, starry gray that some of the Iathrim whisper about. His voice changes, almost seems to take on an echo of itself, sometimes.

The strange things that happen around him only get stranger– the trees bend to shelter him, during storms, and sometimes when he sings, the birds sing with him. Elrond got a cat, right at the start of the Second Age– a gift from Gil-Galad. Somehow, it never seems to grow old or die. The parts of Lindon Elrond most often visits always seem to be in full bloom, no matter what season it is. His healing abilities surpass what is to be expected of a man– an elf– eventually, of what seems possible at all.

At the end of the First Age, it would've been hard to believe Elrond had more than a trickle of ainur blood in him. By the beginning of the Third Age, many have started to whisper about Rivendell– a new Doriath, ruled by a Maiarin lord with all Melian's grace, and her eccentricities.

Elrond doesn't realize just how much he's changed until the day, late in the Third Age, when he finds Maglor wandering on the shoreline. Nothing he says will convince Maglor that he isn't Luthien's spirit, returned from death to haunt him.


When a mysterious handsome man appears in your sect 🤔

#LiuJiu (but i'm going to give SJ an old hot Liu. he deserves to be spoiled)

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